The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 621

Lin Feng came to the kite festival partly because of the vampire.

He asked long Xiaoqian: "first of all, I would like to ask you, this time to participate in the kite competition, everyone to Kite Square, will register in real name?"

"No, only the guests will register in real name. The audience will come at will and no one will manage it!" Long Xiaoqian said.

Lin Feng sighed. It seems that it is impossible to find the person who stole the blood jade from the register. He can only trace it through Lao Hu.

"Let me ask you again, you hired a vampire to kill me in the fourth day meeting. As far as I know, the vampire is a half tooth vampire of the Brad family. Do you have a close relationship with the Brad family?" Lin Feng asked.

"That's not true. I have a very general relationship with them." Long Xiao Qian Dao.

"Then why did you hire vampires? As far as I know, vampires are very arrogant and indifferent! " Lin Feng Road.

"Well, it was naguer who found me on his own initiative." Long Xiaoqian did not want to be the enemy of Lin Feng. He said, "do you still remember the support group?"

"Of course I remember it!" Lin Feng said: "do you invite the vampire Gul, has something to do with the backers?"

"Yes Long Xiaoqian said: "there have been several capable people in the mountain support group. One of them, Taotie, is a disabled person. He used to serve in the holy body army before. There is also a hundred mile old girl who is a practitioner of yin and Yang. Both of them are very strong. I believe you have a deep impression on them."

"Of course I know!" Lin Feng can guess what long Xiaoqian is going to say.

Long Xiaoqian said with a smile: "Baili Tongmu and Taotie are servants of the Brad family. The Brad family wanted to get blood jade, so they sent servants to Jincheng first, because the two servants were Chinese, and they knew the local conditions and customs of China better! But they were so conceited that they thought that they could handle this matter with a servant, but they did not expect that they died in China one after another

After the death of two servants, the Brad organization began to attach importance to it and sent Gul, a new vampire in the family, to Huaxia. But I don't want to, but Gul is defeated by you

Then, long Xiaoqian hands spread: "this is the case, I can tell you the truth!"

"Oh, that's what happened!" Lin Feng nodded.

It's really hard to find a place to find. I once racked my brains to figure out which organization the mysterious organization was, and asked Lao Hu to track down the background of Taotie and Baili Tongmu. I didn't expect to have a chat with long Xiaoqian today, and all of them were solved.

That mysterious organization, it turned out to be the Brad family.

The Brad family wanted to get the blood jade, so they sent for it again and again.

I didn't expect that the blood jade was so popular that it even attracted the attention of the Brad family.

The Brad family is the second vampire family in Western Europe.

But as long as the blood jade moves the mind person, is own enemy, regardless of in the formidable, Lin Feng also will not have the slightest fear heart.

Although there are many talented people in the Brad family, Lin Feng is not afraid to come. If you dare to come, I will make you never come back.

"The body of nagur, have you found it?" Lin Feng asked.

"I didn't find it either!" Long Xiaoqian said: "I almost searched the whole Jincheng City, but I didn't find it."

"When the body was lost, did the people of your Longkou group not notice it?" Lin Feng wondered.

"Yes Long Xiaoqian said: "I have several younger brothers who have seen the person who stole the body. They said that the man was very quick. He jumped down from the beam of the house. He carried the corpse and went over the wall. Several ups and downs disappeared! I asked them what they looked like, they said like a wolf! Wolf head, I was scared by the thief

Lin Feng frowned when he heard that. He thought that the group was right. It should be a werewolf. In this way, Gul must be dead.

Because Lin Feng checked some Western European history, werewolves and vampires have been irreconcilable since ancient times, so the wolf family and the Brad family must have been antagonistic for thousands of years.

So, is it the wolf family who appeared and killed Gul while it was dormant?

Very likely!

But Lin Feng didn't care about it. The fight between the two families had nothing to do with him. He had to find the clue of blood jade, solve the riddle of poem and find the blood jade.

After that, Lin Feng chatted with Jin Fenghuang and Chu Yuqi.

Chu Yuqi has graduated. Now she is a graduate student. She has just passed the entrance examination. She is a commercial university in Songjiang City, which is in the university town of Songjiang city.

So Lin Feng naturally invited Chu Yuqi to his villa and became another tenant of his.

He thought carefully, now his villa, there are five goddess level characters!Su Jing, the president of domineering beauty, Jin Lengyu, Jin Lengyu, Wei Yichen, Wei Yicheng, Wei Yichen, the elder sister of the powerful society, and Shen man, the stubborn police flower.

Chuyuqi, a college student with a baby face and huge breasts, mm-hmm, quite good.

Goddess Utopia, is really full of fragrant female hormones, let Lin Feng think about all comfortable.

By the way, although Jin Fenghuang is in Jincheng, he has to leave a room for him to do business in Songjiang. In this way, there is another old-fashioned model beauty sister, Jin Fenghuang.

In this way, there are already seven beauties in the goddess Utopia, each with its own style, which is really eye-catching.

Then, Lin Feng thought of the blonde boss of the French style restaurant, and he would make some more of them, both Chinese and western, both at home and abroad.

He told Jin Fenghuang about leaving her a room. After that, Lin Feng said goodbye to Jin Fenghuang and returned to Songjiang city with mice.

After returning to the villa, Lin Feng hung the dart at the head of his bed, then fell asleep and slept for the whole afternoon until 90 o'clock in the evening.

After he got up, he ate something in the refrigerator, made a big cross legged work, and planned to practice.

However, at the same time, outside the villa, a dark shadow came quietly, hiding in a distance of several hundred meters from the villa.

The man looked at the villa carefully, and then opened it with a large pot in his hand.

I saw a pile of small insects crawling out of the pot.

The man in black took out a black stone from his clothes. The stone was hollow and had an opening. He blew at the stone, and even sent out a melodious tune.

Hearing this sound, those dense insects, as if got some order, quickly climbed toward the villa of Linfeng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!