The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 620

When the kites were colorful, they were competing to fly to the sky. Because of the refraction of the sun light, Lin Feng felt that there was a metal in the abdomen of one of the pupae kites, which reflected the light. His eyes couldn't be opened in a moment.

But it was just a moment, and it was over.

That kite was concerned by Lin Feng. After all, all kites are beautiful swallows. Eagle, why is there a silkworm pupa kite here?

What's more strange is, how can the kite's abdomen refract light? Is it your own illusion?

Impossible, just now that dazzling light really let oneself not open eyes!

Lin Feng picked up the telescope on the table and looked at the chrysalis kite.

I saw that the higher the silkworm kite flew over, the belly of the pupa was very smooth, but when it reached the high altitude, the wind became bigger, he found that the belly of the baby silkworm was bulging.

Because the silk material of the silkworm pupa kite is smooth, the kite abdomen is bulging, making the silk tighter and the surface more bright, so it refracts the light and stabs the eyes of Lin Feng.

Just, what is on the belly of the pupa? This thing is very attractive to Lin Feng.

The telescope is too vague to be replaced by a clearer one.

Lin Feng reached out and took out the telescope in front of longxiaoqian, which is almost comparable to the telescope.

He adjusted the focus and looked at the past. At this time, but see strong wind blowing open a layer of silk in the belly of the silkworm chrysalis kite, silk like two sides open, into two white wings!

"Wow! Look, that baby silkworm is going to change! " Someone pointed to the sky.

Because these kites are old and can not fly too high, the following people can vaguely see changes, but can not see the specific appearance.

Then, the belly of the pupa was lifted by the wind again, which was lifted and turned into more gorgeous wings.

"So, I said how to fly a silkworm pupa in the sky. This kite is not simple. It is a cocoon to butterfly! You see, the wings on both sides of the kite are colorful, and they are about to become a butterfly! " The Golden Phoenix pointed to the kite, and said to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is holding a telescope and observing it carefully.

At this time, the silkworm kite abdomen, the last layer of wings bloom, fully open, into a butterfly.

"Wow, it's beautiful!" "You look at that kite, and the kite is really talented," said Jin Fenghuang to Lin Feng! I can think of cocoon and butterfly! "

At this time, Lin Feng eyes beads are straight, because he found in the telescope, which made him extremely shocked.

Just when the pupa was completely open and became a butterfly, his abdomen was all open, and a piece of jade appeared.

That's the fourth clue to the blood jade!

Four clues of blood jade, one in fire, one in water, one in the ground, one in the sky.

The clue in the fire was found at the eruption of Fuhu peak in Lingyun mountain, north of the city.

The clue in the water was found in the crescent lake of Phoenix, south of the city.

The clue underground, which is found in Dongsheng mining company's mine cave, is in the east of the city.

And this clue, in the west of the city, Kite Square, in the sky!

No bad, it's all in line!

Lin Feng immediately excited fist clenched, no wonder old Hu found that clue in Kite Square, really here!

If the kite doesn't go to the sky, no one will see this thing in its abdomen.

Of course, even if it is put in the sky, few people can see it. One is too far away. Without such a clear telescope, it is unclear. Secondly, everyone is paying attention to the gorgeous butterfly wings. No one pays attention to the abdomen or a small thing.

If it wasn't for a moment, the wind blew up a piece of abdomen, and the refraction light was dangling to the forest peak, and Lin Feng would not have noticed the clue.

It seems that there are certain numbers in the dark. Blood jade should be my forest home!

Lin Feng said that he jumped down and went directly to the person who controlled the Butterfly Kite and said, "can I fly this kite?"

"Sorry, I'm afraid not! No one can touch these kites! " The player said sorry.

"Oh, OK!" Lin Feng said, but did not leave, standing next to the contestant, escort.

The kite flies to a certain height, and it will not be set out any more, only for everyone to watch.

Lin Feng is here to keep the person. He wants to wait for the kite to be collected, and he will get the jade first time.

Waiting is a very long and painful process, and Lin Feng never thought the time passed so slowly.

Finally, all the players began to close the line, the butterfly kite was getting closer and closer, and when it fell to hundreds of meters, the butterfly's wings curled back and then restored the previous pupa shape.

No wonder everyone can't find this clue. It turns out that it is open only when it is in the sky.Looking at the kite with a height of several hundred meters, Lin Feng was very happy. If he got this clue again, he already had three clues.

However, an accident happened.

I saw a dart flying towards this side, quickly across Lin Feng's eyes, and then with a "thump" sound, nailed to the side of the table on the rostrum.


Lin Feng's first reaction was that someone wanted to assassinate him!

But the next second, he knew the man's real purpose.

The dart didn't come here just to kill someone, but to cut the kite line.

The line was broken and the kite was flying. The contestant, with a strong inertia, sat down on the ground with a loud "ah" cry, which attracted all the people present?

"The kite line is broken!"

"Chase the kite!"

Everyone rushed towards the direction of the kite falling. For a moment, the scene was extremely chaotic.

Lin Feng also shuttled from the crowd and ran to the kite as fast as he could. But he saw a man in black step up to the kite first, reached for the kite, and then galloped forward with great speed.

Lin Feng ran to the kite and found that the belly of the kite had been hollowed out.


Lin Feng ran after him, but the man disappeared in an instant, as if he had already made a plan to escape.

"Damn it! Let him run away Lin Feng punched the trees by the road, shaking the leaves down!

However, he suddenly had a light in his head, and he quickly turned back to the rostrum and pulled out the dart.

The dart is a month and a half shape, the whole body is chapped black, but it is very sharp.

He had never seen this kind of dart, but he knew that once he could find out who was using it, the clue of blood jade would be found.

Therefore, the other side must not escape!

Lin Feng took a picture of the dart. He wanted to return his hair to Lao Hu and let him check it.

After all, the resources behind Lao Hu are strong, and Lin Feng is not willing to work hard on his own.

After sending the photo to Lao Hu, Lin Feng came to long Xiaoqian's side: "a long, come on, let's take a picture together!"

"Oh, that's great!" Long Xiaoqian happily takes out his mobile phone.

"But before I take a picture, I have a few questions for you. Please answer them truthfully." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Ask me?" Long Xiaoqian pointed to himself, and then said: "you ask, I am sure to answer truthfully!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!