The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 619

People were shocked to see this scene.

Many people came to the kite competition today to see Lin Feng, but they were disappointed that Lin Feng didn't come.

Unexpectedly, at the end of the second link, Lin Feng suddenly appeared.

What's more, Lin Feng has been lurking in the team of Commercial University. They watched Lin Feng fly the kite with their own eyes and won the championship.

I have to say, this Lin Feng is really all rounder. In his legendary history, he will add another stroke, the champion of kite competition.

Some other little beauties screamed and took pictures of Lin Feng with their mobile phones. If it wasn't for the security guards, they would surely rush in.

"Lin Feng, how handsome!"

"Lin Feng, I love you, I love you to death! Ah -- "

" Lin Feng, could you take a picture with me? Please


the little beauty below cried and was very excited.

When Lin Feng's story spread all over Jincheng, it was really legendary. Just like the captain of the United States suddenly appeared on the street of the United States, everyone else was eager to worship him.

In particular, Lin Feng's handsome appearance and ruffian smile killed many girls' hearts.

Jin Fenghuang said to Lin Feng, "you drink, your popularity is unprecedented. You are more popular than me!"

"Well, as I said, even if I try to keep a low profile, a man like me can't cover up his own light. I can't help it. I'm miserable to be worshipped by so many people." Lin Feng spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Ah The Golden Phoenix is full of black lines, completely speechless.

But at this time, Liu Cheng and others were all shocked. Especially Liu Cheng, watching Lin Feng walk onto the stage, scowling with Jin Fenghuang and yelling at long Xiaoqian. He knew that this time it was over and provoked big people.

He felt a cool breath from the sole of his feet to the sky. Was he really blind? Why can offend Lin Feng, that is the existence of terror!

Liu Cheng crawled toward Lin Feng, shouting: "brother Lin Feng, I have no eyes. Please forgive me, I am wrong!"

Hearing Liu Cheng howl, long Xiaoqian turned to the security guard and said, "let them get out of here. It's disgraceful."

The security guard pulled Liu Cheng and other team members out, but Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "wait, don't drive them away!"

"Thank you, brother Lin Feng. I was wrong. I have no eyes. I want to apologize to you." Liu Cheng said he was going to walk towards Lin Feng.

"I don't have to apologize. I don't care about you at all!" Lin Feng smile: "however, you have to apologize to them!"

Lin Feng points to Xi Xi and Xiao AI.

"OK, OK, brother Lin Feng, whatever you say, I will do it!" Liu Cheng quickly turned his head and apologized to Xiao AI and Xi Xi: "two beauties, I'm wrong, I'm a jerk, I shouldn't laugh at you!"

"Not sincere! Get down on your knees and apologize Lin Feng called out.


Liu Cheng immediately knelt on the ground, and the rest of the people also followed.

"Kowtow!" "Don't stand up if you don't bleed on your forehead!" Lin Feng called

"Yes, yes!" Liu Cheng kowtowed to Xi Xi and Xiao AI: "I'm wrong, bang! I'm wrong, Bang... "

it's still rhythmic.

It wasn't until blood oozed from their foreheads.

"OK, remember not to bully people in the future, get out of here!" Lin Feng said.

"Brother Lin Feng, can I take a picture with you? Give me a signature Liu Cheng said.

"You think too much, get out of here, or I'll hit you!" Lin Feng cheered.


Liu Cheng saw that Lin Feng was angry. He was so scared that he ran away with the rest of the people.

Xi Xi and Xiao AI feel that they are almost praised to the sky. They feel that their life has reached the climax and peak, which is... Too cool!

What's more, with so many people watching today, many people also took photos of the scene just now. It will be heard in the future that Liu Cheng kneels down to Xi Xi's little AI, and Xi Xi and Xiao AI are supported by Lin Feng. Then life in the future is not just open?

That's great!

Xi Xi and Xiao AI want to rush up and hug Lin Feng for another kiss.

However, the rostrum is not an audience seat. There are security guards in the middle. They can only look at Lin Feng eagerly. I really regret that when we fly kites with Lin Feng, we don't have any money to spare!

The farce just now is over, and the business team of the kite competition has won the championship.

Chu Yuqi looked at Lin Feng with a smile. Lin Feng called out to her, "are you happy?"

"Happy!" Chu Yuqi smiles sweetly, very moving.

Then, to Lin Feng than a heart, let everyone see is also a burst of jealousy.

But Chu Yuqi, such a beautiful girl with a big breast, is normal to be with Lin Feng.

However, the Golden Phoenix said with a smile: "Lin Feng, that little girl has a good figure. Do you have any idea?""Yes Lin Feng said with a smile: "I've thought about all the postures. She will not refuse."

"Hooligan!" Golden Phoenix angry, even if she again atmosphere, or jealous.

Lin Feng looked at her like that and said with a smile: "sister Jin, you and I have decided on any posture. I'll wait for you to come to my bed! Ha ha ha

"Villain!" The Golden Phoenix stretched out his hand and pinched Lin Feng, but his face was red to the root of his neck. He felt itchy in his heart, but he was extremely comfortable.

After seeing Lin Feng, many leaders of relevant departments of the government scrambled to take photos with Lin Feng. After all, this young man is a model of young people in Jincheng. He is very popular with the public. Taking pictures with this guy can also improve his image.

Lin Feng didn't refuse, and he took all of them.

Then, long Xiaoqian took the mobile phone shivering to come up, "Lin Feng, that what, it's time for us to take a picture!"

"Go away, I'm tired of you now. I'll shoot you when I'm in a good mood!" Lin Feng refused mercilessly.

"Oh, all right!" Long Xiaoqian lost for a while, and quickly returned to the chair, because the next Kite Festival's last show is coming.

The last part of kite flying!

Those kites are sealed in the basement of Kite Square for a long time, and they are taken out to fly every year.

Many kites are so old and eroded by years that they dare not fly too high. Some kites can only fly after being repaired later.

Those who fly these kites are all winners of previous kite festivals.

There are about a dozen kites, each holding one, flying in the slow and melodious music.

At the same time, the salute was fired in unison, and the officials delivered a closing speech to wish the people of Jincheng a happy and healthy life forever.

A perfect Kite Festival is coming to an end.

However, at this time, Lin Feng found another scene that he was extremely surprised and excited! , the fastest update of the webnovel!