The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 61

Lin Feng slowly walked to Lei Hong and jokingly said, "bald ass, you see what you've done. How can such a beautiful woman treat you like this? Do you know how to show mercy and cherish jade?"

As he walked, he wiped the blood from his hands with a tissue.

Lei Hong's eyes are firmly fixed on Lin Feng, holding the foil with him in his hand. As long as the sword is around, he has infinite confidence.

"Lin Feng, don't be too arrogant. Today is the base camp of my wolf club. As long as I give an order, you can't get out of here alive!"

Although the white wolf was beaten and maimed, Lei Hong still had six other wolves to help him. The other six people, each of them, was no worse than the white wolf. The strength of the six teams was even greater than that of the white wolf. He was quite sure to deal with Lin Feng.

"Oh, what a big voice! Can't I get out of here alive? OK, then I won't go! I live here! " Lin Feng joked.

"Hum! Then I will let you live here forever Lei Hong waved his hand behind him and yelled: "all six of you, give it to me together, don't leave any alive!"

The remaining six of the seven wolves were already ready to go. When Lei Hong waved, they killed Lin Feng one after another.

The seven wolves are different from the normal fighters. They are all made in the fire of war. Therefore, they are very experienced in actual combat. Fighting with people is also lethal.

They have just seen Lin Feng's skills and come to the conclusion that Lin Feng is fast and powerful. However, the six of them have never been afraid of anyone.

As time goes by, six people arrive in front of Lin Feng in an instant and attack Lin Feng one after another.

The six men were very fast, and the shadows of their fists and feet were disordered and the people who saw them were dazzled.

Tang Dongsheng and others knead a sweat for Lin Feng. The security guards who were beaten down know the power of these people and pray for Lin Feng in their hearts.

At the moment, Lin Feng is their only straw. If Lin Feng breaks, they will have to waste it.

The six men were getting faster and faster. Their naked eyes could hardly recognize them. If they were ordinary people, they would be beaten into blood gourds.

But at this time, only listen to the "crackling" of a burst of impact, is Lin Feng standing there, left block right to avoid the sound, half a minute later, Lin Feng is still uninjured.

The layman looks at the scene, the expert sees the way.

Seeing this, Wu Bo felt very guilty.

Because he saw that Lin Feng did not move half a step from the beginning to the end when he parried the attack of seven wolves.

How powerful is this? Wu Bo was shocked.

Any of the six of the seven wolves could defeat Wu Bo completely, but Lin Feng was able to parry six at the same time.

Did Lin Feng show mercy to himself that day?

It must be, or he would have killed him in the black market that day.

Wu Bo Yue thought more and more scared, spine straight out of cold air.

And Lei Hong seemed to understand this. His brow was locked, and he was no longer as relaxed as before.

At this time, Lin Feng tried to block the attack of the six men. He retreated a few meters away and calmly said with a smile: "it's been a minute. Are you all capable of this?"

The six could not help panting. Seeing Lin Feng's composure, they could not help feeling anxious.

Lin Feng twisted his neck, clenched his hands, moved his wrists, raised his eyebrows and said, "I gave you the chance, but you are too weak! Now, it's time to see me perform! "

As soon as the words fell, Lin Feng rushed to the nearest one, shouting: "6 --"

everyone didn't respond. However, the man had been hit by Lin Feng and his stomach was sunken. He vomited blood and flew back.

"5 -"

Lin Feng burst into a drink and swept at the other man's waist. The man seemed to be on guard, but he couldn't keep up with his speed and had not yet put in the correct defensive posture. He had been kicked in the waist by Lin Feng for a long time, and the whole person was like a bent stick and fell heavily on the ground.

"4 -"

Lin Feng landed on the ground with one foot and chopped the other foot at the head of another.

The man put his hands on the top of his head, but he couldn't block Lin Feng's powerful leg. His arm was bent in a strange arc, and his legs could not bear the weight. In an instant, he knelt on the ground and his knees were smashed.

"3-2-1 --"

then, Lin Feng roared out three numbers, his hands and feet didn't stop, his fists and fists reached the flesh, his legs didn't empty hair, and he hit the target in a moment, and they all fell to the ground in pain.

At this time, Lin Feng stood in a handsome posture, and the first person who was kicked to fly fell behind him and fell to the ground with a thump.

In less than two seconds, six real combat experts were instantly disabled by Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng shook his head, as if he was not satisfied with his performance: "well, the game played too long last night, a bit of a mistake, and the expected time, 0.1 second difference ah!"Even the fighting time is accurate to one decimal place. Is it such an exaggeration?

The people around him fell into a state of madness.

Especially Xia Ming, one of the security guards, immediately cheered and yelled: "brother Feng, Niu B, brother Feng, too Niu B!"

Driven by Xia Ming, the other security guards are shouting and cheering. Although they are still tied up, they have seen the hope, or they have been unscrupulous.

With the support of Lin Feng, they can be lawless and arrogant. This feeling is so cool.

Tang Dongsheng also nodded repeatedly and praised him in his heart. No wonder Laohu asked himself to treat this little ancestor well. It seems that Laohu's words are not empty words!

Fortunately, Lin Feng is not his opponent, if he is the opponent of Dongsheng Group, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

"Rehun, is this your seven wolves?" Lin Feng sneered: "the level is too poor? I almost fell asleep just now

Lei Hong couldn't calm down any longer. He said to Wu Bo on one side: "you give it to me, go up!"

Wu Bo's thigh is shaking. He was beaten last time, but his injury is still not good. What's more, he has already seen Lin Feng's strength. If he goes up, he will kill him with an egg!

Wu BOCAI is not so stupid. He is always cheating on his horse. He can see that Lei Hong is already a strong man in the outside world and a big man in the middle. Is it necessary for me to listen to you again?

As soon as Wu Bo's eyes turned, he quickly said, "Oh, my old man has a stomachache. He ate his stomach yesterday. Brother Lin Feng is so bad that he will visit another day. Oh, no, it's killing me!"

Finish saying, hold stomach, run toward the outside, even throw crutches.

But after a few steps, he ran back with his stomach in his arms, and asked Lin Feng in embarrassment: "brother Lin Feng? What do you mean by that? I don't have a grudge against you. Let your people get out of the way

As he pointed to the direction, we look at the past, there are already two people at the door, one is a beggar jeans, head with a green hat of the computer wizard - mouse.

The other is Wei Yicheng, the racing queen of the invincible beauty girl and super little sister.

As soon as these two people appeared, they not only drove Wu Bo back, but also quietly pulled out a pair of couplets.

The mouse holds the first couplet: the elder brother says don't run, you don't run and you don't run

Wei Yichen wins the second couplet: the elder brother says no, it can't be done either

then, the two people draw out the horizontal Criticism: no one can run, no one can accept it!

This is the work of mouse brain hole. He likes to pull banners, do things and create atmosphere.

He has always been happy in this, this time even Wei Yicheng was taken by him to deviate!

Then the mouse pointed to Wu Bo and asked in a loud voice, "old man, are you still running? Are you going to take it or not? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!