The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 618

The host and long Xiaoqian quickly stepped down from the stage, went to Liu Cheng and asked, "what you said is true?"

"Of course, I hate cheating the most. Originally, a member of the business team was late, and they should be disqualified from the competition, but they added another person to play temporarily, and that person helped them win the championship!" Liu Cheng said, pointing to Lin Feng.

At this time, the brim of Lin Feng's hat was low. Everyone could only see the lower half of his face, so long Xiaoqian did not recognize Lin Feng.

Long Xiaoqian asked, "where is the leader of the Shang brigade? Come forward and explain it to me!"

Chu Yuqi said, "I... something happened on my way, so I was late for the game."

"Hum! Then you will be disqualified from the competition, and we will grade again! " Long Xiaoqian said.

"Wait!" "I have something to say," said Lin Feng

"Well?" Long Xiaoqian listened to this tone a little familiar, but can not remember who it is, then did not think much, said: "what do you want to say?"

"If the other party says we cheat, then I'll sue him for cheating!" Lin Feng said.

"What's going on?" Long Xiaoqian asked.

Lin Feng waved his hand, and the mouse came forward and said, "well, Chu Yuqi took a taxi to race, but the taxi hit a bicycle in the middle of the way. Two people got on and off the bicycle, pestering the taxi and not letting the people in the car get down. He said that all the people on the car should be responsible for the accident. Then, after my investigation, I found that the cyclist was two students from Jincheng Institute of physical education. Then I retrieved the surveillance video and found that the two of them deliberately touched porcelain, so I had to call the police to arrest them. As soon as they were afraid, they told the truth! "

"What's the truth?" Long Xiaoqian asked.

"The two of them were classmates of the kite team leader of the Institute of physical education. They were hired by the captain to intercept Chu Yuqi, so as not to let Chu Yuqi participate in the competition smoothly! That's why Chu Yuqi is late! " "They are so mean!" said the mouse

"How could such a thing happen?" Long Xiaoqian looks at the members of the sports college team.

"I..." Liu Cheng is scared of a shiver, did not expect his plan to reveal the stuffing.

"Me what me? Do you still want to quibble? " Lin Feng said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Liu Cheng was furious. If this man hadn't appeared today, they wouldn't have lost the game, and their plot would not have been revealed. It's all because of this man.

Liu Chengping was used to being arrogant and domineering. At present, the hot blood of Qi was surging up, and he rushed directly to Lin Feng: "do you lie in the manger? I'll kill you!"

The rest of the Sports Institute members saw, but also red eyes, all rushed to Lin Feng.

Long Xiaoqian didn't expect this group of young men to be so irascible, and quickly called out: "security, security, come here quickly!"

However, Liu Cheng has reached Lin Feng's eyes, and he swung his fist at Lin Feng.

His arms are full of muscle, and his fist is also with the wind. His voice is very fierce, and people around him are palpitating.

But Lin Fengduo did not hide. He stretched out his hand to catch his fist easily. His backhand was a slap in the face.


Liu Cheng was actually slapped a heel, nose blood, teeth also dropped two or three.

A nearly two meters of body tesheng, was actually a slap fan turned over, too amazing.

The other three people also came to Lin Feng in an instant, but Lin Feng did not lift his head, the brim of his hat was low, as if he did not look at those people, but three fists and two feet, the virtual shadow flashed a few times, and the three special students were knocked down.

At this time, the security guard called by long Xiaoqian just came over. When he came to the front of him, he saw that all four tesheng were lying on the ground and howling.

Xi Xi and Xiao AI's eyes are shining. This is the power of idols. Today I saw Lin Feng's hand. It's so handsome. I'm going to give you a baby!

Li Xiaoze's scalp was numb and his back was cold with fear!

I just like silly than and others Lin Feng shouting, now want to come, I am a little teddy, barking at a Tibetan mastiff ah, so dangerous, almost not the rest of his life!

Long Xiaoqian roared to the security guard: "what are you still in a daze to do? Hurry them out. Jincheng Sports Institute team will cancel the qualification of this competition, and the result will be invalid!"

Instead, he looked at the Shangda team, pointed to Lin Feng and said, "you also participated in the fight just now, and you also participated in the kite competition as a foreign aid. The Shangda team broke the law and discipline, and also disqualified the competition, and the results were invalid!"

This word a, Chu Yuqi heart and suddenly cool.

She had already touched the champion and fell to the bottom in an instant. This feeling was too tormenting. In a moment, her eyes were red.

At this time, he heard Lin Feng say, "why should we be disqualified? You don't have a rule that you can't call in foreign aid! "

Long Xiaoqian looks at Lin Feng. The brim of Lin Feng's hat is low. He is angry.

"God is mysterious and mysterious. Don't we stipulate that you can be foreign aid at will?" Long Xiao Qian said angrily."I only take the rules of the game as the criterion. If there are no rules, we will not violate the rules." Lin Feng said.

"Doggerel!" Long Xiaoqian said: "well, even if you have made a loophole, I won't pursue you as a foreign aid. However, you just fought with other players in the meeting hall. How do you explain that?"

"Oh, you are so funny! I ask you, a group of people want to hit you, don't you fight back? Waiting to be beaten? " Lin Feng sneered: "a long, I don't think you have such a good temper!"

After hearing "a long" twice, long Xiaoqian suddenly shivered. This name is so familiar that only one person dares to call him in such a big city of Jincheng.

The man was...

after that, Lin Feng went to the rostrum, sat down on the seat with the memorial tablet of Lin Feng, took off his hat, stroked his hair, and said, "ah long, I haven't seen you for a long time. Why do you want to be right with me?"

"Lin Feng!"

Long Xiaoqian thought to himself how I said the voice was so familiar. This man turned out to be Lin Feng.

Seeing Lin Feng, he immediately counselled him and said quickly, "Oh, it's brother Lin Feng. Look at you, how can you still play with children?"

"Fart, who is your elder brother? I am also a young man of 20 years old, and their age is not much different, why can't we play with them? " Lin Feng clapped the table and roared.

"Oh, I was wrong, I was wrong! What, I was confused just now Long Xiaoqian said.

"Do you still disqualify the Shang team?" Lin Feng asked.

"Of course not. The business brigade is the first place. It is worthy of its name, and it is worthy of its name." Long Xiaoqian raised his hands and praised.

"Hum!" Lin Feng turned his head to look at the Golden Phoenix and said, "sister Jin, have you been waiting for me for a long time? Do you see how heavy my appearance is? Are you surprised or not? "

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