The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 617

Li Xiao couldn't believe all this. He quickly asked Chu Yuqi, "Chu Yuqi, is your friend really called Lin Feng?"

"Of course! His name is Lin Feng Chu said.

Li Xiao felt that his heart was cold, but he comforted himself: "it's impossible. It must be the same name, it must be the same name!"

He looked Xi Xi and Xiao AI looked at Lin Feng with admiration. He said with a smile: "Oh, there are more people calling Lin Feng. It's nothing strange to call Lin Feng."

But AI faintly felt something strange, this man, to his feeling is very strange, different from other men, has a very unique attraction, she does not understand, just feel different.

"Captain Chu Yuqi, your friend is really good. I want to ask, is he the Lin Feng that we Jincheng people talk about?" Xiao AI added: "it's Lin Feng, who can race cars, fight and is the world's top hacker. Is that Lin Feng?"

Chu Yuqi said with a smile: "it's him! It's true

All of a sudden, Xi Xi and Xiao AI feel hot blood surging up. In a moment, they have mixed feelings, and their excited words are almost speechless.

Especially Xiao AI, just now he was close to Lin Feng's body. Wow, it's a kind of happiness to stick him with his idol? It's so happy to explode!

AI's excited eyes were full of tears. Xi Xi stamped her feet and covered her mouth with her hands for fear of screaming.

Because they are close to each other in the field, they can hear each other clearly, but others can't hear them. In addition, Lin Feng's cap has been kept low, and others can't see Lin Feng's appearance clearly.

But Li Xiao at this time but the head melon seed is buzzing, he shivering asked: "you are that... Lin Feng?"

"Didn't I tell you I was Lin Feng? Did the donkey kick your head out? " Lin Feng smiles.

"Lin Feng, idol, I don't know Taishan, I'm a fool, I'm rubbish, I'm... I'm blind, I'm!"

Li Xiao immediately counseled. Unexpectedly, the legendary youth in Jincheng people's mouth stood in front of him and was offended by himself. He thought about the cool wind on his back.

Xi Xi and Xiao AI feel sick when they see Li Xiao. AI points to Li Xiao's nose and says, "Li Xiao, don't you say you know Lin Feng? Also said that Lin Feng and you shake hands! Bah, you are shameless and disgusting

Xi Xi looked at Li Xiao with a sneer, shook her head and said, "yes, people are standing in front of you, and you are still blowing. It's a shame! It's a shame that we have such a person as you in our kite team. If I were you, I'd better tear my face and hide in the rat hole. I don't have the face to see people! "

"I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't cheat people. I'm rubbish. I'm disgusted. I'm wrong with Lin Feng. I don't know how to flatter me. Please forgive me!" Li Xiao cried.

"Get out of here, garbage, get out of here!" Xi Xi said.

Chu Yuqi was confused and asked Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, what happened here?"

Lin Feng was too lazy to explain for a while, so he said, "ask them slowly after you."! It's you. How can you be late for this kind of competition

Chu Yuqi blushed and said, "I... my taxi hit a bicycle. As a result, I was entangled by the cyclists. We were not allowed to get off the bus. It was not easy to solve the problem."

"Oh Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully. Then, he turned his head and looked at the mouse: "mouse, what other situation?"

Lin Feng this time he came to Jincheng with the mouse. When he heard that Chu Yuqi was in trouble, he immediately asked the mouse to pick up Chu Yuqi.

The mouse said, "boss, there are some special circumstances. Let's take a step."

Then, the mouse whispered a few words in Lin Feng's ear.

"Oh, I see!" Lin Feng smiles. It's almost what he expected.

Chu Yuqi is to see a face muddled, Lin Feng how and mouse God mysterious?

But now she doesn't have time to ask Lin Feng these questions. She pays more attention to the kite competition. If she wins the championship, it will be a 500000 prize! The school will take out a part of the reward, at least enough for her to go to graduate school. Otherwise, if she depends on her mother, she will have no money to go to graduate school.

So she watched the game very seriously and cried all the way.

She quickly asked AI: "Ai, has the game started?"

AI rolled his eyes and said, "the game is over!"

"What?" Chu Yuqi's heart a cool: "finished, did not expect that I still did not catch up with!"

Chu Yuqi is dead hearted. If she doesn't show up, she won't be able to compete!

More than a month of hard practice, the result is so ruined?

Chu Yuqi is very painful!

Seeing Chu Yuqi's disappointment, AI said, "although you didn't come, we finished the game successfully with the help of Lin Feng."

"Ah? Is it? That's great. How about the place? " Chu Yuqi is confident again."I don't know the rank yet!" AI said, "wait for the judges to score!"

Although she knew that she would win, but after all, the host did not announce it, and she did not dare to say it directly.

Chu Yuqi looked at Lin Feng gratefully and said to him, "no matter how the result is, thank you! If it wasn't for you, we couldn't finish the game! "

"Well, you're welcome. It's a piece of work! I haven't been flying a kite for a long time, so I'll play with it Lin Feng said.

As soon as he said this, Chu Yuqi's eyes dimmed a little. She thought, Lin Feng said that he had played casually. He must have achieved average grades and had no hope.

Alas, it's all due to the death of the cyclist. How hateful!

Chu Yuqi's psychology is very unbalanced. She can't accept the result.

At this time, but listen to the host on the stage said: "the scoring results come out, the champion of this kite competition is the team of Jincheng commercial university, please come forward and prepare for the award!"


Chu Yuqi was shocked. She thought she had heard something wrong.

"We, we are champions?" Chu Yuqi said incoherently.

"Well, yes!" Xiao AI and Xi Xi smile and nod.

"This..." Chu Yuqi was ecstatic.

Even if you come by yourself, you may not win the championship. If you don't come, you will win the championship instead?

Seeing Chu Yuqi's surprised appearance, Xiao AI and Xi Xi said: "it's all thanks to the great God Lin Feng! We all win by lying down! "

Chu Yuqi looks at Lin Feng and is grateful in her beautiful eyes. But the heart is very surprised, Lin Feng casually play, won a champion?

This... Makes her feel ashamed!

"Lin Feng, thank you!" Chu Yuqi said sincerely.

"What's the use of a gun? What about the actual action? " Lin Feng smiles.

"What practical action?" Chu Yuqi asked with a puzzled face.

"For example, holding and kissing are all practical actions." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Disgusting!" Chu Yuqi said a word with shame, but she chuckled. She enjoyed the feeling of being teased by Lin Feng. She didn't know why. If Lin Feng said that, she would feel disgusted. If Lin Feng said that, she would have a hot feeling.

Thank you Chu Yuqi went directly to Lin Feng's neck and gave him a kiss on his face.

Chu Yuqi's outstanding two groups of soft, let Lin Feng very enchanted: "not bad, good, very good development, oh, come on two times, I haven't enjoyed enough!"

"I hate you!" Chu Yuqi blushed and said angrily.

Xiao AI and Xi Xi are very jealous. AI said, "idol, I also want to thank you!"

"I want to!" Xi Xi said.

"Well! I've received your thanks. You're welcome Lin Feng said with a smile.

"No, I must thank you! And I'm going to take action AI said, directly rushed up and hugged Lin Feng.

Xi Xi didn't neglect. Seeing Xiao AI rush up, she also rushed up and hugged Lin Feng from the other side: "idol, thank you!"

The two left two lipstick marks on Lin Feng's two cheeks, which made him look like a prodigal son,

"Oh, don't... don't pay attention to the influence, ouch!" Lin Feng gave half a push, then he said in his mouth, "I'm on the left. What about the right? Don't be eccentric


Xiao AI and Xi Xi changed their positions and continued to kiss!

But Lin Feng looked at Chu Yuqi and said with a smile, "I can't help it. A man like me is always like this. I can't hide! Alas, surrounded by beautiful women, I am also very tired, which is also a kind of pain in my heart! Pain

The mouse said with a smile: "boss, I also want this kind of pain!"

"Get out of the way!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

But at this time, Liu Cheng of the Sports Institute team yelled: "I am against the result of the scoring. I want to expose that the business team cheated. One of them is not a member of their team, but a foreign aid. With such a mean means, the organizer should severely punish him!"

He snatched a microphone to say this, and all the people in the room heard it immediately, and everyone was in an uproar. , the fastest update of the webnovel!