The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 616

"It's amazing, isn't it?"

AI is confused. Why does the kite of the sports team suddenly fall down?

Originally, the Sun Wukong kites were rickety and could not even hold out until the end of the competition, because their angle was more than 90 degrees, and they could only be maintained by Lin Feng.

Therefore, Xiao AI thinks that Lin Feng is just struggling to support.

But unexpectedly, an amazing scene happened, the kite of the Sports Institute team fell rapidly.

Lin Feng naturally knows what's going on. He was just deliberately teasing the Sports Institute team.

He had seen the destruction device before the team flew the kite. There were some letters on it, indicating that it was high-pressure sulfuric acid.

So Lin Feng knew that once their kites were higher than them, they would start the device to shoot down their kites.

At the risk of falling, Lin Feng flew the kite to the highest, which was to deliberately let the sports team release a killer mace. Then he adjusted the kite to the northwest of the sports institute to lure the team to launch sulfuric acid.

Because Lin Feng's kite is relatively high, so the sulfuric acid bomb is toward the northwest sky, but at this time the wind direction is northwest wind, so the sulfuric acid bomb was blown back by the wind and hit himself.

Therefore, the kite of the Sports Institute team must have been burned out a few holes at this time, so it can't catch the wind.

The members of the Sports Institute team were scared. They ran with the string, but the kite was still falling.

The kites of the other two teams are too low and not very stable, so they are not competitive at all. Here, Lin Feng asked people to adjust the lead angle back to 90 degrees. Monkey King's kite flies steadily in the sky, which is very dazzling.

Lin Feng laughed and gave the main line to Xi Xi Xi, looked at his watch and said, "there are still three minutes left. One of you will hold the main line and the other will hold the secondary line. There is nothing else to do. Wait for the champion."

"Great!" I didn't expect to win in the end.

"What about you?" Xiao AI asked Lin Feng, "why don't you pull the main line?"

AI is not asking Lin Feng to be lazy. On the contrary, she is caring about him.

Because at the moment of winning, the person who pulls the main line will be the focus of the audience. Xiao AI feels that Lin Feng is giving credit to them. This is equal to all the process. At the moment of sprint, he gives it to others and makes others the focus of attention.

"I, I have a cigarette!" Lin Feng picked up a cigarette and held it in his mouth. Shaking his head, he said, "is the opponent too weak, or am I too strong for him? Oh, it's too cold on the high

Listening to the words in one side of the Sports Institute players' ears, they almost blew them up, but they were busy repairing the falling kite, and did not have the energy to find trouble with Lin Feng.

Looking at the crowd of people in the sports yard running around, they fell down and got up in a panic. Then Liu Cheng's hoarse cry was of no help.

Xiao AI and Xi Xi Xi don't feel so happy. Let him laugh at us. Now we can see whether he can laugh.

Looking at this scene, Lin Feng is smoking a small cigarette, leisurely chanting: "Oh, how can no master and I really PK ah? It's boring and boring. Life is really lonely like snow! "

Xiao AI and Xi Xi are both amused by Lin Feng's small appearance of pretending to be forced.

But Li Xiao on the side is angry, but he is not busy angry at this time, but thinking about how to rub some honor!

Seeing that the business team is about to win the championship, how can it not have its own credit?

He quickly ran forward and said to Xi Xi: "Xi Xi, come on, give me the main line. I should be the main line. You should have a rest first."

"Get out of the way!" Xi Xi said angrily, "how can you still have the face to come here?"

"Why do you say that? We are a team! Xiao AI, do you think I'm right? " Li Xiao said.

AI gave a cold smile, even more angry than Xi Xi, "team, do you still know that we are a team now? You are watching from the beginning to the end. If it wasn't our team leader, could you have the result now? Now I know that you can't do anything. You're a useless person. If you want to have a face, you can go to the side and get soy sauce. Do you hear me? "

Li Xiao didn't expect that two silly white sweet little beauties were so rational and sharp in their heart, but he was not willing to go and grab the lead.

At this time, but listen to the host shouting: "competition time, please four teams take back the kite, please judge as soon as possible score!"

As soon as the host's voice dropped, there was a round of applause, and everyone began to take pictures. More importantly, it was the group of photographers.

The media, in particular, caught Shang Da's team for a burst of shooting, because everyone with a good eye can see that this time, Shangda must be the champion. In the news, it must be a picture of the champion.

Looking at all the eyes focused, Li Xiao did not dare to start to grab the line, but stood on the side of the scissors hand, trying to prove that he is very gregarious, is the team!

Lin Feng is the brim of his hat is pressed very low, so that people can not see his appearance.In the eyes of Xi Xi and Xiao AI, Lin Feng is admired and moved again.

The whole process is controlled by the sudden emergence of the captain, who has the professional knowledge that they fear. Moreover, he won the game by one person, but he is indifferent to fame and wealth, very low-key.

Such a person, too let a person admire, want to compare, Li Xiao this kind of person, is simply a lump of excrement.

All the players go to the contestant area and keep a distance from the people outside.

Xiao AI said to Li Xiao: "I'm not afraid that I don't know the goods, but I'm afraid of comparing them. Compared with our team leader, you're just a rubbish! I don't know how thick you are

"Ai, how do you talk? I've been putting up with you for a long time. Do you believe I beat you Li Xiao is very angry and threatens Xiao AI.

He was beauty Xiao AI, and Lin Feng than, also compared to go down, compared to garbage, which made him very shameless.

"You drink, hit the girl, you can do it? Come on, two little beauties, stand behind me. Who dares to hit you Lin Feng said.

Xi Xi and Xiao AI are afraid of Li Xiao's ferocious appearance. They quickly hide behind Lin Feng.

Li Xiao roared to Lin Feng, "who are you? Don't pretend to force me. Do you believe me if I kill you?"

"Not a little? I don't understand. What makes you so confident? " Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"Laozi was born with confidence!" Li Xiao was angry at this time. At the beginning, he was not satisfied with Lin Feng, but he was always compared with him. Originally, he wanted to cheat two girls to open a room. As a result, he was all mixed up by the guy in front of him. How could he not be angry.

He roared to Lin Feng: "if you know how to get rid of me, or I want you to look good!"

Lin Feng laughed and said, "if you don't get out of here?"

Li Xiao's anger rose again, but he was not sure he could beat Lin Feng. Suddenly, he didn't know what to do.

But at this time, the two little beauties were looking at him. He racked his brains, and suddenly his brain lit up. He threatened: "you... Do you know, I know Lin Feng. He is my friend, and I have shaken hands with me. If you dare to do the right thing with me, I will ask Lin Feng to clean you up!"

Lin Feng smiles: "is Lin Feng so powerful? Why don't I know? "

"Hum, Lin Feng is a practitioner. I heard that he can kill a vampire. He is a superhero in Jincheng. It's not easy to clean up people like Lin Feng? It's as easy as crushing an ant! " Li Xiao said, "hum, are you afraid?"

"I'm so scared. You should call him to come." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Captain, don't mess with him. If he calls Lin Feng, it's not for fun." Xi Xi said to Lin Feng.

"Yes, Captain, although we adore Lin Feng, we don't want you to offend him! It's going to make us worried! " AI said.

Lin Feng scratched his head: "Oh, you are really tangled up!"

He didn't want to hide it. He planned to show off that he was Lin Feng, so that the boy would cheat others with his name.

But at this time, I saw two familiar figures come over, one is a mouse, the other is Chu Yuqi.

Chu Yuqi saw Lin Feng for the first time. She was so excited that she almost jumped up. She didn't see Lin Feng for many days. During this time, she heard the news of Lin Feng. She wanted to see Lin Feng very much. She heard the mouse say that Lin Feng was in the Kite Square. She was really here!

She rushed straight over, and the two peaks of her upper body bumped up and down because of running, which made people see a burst of blood spurting.

"Lin Feng, I haven't seen you for a long time. It's good to see you!" Chu Yuqi said happily.

"Lin Feng? Is He Lin Feng? "

This time, Xi Xi Xi and Xiao AI are stunned. Li Xiao is also frozen in the same place! , the fastest update of the webnovel!