The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 615

Xiao AI is surprised. She knows that the axis angle from the earth is 90 degrees, which is the most stable state. However, if the angle exceeds 90 degrees, the kite may overturn, which is very dangerous.

Once inverted, the kite will branch down, and the previous efforts will be wasted.

It seems that Lin Feng is under the ruthless, either fight for the first, or lose completely.

However, they have never adjusted the angle to less than 90 degrees, but not to more than 90 degrees. This is too dangerous. It's just a matter of life and death.

But at this time, listen to Lin Feng said: "Ai, hurry up, the wind is a little bit smaller this time, adjust quickly, if the next strong wind comes, our chance will be lost!"

Xiao AI looks at Lin Feng. Lin Feng looks very determined. AI suddenly feels that this man gives people a very safe feeling, that is, you can completely trust him and he can handle all things.

Xiao AI has never felt this way. It seems that he can do what he says without considering the consequences.

It's amazing that this man can make himself feel this way.

But can have the present achievement, also is this man brings, believed Chu Yuqi in words, also may not be able to fly the kite so excellently.

Therefore, AI a bite teeth, directly adjust the angle to 95 degrees.

See the kite is first a flash, and then fierce upward, a few seconds later, the height is higher than the Institute of sports kite.

"Wow! Mom, I don't want Nezha anymore. I want monkey king. Monkey King is so powerful that he surpasses Nezha again The little boy, with a pair of binoculars, looked up and yelled at his mother.

Golden Phoenix also smile: "sure enough, this monkey king is the first again!"

"How could it be?"

Liu Cheng couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. Could the kite skeleton made of expensive carbon fiber materials not even a kite with bamboo skeleton? That's too much to say.

But Liu Cheng still has a killer's mace. The reason why he is confident to tell the business brigade that you can't win us is because of his final killer's mace.

His kite, with a remote control device, that device, is a very destructive device.

Because in that device, there is high-pressure sulfuric acid, which can eject sulfuric acid bomb under strong wind. Within tens of meters, the trajectory of sulfuric acid bomb will not be affected by the wind.

Therefore, Liu Chengjian's kite flying up, his heart was very angry, the opponent said: "ready to destroy!"

"Good!" A man pulled out the remote control and began to adjust the angle of the spray device, aiming at the monkey king kite of the commercial brigade.

At the same time, Sun Wukong's kite is very unstable in the sky, shaking in the East and shaking in the west, nearly falling several times, which is frightening to watch.

"Captain, if we go on like this, I'm afraid our kite will fall off. Please adjust the angle back to 90 degrees." AI said.

Lin Feng's mouth showed an imperceptible smile, said: "not afraid, and so on!"

Then, he looked up at the sky with his telescope, and then measured the wind with his finger. He said, "the secondary line is retracted to the left and right, so that the kite shakes left and right. Don't be too strong. I'll control the main line, near the Nezha kite of the Sports Institute team!"

"Why?" Xiao AI didn't understand Lin Feng's practice: "why shake the kite of chaotiyuan team? Now our kites are the highest. Shouldn't we stay away from them? To avoid their influence. "

Lin Feng said: "no reason, do as I say!"

AI took a deep breath, or according to Lin Feng said to do, at this time Lin Feng in his heart, as if a backbone of the existence.

At this time, Sun Wukong of the business brigade came unsteadily towards the kite of the sports college team. The members of the sports college team were happy: "I wanted to attack them by adjusting the angle, but they sent them to the door by themselves. What a mental handicap!"

Said, quickly adjust the angle, ready to the other side's kite close, spray sulfuric acid bomb.

But here, Lin Feng saw that Xiao AI operated several times. He was not very satisfied. He said to Xiao AI: "come on, take up my telescope and put it in front of me. Give me the secondary line in your hand, and I will control it!"

"What? Do you control the main line and the secondary line at the same time? " AI is very surprised.

If you fly a kite normally and control it at the same time, you can understand it. After all, it's casual. But in the competition, with such a high intensity, both the main line and the secondary line will bear a lot of pressure. If one controls two lines with one's strength, his arm will be numb in less than half a minute!

But Lin Feng still a face firmly said: "don't hesitate, help me to take the telescope, according to what I said to do!"

"Oh Xiao AI does not know what magic Lin Feng has, that is to give her a very trustworthy feeling.

She picked up the telescope, cover in front of Lin Feng, Lin Feng took the secondary line in her hand, began to operate alone.

Xiao AI helps Lin Feng hold the telescope. Because Lin Feng is one head higher than AI, AI has to stretch out his arms to get there. So the distance between them is very small, almost close to each other!At this time, the two people are very close, Xiao AI listens to Lin Feng's even breathing sound, and feels a strong male hormone rushing to her face. Suddenly she is shy, her big eyes blink and her face turns red!

How can this man be so charming at a close distance? How can he make his heart beat faster and the deer bump into each other? This is...

Xiao AI is dreaming, but Lin Feng doesn't notice her, but focuses on the sky.

Their Sun Wukong kite has been pasted near the Nezha kite of the Sports Institute team, circling in the northwest of the Nezha kite.

Lin Feng controls the lead wire. After circling for several times, he suddenly pulls the lead back. The kite continues to climb along the northwest, but it is farther and farther away from the kite of the Sports Institute team.

"Shoot him, don't let him run away!"

Liu Chengjian Lin Feng's kite began to fly out, and quickly ordered the people under his opponent.

The man who controlled the remote control quickly aimed at the kite of the commercial brigade and pressed the switch.

The amount of sulfuric acid contained in the jet device is not much, but the amount of sulfuric acid sprayed out each time is relatively small, so it can be sprayed more than ten times, which is enough.

Although there is little sulfuric acid, once it is sprayed on the kite, it will immediately burn out a small hole. At such a high altitude, the wind is so strong, and a small hole is enough to destroy the kite.

The man pressed the remote control crazily, and the device ejected sulfuric acid. In the high altitude with strong wind, he could still shoot the kite toward Lin Feng according to the track.

But Lin Feng swayed to the left and right to keep the kite swinging.

In the high altitude, the original aim is not accurate, coupled with the operation of Lin Feng, the sulfuric acid did not shoot Lin Feng's kite.

"Trash, are you blind? How many times did you get it? " Liu Chengqi's scolding.

However, at this time, Lin Feng called out to them: "you can't harm people, you can't be defensive. Don't scold the team members. Look at your kites!"

As Lin Feng's voice dropped, Liu Cheng saw that their kites suddenly lost their balance and fell rapidly.

Lin Feng smile, give the secondary line to Xiao AI, said: "now adjust the axis angle to 90 degrees, waiting to win the championship!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!