The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 614

Four teams rushed to the competition site, and then one held the kite high, the other two pulled the lead, the remaining one hung a telescope around his neck, and made some command gestures in his hand, which looked very professional.

At the end of the business brigade, Lin Feng hung a telescope around his neck and held the main line in his hand. From time to time, he reached out to feel the breeze.

Xi Xi holds up her kite. The kite is a picture of Monkey King Monkey King, Monkey King. Flying into the sky, it means the sage of heaven and making havoc in heaven.

Everyone looked at the four teams ready, but also a burst of excitement, the annual kite competition, is about to start!

Long Xiaoqian said to Jin Fenghuang, "president Jin, there is the Sports Institute team. They fly a kite with the design of Nezha. The kite is very beautiful. When it is put into the sky, it looks like Nezha is alive. Walking on the wind and fire wheel, holding the wind and fire gun, it is vivid. And the sky is blue, like the sea. So the Sports Institute team is a play of Nezha making waves in the sea. I'm looking forward to it Wait for their performance

Long Xiaoqian is the most optimistic sports team!

The Golden Phoenix nodded lightly and said, "in addition, there is an eagle, a phoenix and a monkey king over there. They are very beautiful!"

Long Xiaoqian said: "these are all moral. If the eagle spreads its wings for the ROC and flies to the sky, it has the meaning of a long journey. The Phoenix is the king of white birds. The kite flying into the sky has the meaning of Phoenix dancing nine days. It is very noble. But the monkey king is a bit arrogant. The monkey king flies into the sky and makes a big fuss in the heaven. The implication is not good and very arrogant, so I don't care about them!"

"But I like the monkey king. He has great powers and many skills. On his way to the west, he took the whole team to Tianzhu by his own strength and obtained the Scripture. So he is the most powerful one!" Golden Phoenix said.

But speaking of this, she couldn't help thinking of Lin Feng.

Why not Lin Feng?

Lin Feng also has great powers and skills. As far as she knows, Lin Feng can taste wine, race cars, fight, hack, poetry and ode...

moreover, with her own efforts, Lin Feng has put her on the top of Jincheng, and even long Xiaoqian has to bow down and submit to the throne in front of her. Lin Feng is the monkey king worthy of her eyes.

But why didn't Lin Feng come today?

Golden phoenix eye wave flow, look at God away, delay to see Lin Feng figure, she can not help but have a trace of anxiety!

But listen to long Xiaoqian said: "look, the game begins!"

Jin Fenghuang quickly turned to look, and saw the four teams pulling the kite line, all ran in one direction, and then the four kites quickly took off.

However, we can see the gap. We can see that the Sun Wukong kite of the commercial university team is the first, and the flying speed is the fastest and it is very stable.

The second is the Phoenix eagles and Nezha.

The Sports Institute team didn't expect to lose at the beginning. They were surprised to see that Lin Feng looked up from the business brigade with a line in his hand and a telescope in the other hand. He yelled: "take the secondary line, make the angle smaller, close, close, OK! Run 50 meters with me, I don't stop, you don't stop! "

Then the Sun Wukong kite of the business brigade quickly climbed again, and in a flash it rose to the highest, which was very dazzling.

"What's the matter with him?" Liu Cheng was furious.

He operated everything according to the most standard. It was just like a textbook. He didn't fly as fast and as high as the commercial brigade. What's the situation?

But in Lin Feng's heart, he had already anticipated this kind of situation, the reason lies in the measurement of wind speed.

Other teams measure the wind speed on the ground, but the wind speed is higher than the ground.

So they all measure the wind speed on the ground, and when it goes higher, they all calculate it by the wind speed on the ground. But that is only a hypothesis, not a 100% accuracy.

Lin Feng did not rely on machines. He measured the wind speed and direction through his many years of field experience and calculated the wind speed at high altitude. When flying, he always paid attention to the tail shaking of the kite with a telescope.

Because there is no support at the tail, the wave shaking degree of the tail directly indicates the wind speed at that time.

Before Lin Feng was studying skydiving, he had learned this course. He judged the level of wind power by the floating of objects.

Of course, few people can judge accurately, but Lin Feng is the most cutting-edge one among those few people.

So when other people's cable runs, Lin Feng uses a telescope to observe the situation in the sky, find the best angle to adapt to the current wind speed, and it will soar quickly!

Of course, Liu Cheng and others do not understand this point at all, so they are shocked by the terrible flying ability of Shangda's kites!

Even the people around watching the game are very flattering.

"You see how fast the monkey king flies

"Mom, I want the monkey king kite. The monkey king kite flies fast and flies high!"


with a smile on his face, Jin Fenghuang said with a smile: "sure enough, my eyes are good. I say I like monkey king's kite. You see, he flies best!"Long Xiaoqian nodded with a wry smile on his face. He did not expect that his worst looking kite was flying the fastest.

At this time, the kite competition has just begun, and each kite is in the climbing stage. This stage is very unstable. Only when it rises to a certain height and enough wind power supports the kite to float in the air, will it be stable.

The four kites try to climb. The higher they fly, the farther they fly.

Originally, the two meter long kite is getting farther and farther in the air, getting smaller and smaller, and even becoming the size of a person's hand.

The Sports Institute team lost some advantages in the early stage, but because their kites are made of good materials and equipped with automatic induction wind system, they have strong self-regulation ability after climbing to a certain height, which will make the kite itself very stable.

"Mom, that Nezha seems to fly the highest ah, I want Nezha kite, Nezha kite flying high!" Previously, the child gave up the monkey king and changed the powder to Nezha.

Indeed, through the adjustment of the Sports Institute team, their kites are flying at the highest level at this time, but they all rely on high-quality materials and advanced technology.

When Liu Cheng saw this, he was relieved and began to laugh at the business brigade again.

"Ha ha, you really have two talents, but you are really handsome for no more than three seconds! The length of our ropes is the same. I think you may not be able to catch up with our height when the rope is finished! "

"Well, don't be complacent Xi Xi has confidence at this time. She feels that Lin Feng's command is more powerful than Chu Yuqi, so she is looking forward to winning the championship this time.

Liu Cheng is Yin Yin a smile, "you can't win the championship, do not believe to see!"

At this point, all the teams are set out.

However, the kites of the Sports Institute team are still the highest, only more than ten meters higher than the Shangda team of Linfeng.

But there is no line. Once the line is reversed, the height of more than ten meters is like an insurmountable gap, and there is no way to surpass it!

Xi Xi and Xiao AI can't help shaking their heads and sighing, looking disappointed. Li Xiao on one side is watching the fun and sneering: "it's like it's professional, but it's not lost? Cut, pretend to be a criminal

"Li Xiao, is it interesting to say that? The other side's kite skeleton is made of carbon fiber. Do you know what that means? Carbon fiber material is the best material for making aircraft wings, and it is tough and light. It is the first choice for kite skeleton. We use bamboo frame, they are only ten meters tall, which means we have been awesome! " Xi Xi said.

"Well, the first time I heard about failure, I said it was so good. I knew it would be like this. So I simply didn't participate. It's because your IQ is too low. In the end, you still lose and you laugh to death!" Li Xiao said.

"Li Xiao, you... You are too much!" AI said angrily.

But at this time, listen to Lin Feng say: "Xiao AI, don't be wise with him. The competition is not over. Now is the time to witness the miracle. Listen to my command, adjust the secondary line, adjust the axis angle from the ground to 95 degrees, three, two, one, start!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!