The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 613

Lin Feng said, suddenly Li Xiao and the two little beauties were dumbfounded.

This words, it is more professional than the captain Chu Yuqi said, ah, they listen to a Leng a Leng.

"What are you waiting for? Get ready Lin Feng said.

"Oh, oh!" Xi Xi and Xiao AI get up and get busy.

Li Xiao didn't expect that Lin Feng should be so professional, and immediately felt very slapped.

And Lin Feng robbed him of the limelight, he saw two little girls are obedient to Lin Feng, the heart is very angry.

"Why should we listen to you? You smoke a cigarette, stretch your finger, you can determine the wind speed? Do you think I'm a three-year-old? You're too good at it, aren't you? " Li Xiao said.

"If you don't want to take part in the competition, don't make trouble, just stand aside!" Lin Feng smiles at Li Xiao.

"Shit, do you really think you can do it? Then you come, I will not accompany you! " Li Xiao threw away the main line and gave up the task.

"Li Xiao, it's the critical moment. You can't lose your temper at random!" Xi Xi said.

"I don't care. You've been cheated by him, but he can't cheat me. He pretends to be very professional. Isn't it a bluff? Even if I can't join the team, I won't be the team leader? " Li Xiao yelled.

"If you don't take part, you don't have to. Just stand aside! One more than you is not much; one less than you is a lot! " Lin Feng said lightly to Li Xiao.

"No, he controls the main line. Our responsibilities are very clear. We can't do without him!" AI said.

"I'll control the main line!" Lin Feng said.

"We need to measure the wind speed at any time." AI said.

"I'll do it!" Lin Feng Road.

"After a while, after the kite is on, I will also use a telescope to observe the state of the kite!" AI said.

"I'll do it!" Lin Feng Road.

"If there is an accident, you need a person..." Ai continued.

"I'll do it!" Lin Feng Road.

AI: "I'll come!"


"I'll do it!"


Xiao AI and Xi Xi are surprised. This guy can do anything!

Li Xiao was sneering and sneering: "bragging is better than anyone else. I don't think you can fly a kite to the sky, but cattle are flying all over the sky! Four people's work, must three people do, pretend to be forced by thunder, I wish you lose the underpants are not left

Hearing Li Xiao's words, Liu Cheng of the Sports Institute began to sarcastically say, "you drink, are you fighting? Oh, a group of guys who can't support the wall because of the mud. They have been fighting with each other before the competition. They are laughing to death

Xi Xi heard this and angrily replied, "Liu Cheng, are you finished?"

"You drink, little beauty is angry!" Liu Cheng said with an obscene smile: "Oh, I lost there anyway. You might as well come to be my girlfriend. After I win the prize money, I can invite you to eat and open a room. We are good at sports and can definitely change many postures to do you!"

"You and he... Hooligan!" I was shaking with anger.

"Xi Xi, don't be angry with him, the game is about to start!" Xiao AI advised Xi Xi.

Although AI is also very angry, but what can be done, the other side is ready, it seems that the champion is sure.

But Liu Cheng couldn't help but teased Xiao AI and said, "Oh, this little beauty, don't worry. Come and have a chat. Give me your phone number. My brothers will call you in the evening."

"You guys, don't be disgusting At this time, Lin Feng stood up and said, "people will not give you a call. You are so ugly that you feel like vomiting at a glance."

"Shit, are you looking for a fight?" Liu chengnu scolded.

"I'm looking for a fight. Do you dare to fight?" Lin Feng continued to smile.

"Brother Cheng, don't be fooled by him. They know that they must lose this time, so they deliberately make trouble and affect our game. You must not be fooled!" The person next to advised.

"Shit!" Liu Cheng was very angry, gnashing his teeth and said: "you boy, remember me, you dare to scold me, when I finish the game, I will find you to settle accounts, I want to hit you even your mother do not know!"

Lin Feng smile: "welcome to fight, at any time to accompany!"

Xiao AI and Xi Xi admire Lin Feng's calmness and bravery. By contrast, Li Xiao is scared to death when she sees Liu Chengcheng. Her timid and cowardly appearance is much worse than others.

What's more, his words made Liu Chengqi's eyes red. Xiao AI and Xi Xi felt very relieved.

However, Xiao AI was very worried and said to Lin Feng, "you have offended him now. He will definitely trouble you! I heard that the students in their Institute of physical education fought fiercely. Fight to the death! "

Xi Xi was also very worried and said to Lin Feng, "either way, after the game, we'll cover you, and you'll run first!""Run? Where to run? " Li Xiao said with a sneer: "pretending that you don't want the consequences, you deserve to be killed. Those people in the sports institute are staring at you. You can't run away. Wait for death!"

Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "I didn't want to run."

"Why?" Xi Xi asked.

"This society needs positive energy. We must not compromise with evil forces. If I am afraid of you and everyone is afraid of it, the evil forces will be more arrogant!" Lin Feng said with righteous words: "if I die, I will be alert. Even if I die, I will never compromise. I will contribute to the society."

Then, he held up his right hand and swore: "what, carry forward positive energy, start with me!"

Hearing this, Xiao AI and Xi are stunned. They are very moved by Lin Feng's sacrifice of ego and promotion of positive energy.

"You are so excellent AI thumbs up and admires her very much.

"Not bad. I've been excellent since I was a child!" Lin Feng said with pride.

"Shit, stupid!" Li Xiao was angry when she was watching.

These two little beauties are all attracted by Lin Feng, and they become negative teaching materials. How can he not be angry.

Xiao AI said to Li Xiao, "by the way, Li Xiao, don't you know Lin Feng? You will help him to say a few words later. When you mention Lin Feng, maybe Liu Chengcheng dare not move him! "

"Yes, if you mention Lin Feng, it's absolutely good. I heard that Liu Cheng and they all adore Lin Feng. They say that Lin Feng has a fierce fight. So you say you know Lin Feng, they will give you face!" Xi Xi also asked Li Xiao to help Lin Feng.

"Hum!" Li Xiao raised his face and said very haughtily, "I don't care about him. Let him live and die on his own."! I know what Lin Feng has to do with him. Those people in the sports institute should kill him! "

Li Xiao hates him now, so he won't help him!

What's more, he doesn't know Lin Feng at all. If he's exposed, he can't bear to eat!

So he's not going to help.

Xiao AI and Xi Xi shake their heads in disappointment.

At this time, the host held the microphone and said, "are you all ready? Please go to the competition position, now the game, start immediately , the fastest update of the webnovel!