The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 612

Lin Feng himself is interested in kites. He also wants to relive the feeling he felt when he was a child. In addition, he knows that Chu Yuqi is a student of Jincheng commercial university. He also hears that Chu Yuqi is the leader of the team. Chu Yuqi can't catch up with him. So he volunteered to take part in the wind Zheng competition. It's better to help Chu Yuqi once. It's more like sitting in a VIP seat and watching others play Kites are so much fun!

"Are you our captain?" Li Xiao looked at Lin Feng with disdain: "we are all trained professionally. We have adjusted the line and measured the wind. What do you do?"

"I fly kites Lin Feng smiles.

Listen to Lin Feng so say, Li Xiao is a burst of scorn again, mouth murmured: "listen to you so say, you are a layman who does not know anything!"

But the two little beauties are not disgusted with Lin Feng, but feel that Lin Feng's ruffian smile is very good-looking.

"Li Xiao, he is called by Captain Chu Yuqi. Let him join us!" Melon face beauty said.

Li Xiao said haughtily, "can any cat and dog join our kite team? He doesn't know anything. He'll hold us back. Do you know? Isn't that a joke for the sports team

Lin Feng is a smile: "but you now, it seems that there is no choice!"

Then, he pointed to the host on the rostrum and said, "you see, he's about to announce that the contestants are coming in! If you don't have four people, you can't get in, can you? "

As soon as Lin Feng's voice fell, as expected, the host picked up the manuscript and said, "next, the four teams will enter the competition respectively!"

"It's too late, Li Xiao. Give me a hat and bring it to this handsome man!" Melon face beauty said to Li Xiao.

Several people from the sports college team have been paying close attention to the business team. Seeing that the business team is in a hurry to seek medical treatment, they even find a passer-by to participate in the competition, and they all burst into laughter.

"You drink, people come together. It's good. Everyone can get together. It's amazing."

"Ha ha ha, the new comer is said to be able to fly a kite. Ouch, it's so powerful. I'll make a good performance in a while."


the people on the sports team sneered, winked and laughed like a baboon.

At this time, the host on the stage called out: "next, please Jincheng Institute of physical education team, shining on the stage."

At the same time, Liu Cheng, the leader of the team, turned around and sneered at Li Xiao and others on purpose and compared his little thumbs.

That action means, you are losers, losers! The meaning of insult is very obvious!

Li Xiao and the two little beauties were both angry and flushed. Li Xiao looked back at Lin Feng and was even more angry. She said in a tone of complaint: "if Chu Yuqi can't come, can't we find a better person? Can anyone come to the game? "

Lin Feng smile: "if it's not my sudden interest to fly a kite today, you ask me to come, please don't come to your letter?"

Lin Feng not only used to fly kites when he was a child, but even when he was on a mission, he used to fly kites and directly dropped bombs into the local camp. The calculation was quite accurate.

Therefore, seeing Li Xiao saying that he can't fly a kite, Lin Feng only thinks Li Xiao is ridiculous, but he doesn't want to argue with him.

"Are you still blowing? Who do you think you are? " Li Xiao was a little bit fried by Lin Feng's words.

"I'm Lin Feng!" Lin Feng smiles.

"Lin Feng?" The two girls' eyes lit up.

Is that legendary Lin Feng, is he?

Li Xiaoze was stunned, then looked at the rostrum and burst into laughter: "can you brag that B can draft? Can you stop insulting Lin Feng? Lin Feng is my idol

Li Xiao listened to Lin Feng's deeds a few days ago and regarded him as a superhero in Jincheng. As a result, this guy said he was Lin Feng. It was ridiculous.

"If you were Lin Feng, he would have been invited to the VIP seat. Could you still be a player here? This is not funny Li Xiao continued to tease, he is now how to see Lin Feng why not pleasing to the eye.

Lin Feng faint smile: "how do you know I am not Lin Feng?"

"Or it's the same name!" Li Xiao retorted: "otherwise, you must not be Lin Feng!"

"How dare you be so sure?" Lin Feng smiles.

The two little beauties also looked at Li Xiao.

Li Xiao thought, one does not do two endless, anyway you have not seen Lin Feng, directly said: "I... I have seen Lin Feng!"

Li Xiao in order to prove that he was right, all began to cheat people, but also intensified said: "Lin Feng and I shake hands!"

"Ah, you have met Lin Feng, and he shook hands with you?" The two little beauties' envious eyes shine.

"Do you know Lin Feng? Please introduce me to you. I dare not have any extravagant hopes. Even if you can be an ordinary friend with Lin Feng, you can do it

The big eyed beauty said: "yes, Lin Feng is such a capable young talent. We can't dare to climb high. But since you know each other, you can introduce it to us. I adore him."Hearing these two little beauties, Li Xiao felt very proud, as if she had really known Lin Feng. She raised her face and said, "you two want to know Lin Feng, right? One day I'm happy, I'll take you to know each other!"

"How can you be happy?" The two little beauties blinked at Li Xiao.

"I'll open the house some other day. You two will accompany me to fight the landlord. If you are happy, I'll show you to know each other!" Li Xiao said with a smile.

He said in his heart, I'll give you two some medicine, but it's not a fight against landlords, it's three batches.

These two beauties in school, is also quite beautiful that kind of, if you can make two in a night, it is not cool to fly up.

Those two little beauties didn't see Li Xiao's promiscuous ideas, and they were all happy to ask, "is that so simple?"

"Well, that's it!" Li Xiao said.

"That's great. When the game is over, you can open the house, and then Xi Xi and I will go to fight with you and fight the landlord." Melon face beauty said.

"Good!" Li Xiao's mouth across an imperceptible smile.

At this time, the host called out, "please enter the Jincheng commercial university team!"

Melon face beauty said: "it's time for us to play!"

Then she picked up a cap and a vest, handed it to Lin Feng and said, "here, this is our team's vest and hat. Put it on quickly. Don't let others notice you!"

Lin Feng doesn't want to be seen by others. Otherwise, he should go to VIP seat. He can't fly a kite. It's boring!

He put on his vest and cap on his head. The brim of the hat was so low that others could not see him clearly.

Then, in the incessant complaints of Li Xiao, four people entered the stadium together.

Jincheng, Jincheng, and the four teams of Chinese medicine, all of them, appeared soon.

On the stage, Jin Fenghuang called Lin Feng, but he turned it off.

Long Xiaoqian sighed at one side and said, "Lin Feng doesn't give me face. I'm used to it. It's not bad this time! Ha ha

Finish saying, one face wry smile.

At this time, the competition has entered the preparatory stage, we began to test the wind direction, wind speed, as well as adjust the line, angle, strive to start the game, fly into the sky.

The competition mainly depends on the speed, height and stability of the three points to score.

The kites participating in the competition are not ordinary kites. Ordinary kites are one line, but the kites participating in the competition are all two lines, also known as double line kites. One main line flies and one secondary line controls the angle and stability.

Five minutes before the game, everyone was in a lot of discussion.

Liu Cheng of the Sports Institute team took out a measuring instrument and carefully measured the wind speed and wind direction. Because the kite's bearing capacity is limited, what kind of skeleton equipment should be equipped at any wind speed to prevent the kite from being blown out. Measuring the correct wind direction and variable wind direction is conducive to better mastering the track of wind Zheng. There is a lot of knowledge in this.

Looking at the other teams around in an orderly way to measure the wind speed, discuss and prepare, Li Xiao and others are very anxious. Without Chu Yuqi's overall coordination, they are particularly struggling. Even the wind speed can not be measured, let alone the next competition.

All of a sudden, the business brigade fell into a panic, all at a loss, big eyes staring at small eyes.

"I think other people are in a meeting to discuss. Why don't you talk?" Lin Feng asked Li Xiao with a smile: "you are a boy, do you take a head? How do you play in a while? "

Li Xiao saw that Lin Feng pushed him to the front line. He also followed the trend and said, "what, Xi Xi, can you measure the wind speed? Measure the wind speed first! AI, don't you usually control the secondary line? Just follow the drill

"I don't measure the wind speed at ordinary times. Chu Yuqi always does it. I can't measure the wind speed either." Said the big eyed beauty.

"I can control the secondary line, but you have to tell me the angle, and what speed is your main line? I want to keep the same speed as you The melon face beauty called AI said.

In this way, Li Xiao's head was almost blown up. He had never been a captain. It was only at a critical moment that he realized how difficult it was to coordinate a team.

But in front of the two beauties, he couldn't be too incompetent, so he tried to find a reason to say: "then you can't measure the wind speed. What can I do? I usually pull the main lead and start, and I am speechless

"What about that?" The two little beauties were in a hurry.

It's not easy for them to come to this stage. They are about to get 500000 yuan. After the school takes some, the rest is enough for them to take the postgraduate entrance examination in the future. This money is very useful for them.

But at the critical moment, I felt that the money was going to be taken, but it was suddenly far away. This feeling was too hard.

The two little beauties have grievances on their faces and tears around their eyes.

At this time, Li Xiao suddenly had a bad idea. He said to Lin Feng, "Hey, that boy, Chu Yuqi didn't let you be the team leader. Then you can make a plan. What's the Leng in the side? Do you want to watch it"Ha ha!" Lin Feng sneered, did not speak, but took out a cigarette in his mouth, smoked.

Li Xiao and others looked confused, and then Li Xiao was furious: "we are all in a hurry. You still smoke. You and he are really a waste. Do you want to make up for the number?"

The two little beauties are also very disappointed. It seems that Chu Yuqi's friend is in vain. Today's game is doomed.

At this time, Lin Feng stretched out his finger, licked it with his tongue, and then his eyes narrowed slightly, as if feeling something!

A few seconds later, he took a breath of smoke from his mouth. Looking at the direction and speed of the smoke, Lin Feng recalled the coolness of his fingers when he was blown by the wind. Then, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

See Lin Feng smile, Li Xiao and others do not know, so, and two little beauties have to look at Lin Feng.

At this time, listen to Lin Feng's voice said: "the wind force is 4.6, strong enough. Add two layers of fiber protective film on the front and north of the kite to avoid being damaged by the wind! The wind direction is northerly. At one o'clock, please prepare against the wind. Take off takes 100 meters, sprint for five seconds, and then run 80 meters at a constant speed. At the same time, under the control of the auxiliary line, the axis angle from the ground is 90 degrees. It will remain unchanged in the early stage. After takeoff, I will continue to command. Now listen to my orders, take your positions, and all staff are ready! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!