The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 60

"Lin Feng!"

"Lin Feng!"

Su Jing and Yu Lan said one after another.

Tang Dongsheng looked at Lin Feng, his lips trembled. He grasped the barbed wire, and all the excitement was released on his hands. The barbed wire rattled.

Su Jing felt like she was dreaming. The man appeared in front of her.

Is it an illusion?

Su Jing tried to calm her mood, but found her heart was pounding and couldn't stop.

"Lin Feng, I didn't expect you to come and save us!" Yu Lan originally questioned Lin Feng's one cavity, turned into regret and moved tears, and flowed down his cheeks.

"Mr. Yu Lan, you think too much. I just think that the bald donkey is too bullying. It has nothing to do with you. If you are replaced by someone else, I will stand up!" Lin Feng said.

Yu Lan looked incredulous and burst into tears and laughed: "you are obviously still angry with us, niggard! Ha ha ha

Lin Feng white Yu Lan one eye: "you talk more, shut up!"

"Oh Yu Lan immediately covered his mouth, which was quite funny, almost amusing Tang Dongsheng and Su Jing.

The more than a dozen security guards who were knocked down met Lin Feng as if they had seen a great Savior, especially Xia Ming, who had been shouting: "brother Feng, you can come here. I miss you, brother Feng!"

"Pa!" Lei Hong slaps Xia Ming in the face.

The scene just now made him very angry. However, the little security guard who was captured nearby still cried out and scared himself. If he didn't have time to pay attention to him, he must screw his head off to vent his anger.

"Lin Feng! Did you come? " Lei Hong stood up, completely lost his composure.

Wu Bo also appeared a little flustered in his eyes, but he was pretending to be calm.

Lin Feng did not return to Lei Hong's words, he turned to look at Tang Dongsheng and asked, "who beat you like this? Show me!"

Tang Dongsheng suddenly came to the spirit of the head, a face of anger toward the White Wolf pointed to the past. At the moment, he is like a beaten child, and Lin Feng is like the parent who supports him.

Lin Feng grinned at the White Wolf and said, "tut Tut, why do you beat people like that? Are you a pervert? Are you proud to bully a person who is not good at force? "

"White Wolf ruthlessly way:" if you come, I will also beat you like that! "

"Oh, it's just that I'm itchy recently. Come on, or you can beat me like that. I'll be very grateful to you!" Lin Feng said mischievously.

"You and him! Do you want to die? " Lin Hongfeng didn't mention the name of Lin Baifeng, but he didn't want to hear about it.

“no no no!” Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a smile, "it's not that I want to die, it's you who want to die!"

Said, then a foot into the cage.

White Wolf see Lin Feng into his territory, can not help laughing contemptuously, in this UFC fighting field, he has not tried any defeat.

Lei Hong watched from the field, and he did not stop the battle. As the saying goes, the seven wolves were given extremely rich treatment in order to have the opportunity to serve for the wolf society.

At this time, Lin Feng's eyes directly at the White Wolf, the White Wolf bit his teeth, deliberately made a ferocious appearance, his eyes are also staring at Lin Feng's eyes.

This is a look at each other before the war. Before the battle, it is very important for both sides to look at each other. If one side's eyes are wandering or there is fear in their eyes, they will be defeated before the battle.

Therefore, those who practice fighting must first make their eyes full of murderous spirit and have certain deterrent power.

White Wolf is such a person, he can not help but have a very strong body, and the eyes are ferocious, so Tang Dongsheng first saw him, he was completely shocked, so that he did not dare to fight back.

This is not Tang Dongsheng's advice. It is a kind of human self-protection potential. From each other's eyes, we can see the power, so we can protect ourselves.

This kind of octagonal iron cage is an irregular fighting field, which is also the fighting field of UFC. Therefore, the White Wolf studies irregular fighting skills.

Irregular combat is a kind of boxing, karate, taekwondo, Sanda, Brazilian jujitsu and so on. People of this type have strong actual combat ability and comprehensive skills.

So he is so confident that his self-confidence exudes a strong aura, which makes everyone here feel that he can win.

"Son of a bitch, die!"

There was no referee, and the White Wolf rushed to Lin Feng and smashed him with a fist.

Lin Feng dodged the blow easily.

Then he put his arms around the White Wolf's waist, and bent his body toward the back with force. He directly gave the white wolf a fall.

In an instant, the white wolf did not react to come over how to return a responsibility, was Lin Feng fell to the ground, neck a burst of pain.And Lin Feng did not give the white wolf a chance, deceive the body, directly riding on the White Wolf, immediately is a shower of rain like fist.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Lin Feng's continuous percussion makes a dull sound, just like Ye man's voice of beating Japan in a movie, which makes people boil with blood.

Where the white wolf lies, his hands can only parry and return their strength.

He has never suffered such hardships. All along, he has only played against others. However, today, he deeply feels a sense of powerlessness. He can't move and has no chance to fight back. He can only resist the attack of the other side and is very passive.

He was deeply shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that the other side was such a good fighter and despised the enemy!

At this time, Lin Feng said: "my starting hand seems to be too light, I'm sorry, I will try my best."

Finish saying, Lin Feng look a cold, hands just began to force.

"Bang -- Bang --" this time, the fist to the meat, white wolf's hands can not prevent Lin Feng's powerful fist.

In an instant, the defense line disintegrated, and the white wolf was beaten with blood on his face and his face was black and blue.

"Do you know what karma is? It's not that we don't report it, it's not time! " Lin Feng said with a smile: "you do the evil, one day, will repay you, now accept it!"

Said, the fierce fist, than before the strength is even more fierce.

In an instant, the White Wolf's head became a sandbag, which was violently flattened by Lin Feng. The white wolf had already lost consciousness and lay there dead, completely without the appearance of wild animals at the beginning.

All the people in the stage were shocked. Tang Dongsheng didn't expect that the ferocious fighter, who seemed to be totally invincible, had been cleaned up by Lin Feng!

It turns out that Lin Feng is such an expert. His understanding of Lin Feng has gone up a new level.

What is more surprising is that the strength of the other six of the seven wolves is obvious to all. As long as there is a white wolf, the odds ratio of the white wolf is definitely the lowest in the whole field.

It's enough to show his position in the arena.

But such a fierce general, less than a minute by KO scattered, unavoidably let a person startled jaw, so that the other six people have not yet recovered from the stupor, Lin Feng has already stopped.

Lin Feng wiped the blood from his hands, stood up, went to Tang Dongsheng and asked, "how about it? Is it cool? "

Tang Dongsheng's blood is boiling, just now he was beaten that strangled, all of a sudden burst out, roared: "really damn cool!"

"Ha ha!" Lin Feng laughed.

The dozen security guards who were beaten down looked straight at him. They knew that Lin Feng had a fierce fight, but they didn't expect that Lin Feng was so fierce. Didn't that guy be very arrogant just now? Now it is more arrogant!

But Lin Feng knows that his own strength has not been played yet. He can't help it. Who makes his opponent too weak!

He turned to Su Jing and asked, "beauty, who tied you up? Show me! " Shiver all over though not cold with hair standing on end, as like as two peas asked Tang Dongsheng, "who beat you like this",

's tone is very creepy.

Unable to reach out, Su Jing turned her face to Lei Hong and said, "that's him!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!