The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 608

"Lin Feng, you are very arrogant!" Eagle master gnashing his teeth.

"You're right. I'm very arrogant!" Lin Feng smiles.

Ying Ye was so angry that he shivered all over, but he could not help Lin Feng.

The last time he met Lin Feng on the 4th, he knew that he was not sure he could win.

The Bawu he brought was a master of witchcraft sent by Sanfan group. He was so skillful that he was not even his opponent. As a result, he was solved by Lin Feng three times and twice, so he could only choose to break his teeth and swallow in his stomach.

"Lin Feng, remember what happened today. I will never give up! Let's go The eagle waved to the strong man he brought.

"Lord eagle, wait for me!" Scar tried his best, but he couldn't get up, but Eagle went out of the door without looking at him.

All of a sudden, scar's heart was cold.

However, what is colder than his heart is Mr. Qin, the boss of Qin.

Just now, the fat man thought that he could hold the leg of the eagle. As a result, the man brought by him was settled by Lin Feng.

He trembled with fear, turned his head to look at the fire spirit, and found that the fire spirit was staring at him fiercely. He immediately fell on his knees and cried:

"Oh, sister Huoling, I was acting just now. You know, Lord eagle is terrible. If I don't please him, I will suffer!"

Fire spirit cold squeeze out a few words from the teeth: "offend me will not suffer?"

"Elder sister Huoling, I dare not, never dare again!" The fat man of Qin repeatedly begged for mercy.

Fire spirit reached out and picked up a few pieces of broken glass on the ground and gave a cold smile to the fat man: "eat it, I'll spare you if you eat it!"

"Ah? This can't work! It's going to kill you The fat man of Qin repeatedly waved his hands.

"If you don't eat, I'll let you die now!" The fire spirit cheered.

Fire spirit is the first time to see such a shameless person, betrayal, talk like fart, it is too disgusting.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "fat man, it's very simple to eat this thing. As long as you chew it, you won't have any problems. Come on, don't be afraid. I'll help you."

With that, he put the bottom of a bottle directly into Qin's mouth, and said with a smile: "quick, chew hard. If you dare to spit out, I dare to kill you!"

Although Lin Feng said this with a smile, he let Qin fat man's body cool instantly.

This guy is a devil!

Qin fatty helpless, really began to chew the bottom of the bottle.

Lin Feng smiles at the fire spirit and says: "well done, this kind of person can't let him have a good end!"

Fire spirit also nodded and said: "idol, thanks to you today, otherwise I really don't know what will happen to me!"

"You are welcome! You are not my tenant. I am your landlord. I should help you! " Lin Feng smiles.

"Tenant, landlord?" Shen man listen to the clouds: "you changed to do real estate rental?"

"No, I have a villa. There are too many rooms for me to live in. I want to rent it to someone else." Lin Feng said, "by the way, how can you appear here?"

"I'm transferred to work in Songjiang!" Shen man Dao.

On hearing this, Lin Feng said in surprise: "Oh, big police flower, what are you doing? Do you know that I came to Songjiang and was transferred to work on purpose just to chase me? You are too persistent, I said, I can't be your sex slave, you are too terrible...

"shut up!"

Shen man's face turned red. Lin Feng became angry when he saw her. He had shut down Lin Feng's interrogation room several times before. As a result, Lin Feng slandered her for insulting him. Lin Feng really said that she had no good feelings for him.

However, the scar and the fat man on the other side trembled when he heard Lin Feng calling Shenman police flower. Scar thought Shen man was a fake. Unexpectedly, he buried his head deeply. Today, he was really unlucky. He not only provoked Lin Feng, but also provoked the police.

However, he is more afraid of Lin Feng, this Lin Feng, really black and white take all ah!

Lin Feng said to Shen man with a smile: "by the way, it's very complicated here in Songjiang city. If you come here alone, you're not familiar with the place of life. Come to my villa tomorrow, and I'll arrange a room for you to live in."

"No need!" Shen man raised his face and said defiantly.

"Oh, the crime rate is high in the university town of Songjiang City, and there are many bars in this area, which poison the future flowers of our motherland. Don't you focus on managing this area?" Lin Feng asked.

This is all at once said that Shen man's heart went. Shen man came here and divided into Songjiang University Town. Otherwise, she would not choose Songpan style bar to visit.

Seeing Shen man hesitated, Lin Feng said with a smile: "the crime rate is higher here at night. If you live near here, it's more convenient to work."! You can also come out to arrest people at night. Hey, hey

Shen Manmei eyes a pick, said: "I can buy a house nearby, do not need your!""Oh, the police officer is usually so busy with his work that he has no time to take care of himself. Some people clean up the house and cook, and the environment is beautiful. I named my villa goddess Utopia. Only goddess level people can live in it!" Lin Feng said, "of course, I'm not in a hurry to flatter you! I just think you are a goddess

"Well, pay attention to nothing, either rape or theft! Do you have any intention to live in this way? " Shen man glared at Lin Feng.

"Oh, police flower, you can really wrong people. My goddess Utopia just likes to accept the goddess. If you feel that you are not a goddess, don't live there, and you don't injustice me!" Lin Feng said unhappily, "forget it, when I didn't say it!"

"Hum!" Shen man snorted coldly, then sniffed and said, "what, if you live there, how much is the rent?"

"You drink, big police flower is willing to live here? Don't, I'm not a good man, I'm not a traitor or a thief... "Lin Feng chattered.

"All right, stop writing and say, how much is the rent?" Shen man said.

"What a bully Lin Feng murmured: "since facing the masses, goddess Utopia has always been giving back to the society with the lowest price and the highest quality. My purpose is to seek color instead of wealth..."

"how much is the rent?" Shen man called out.

"No money!" Lin Feng shouts at Shen man.

"Good!" Shen man said, "give me the address. I'll go to your house tomorrow."

"Good!" Lin Feng Road.

Fire spirit shook his head: "idol, you are the landlord when, like owe tenant like!"

"Oh, no way, I can only bow to beauty!" Lin Feng spread both hands.

After that, Shen man asked his colleagues from the police station to come over and take the scar and the fat man Qin away. They sent Bawu, who was seriously injured, to the hospital. After that, they left the bar. , the fastest update of the webnovel!