The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 609

Eagle club.

The eagle is livid, holding two iron balls in his left hand, turning rapidly, and holding a pipe in his right hand, he smokes incessantly.

Looking at the angry appearance of the eagle, the others stood aside, and no one dared to speak out.

"Bring me the phone!" The eagle said to a younger brother nearby.

The younger brother respectfully handed the phone to the eagle, who dialed a number.

"Hello, I'm Songjiang eagle. I have something to do with your boss!" Said the eagle.

His phone call is to Sanfan group!

After waiting for about a few minutes, the man at the other end seemed to come.

"Hello, monk, I'm the eagle. I've been cut off on my way to sell goods!" Said the eagle.

The other end listened, pause for a few seconds, came a burst of deep and hoarse voice: "what's the matter?"

The eagle said, "a guy injured my brother and the people you sent. He ordered us to get out of the bar and stop selling goods!"

"Who did it?" Asked the other end of the phone.

"A man named Lin Feng!" Said the eagle.

"Asshole!" There was a sharp scolding at the other end of the phone.

"Big monk... You..." the eagle master was at a loss. How could the big monk suddenly get so angry? Usually he was very calm.

"Lin Feng, it's Lin Feng again!" The monk gnashed his teeth on the other end of the phone and said, "the last time my plan was destroyed by him, this time, I dare to cut off my fortune!"

The last time Sanfan group hired hackers elephant and Bai Junli to cooperate with each other to steal the biochemical serum of the wolf family. If the serum is obtained, the great monk will create a group of invincible soldiers. In that case, Sanfan group will be at the height of the sun in Sanwu area.

As a result, he spent a lot of money to hire an elephant, but he was destroyed by Lin Feng.

The great monk has long held a grudge against Lin Feng. The last time he sent a reward Gu master named Guli to assassinate Lin Feng, but there was no news.

I didn't expect that Lin Feng was still alive and moist. Moreover, he didn't let his Chinese partner sell goods. What a reason!

"Lin Feng is not only your enemy, but also my enemy. Xiaoying, what do you think, tell me about it!" Said the great monk.

The great monk is the leader of Sanfan group. He is very mysterious. No one knows his real name, and few people have ever seen him. Sanfan group's strength is strong, so the great monk called the eagle Lord as the little eagle, and the eagle master did not dare to say a word.

Master Ying said respectfully: "monk, I have inquired about Lin Feng. I heard that he is a triple practitioner of huaxue state. But on that day, I saw him compete with others, and his strength was absolutely above me. I was a practitioner of four levels of huaxue realm. So I guess his real level should be around five levels of huaxue realm! So, you just need to send a Gu master who can easily assassinate the five level practitioners of huaxue realm

Master eagle knows that there are many experts there. Among them, Gu master is the most powerful.

Because the great monk was born in the Miao area of China, he had many brothers in his Sanfan group, all of whom were Miao people.

There is an ancient secret art in Miao, also known as the first wonder of China, that is, Gu Shu.

Gu Shu has a long history. It is said that Chiyou, the God of war in ancient times, was the pioneer of Gu Shu.

Therefore, from ancient times to now, the number of people who can use Gu Shu is countless, and the ability is not under the cultivator.

Although the physical skills and combat effectiveness of the Gu masters are not as good as those of the practitioners, they can make up for them with Gu techniques. The powerful Gu masters can kill people a hundred paces away without knowing it. It's very terrible.

So the eagle master wanted to kill Lin Feng with his magic skill.

After hearing this, the monk nodded and said, "well, in this case, I will send an expert to assist you. He has a high level of witchcraft, but he has one drawback: he is obscene and lustful for women. When he comes to your place, he doesn't need to be entertained, but he can treat him with a woman!"

"Ha ha! It's wonderful. It's a man. It should be! " Eagle Ye laughs.

The eagle also likes to give in to what he likes. If the person who comes doesn't have any hobbies, he doesn't know what to do!

The big monk said, "I'll let him start right away. I'll come to you within three days. I'll inform you to meet him then."

"Excellent! Thank you, monk Eagle Ye hands the iron ball to turn extremely fast, a face of joy.

"You're welcome. I hope you can sell more of my goods. After all, China has a huge market potential." Said the great monk.

"Don't worry about it, it must be!" Said the eagle.

After that, the eagle hung up the phone, smashed the iron ball on the table in his hand, and said fiercely: "come on, give me paper and pen. I want to make a death list. All the people on the list must die!"

Then, the little brother quickly sent over the paper and pen.

As he thought about it, he wrote his name:

Lin Feng, mang ye, Huo Ling, Wang Jia Wang Cheng...

In the villa where Lin Feng lives.

These days, the villa is more lively.

Jin Lengyu's craftsmanship is getting better and better, and the meals are more and more delicious. We often sit around, eat and chat, and have a good time.

Su Jing's Dongqing group is gradually on the right track.

Wei Yi Chen's exam is still smooth, and in the school began to accept younger brother, where like to be the elder sister.

Fire spirit because of Lin Feng's help, the management of the bar is also smooth.

Shen man had his own police uniform and police signal. After taking office, he began to supervise the public security of Songjiang University Town.

However, there are occasional verbal conflicts between Huoling and Shen man. After all, Shen man is a police officer and can't see some behaviors of the society. Fortunately, fire spirit's associations do legitimate business, so there is not much conflict between them.

Because of Lin Feng's introduction, Chen Wu, Ren Changfeng and mouse got to know each other, and they were as good as before at first sight.

Ren Changfeng is a martial arts maniac. He admires Chen Wu's accomplishments, so he pesters Chen Wu every day to learn cultivation skills from him.

Chen Wu is addicted to games, and he fawns on mice all day.

Mouse is not only a computer expert, but also a game master. Of course, it's not how powerful the mouse is, but he can engage in plug-in.

For example, Chen Wu recently played a Xianxia game. In the game, other people were fighting with cold weapons, swords, swords, halberds, axes and forks. As a result, the mouse was stunned and made a bag of grenades for Chen Wu.

Chen Wu has been throwing grenades at those people who are dancing with swords all day long.

And the mouse likes Ren Changfeng's righteous character and likes to find Ren Changfeng to drink.

So three people formed a cycle, and became a very solid iron triangle.

Of course, this triangle is based on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng gave them a name, called the universe flower protection brigade, as the name implies, is the protection of all the goddesses in the villa.

Lin Feng is the captain of the team, and the other three are small team leaders. They listen to Lin Feng's instructions.

Although there are only four people, they are all officials!

Even if Lin Feng is not in Songjiang City, he will not worry about problems.

Lin Feng had a lot of fun these days, but after a few quiet days, he got a call from Lao Hu.

"Lin Feng, the fourth clue of blood jade has been found. It's in the Kite Square. It's true!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!