The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 607

A moment later, the box of the bar was kicked open, a big man opened the door, and then the eagle, dressed in a Chinese tunic, walked in slowly.

"Who dares to beat my men?"

"Lord Eagle!"

When scar face saw the eagle coming, he was moved to tears. However, he was in great pain and couldn't stand up. He could only sob there.

The eagle master didn't come here because of him. He heard that Lin Feng was making trouble here, and he threatened to let the eagles get out of the bar!

At the last four-day meeting in Jincheng, because of Lin Feng, he was defeated in front of mang Ye. He hated Lin Feng deeply.

So when he heard scar say that Lin Feng was playing here, he was furious and insisted on coming over in person.

This time, the eagle did not bring any bodyguards. In addition to the strong man who opened the door earlier, there was only a thin young man.

The young man was white in a black robe.

Because of his short stature, the robes were very wide, and they were all on the ground.

But his temperament, revealing a heavy haze, Lin Feng think this guy is not ordinary people.

And see the support came, not only scar to the bottom gas, even boss Qin suddenly changed face.

Boss Qin straightened up and said to the Eagle: "Lord eagle, you can count it. The boy not only beat me and brother scar, but also told me not to cooperate with the eagle society. He looks down on the eagle society too much. You have to let him know the power of the eagle society!"

"Fat Qin, you bastard Fire spirit gnashing teeth curse way.

She thought that Qin Pang was forced to cooperate with the eagle society. Now it seems that this fat man is definitely a villain. What she said just now is all deceitful!

The fat man of Qin said to the eagle, "look, you see, I cooperated with you Eagle society, and she scolded me as a scum. You have to make decisions for me!"

"Shut up!" Eagle Ye coldly squinted at the fat man Qin. He hated this group of people who didn't have the ability to read fragmentary.

Ying Ye kept playing with two iron balls, looked at the scar and asked, "what he said is true?"

The scar was full of blood and cried: "yes, this Lin Feng is too arrogant. He not only beat the members of our Eagle club, but also drove us out of the bar, so that the owner of the bar can continue to cooperate with the flying snake gang. It is obvious that he can't get along with our Eagle club!"

The eagle turned to look at Lin Feng and said with a cold smile, "Oh? And that kind of thing? Do you have a problem with my Eagle club

The eagle master's eyes were cold and full of murderous spirit, which made everyone here feel cold. Even the fire spirit was afraid of him.

But Lin Feng is a light smile, said: "yes, on your opinion!"

"Dare to do, dare to say, good!" The eagle also pulled a chair and sat opposite to Lin Feng. With his other hand holding a pipe, he took a puff and said, "after you won those scum in the Longkou group, it's very inflated. Do you think you can shake my Eagle club?"

Lin Feng human and animal harmless smile: "shake not shake, don't pull so big, I this person also have no ability, but is love to meddle in affairs, no way, I am such a person, love this one!"

Looking at Lin Feng's appearance of pretending to be forced, Ying Ye's eyes were cold again and said, "if you have no ability, don't talk big, or you will lose your life because of boasting!"

"I haven't seen a man who talks big and loses his life. I really hope to see it once. Or, you can always let me see?" Lin Feng smiles.

"Hum! If you don't eat or drink, you will be punished! " Yingye slapped the stool, which was smashed in an instant. He stood up and glared at Lin Feng.

"Good strength!" Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile: "look at the strength of the eagle master, it's only a cultivator can have it! Not bad, not bad! "

Since ancient times, the literati played with walnuts, and the martial arts turned to iron balls. The eagle always played with two iron balls, which showed that he had defined himself as a martial arts man.

Moreover, the eagle society is also a martial arts founder, so it is not surprising that the eagle master is a martial arts practitioner.

Lin Feng felt the energy fluctuation of Ying Ye's whole body. He opened six meridians. Like himself, he was a four fold cultivator of blood state.

But if it is the same level, the eagle is definitely not his opponent, but he can cross two levels of challenge man!

However, the eagle master did not seem to intend to fight with Lin Feng. He yelled to the short young man behind him: "Bawu, kill this boy who doesn't know the height of heaven and earth. He is too eye-catching!"


The short young man put his hands together, and then suddenly burst out, and without warning, he took a picture of Lin Feng!

If it was normal, Lin Feng would fight back with a fist, but he found that there was something wrong with Bawu's palm, so he quickly dodged to the side and dodged past.

Bawu didn't give Lin Feng a chance to breathe. He cheated him and photographed him again.

Lin Feng dodged from left to right. He found that Ba Wu was not very powerful in attack, but each time he attacked, there was a strange fragrance in the palm, which made people very intoxicated.Lin Feng can finally confirm that this guy is not a cultivator, but a Gu master!

There are many kinds of poisonous insects practiced by Gu masters. Guanglin Feng knows that there are medicinal Gu, insect Gu, Wu Gu and Gui Gu!

It is said that there are more divine, and the fairy Gu.

Of course, there are different levels of Gu masters. Most people can practice medicinal and insect poisons, but witchcraft and ghost Gu are not very common. It is said that only the king of Miao in the stockade of Miao, that is, the leader, can learn some refining methods of witchcraft and ghost Gu.

However, this thing is also related to people's physique and talent. Not all people can make witches and ghosts, so most of what we see today are medicinal and insect insects.

As for the fairy Gu, it is like a colorful cloud sinking in the west, far away.

The Bawu that Lin Feng faces is similar to that of Miao people in terms of its name. Moreover, his eyes are fierce. His eyes are black and his eyes are bloodshot. Generally, people who practice Gu all day long have this appearance. Lin Feng has seen people refining Gu in Miao Autonomous Region. They are all like this.

There was a strange fragrance in the palm wind of Bawu just now. Lin Feng knew what it was. In the Central Plains, it was called Mi Xiang, but in the Miao area, it was called "paihuagu".

This kind of poison is a kind of secret medicinal powder. The master often hides it in his palm. If he hits the head of his opponent, he will be confused. At least, he will lose his self-consciousness. If he is at the mercy of the master, he will be unconscious and even lose his life.

Gu masters practice poisonous insects all the year round. Their bodies can withstand the erosion of poisonous insects, but ordinary people are different. They can't touch such things.

So Lin Feng didn't take the move easily, but dodged around.

See Lin Feng has been avoiding, and war and retreat, scar laughed: "boy, this time you are afraid, your death is coming!"

Lin Feng is a faint smile. Although the magic technique is powerful, it is not impossible to break it. If you don't have direct physical contact with the other party, you won't get poisoned.

Lin Feng back a few steps, directly one hand into the sofa, and then five fingers into claws, a pull.

"Hiss" a sound, the surface of the sofa was pulled off by Lin Feng.

When people saw this scene, they were all in a daze. Why did Lin Feng tear down the furniture after fighting?

At this time, the guy named Bawu jumped up again and slapped Lin Feng.

Lin Feng suddenly lifted the surface of the sofa and covered it in front of him. Across the sofa skin, he punched Bawu.

Bawu did not expect Lin Feng to fight back suddenly. He was caught off guard, but was boxed by Lin Feng.

Bawu's thin body flew straight out and fell to the ground with a bang. The corners of his mouth were bleeding. After struggling for several times, he fainted.

Yingye didn't expect that Bawu would be defeated by Lin Feng in an instant. He was stunned, but he heard Lin Feng say, "Yingye, should we talk about it now? Do you get out of the bar?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!