The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 606

Lin Feng said, really raised his left leg, toward the scar's face swept in the past.

"No, no, no, no...

" pa -- "

" ah -- "

scar cried out in pain, his mouth full of blood thread flew out with his teeth, and he could not help but fly back to the back, and" puff "fell on the sofa.

His teeth were kicked out of his mouth by Lin Feng. His face was full of blood. He was very embarrassed. His body was leaning on the sofa. He kept twitching. It seemed that the injury was not clear.

In this scene, Huoling and Wei Yichen are relaxed. Wei Yicheng scolds the scar:

"I said that my boss will pick your skin, but you don't believe it! Let you a big whore bully my fire spirit elder sister, did not kill you, is you to walk the dog excrement luck

Lin Feng went to the scar face and said with a smile, "come on, kneel down and apologize to some beauties."

Scar's heart was extremely frightened and stood up, but he didn't listen to him and knelt down.

At this time, Lin Feng Meng raised his leg.

"Don't, don't kick me..."

the scar suddenly urinates and kneels on the ground with a "puff".

But Lin Feng raised his leg and flicked the ash on his trousers: "don't be afraid, I just feel that the trousers are dirty."

"Ah Scar face suddenly a burst of humiliation and anger, a burst of blood spurted out, soft and powerless fell on the ground.

Lin Feng smiles at the Three Beauties: "look, I said he would kneel down for you!"

Wei Yichen and Huoling feel very happy when they see this scene.

And Shen man, if put in the past, iron will not support Lin Feng to do so, but now she is much better.

The reason why she hated Lin Feng's practice of using violence to suppress violence in the past was that she always appeared in front of the public with police uniform and police siren. Others only feared and respected him.

But today is different. She has no police siren or uniform. She is an ordinary woman. Therefore, as an ordinary person, she has experienced a process of being bullied by a mob and almost insulted.

At this time, she deeply understood how dirty and twisted the mob's psychology was.

Even her own, have the impulse to hit people, so she also deeply realized that Lin Feng had done, how correct.

Shen man has never realized that the oppressed people hate the evil forces, so she can say to others, please pay attention to your attitude. The prisoners are also human beings. We will help you deal with this matter. If you do, I will catch you together and so on.

However, it happened to her that she knew how indignant her original practice was in terms of human relationship!

At this time, she really learned to empathize, to experience the hatred of different people for evil forces, so she can fully understand Lin Feng's practice of using violence against violence.

Of course, she does not encourage or advocate it, but now, at least, she will not object.

So the image of Lin Feng at this time is much better than before in her heart.

At this time, Lin Feng cleaned up the scar, then turned his head and walked toward the boss Qin.

"You... What are you going to do?" Boss Qin was scared and retreated: "if you do this again, I will call the police."

"You drink, do you think of the people's police at this time? Why don't you mention half a word when you do evil Lin Feng went to the boss of Qin and said, "kneel down!"

Boss Qin looked pale and turned to run.

Lin Feng grabs his clothes and pulls them in a slap.

"Pa --"

half of boss Qin's face swelled up in an instant. He spat out a mouthful of blood and came out with two teeth.

"Ouch, it hurts! Please don't hit me

Boss Qin looked at the two blood teeth and implored Lin Feng.

"Kneel down!" Lin Feng said fiercely.


Boss Qin knelt on the ground and continued to beg for mercy toward Lin Feng: "please let me go..."

with a cigarette in his mouth, Lin Feng suddenly raised his hand!

"Oh, don't hit me, don't hit me!"

Seeing Lin Feng raise his hand, boss Qin's face is black and blue. He quickly hugs his head and asks for mercy.

Lin Feng is a smile, "pa" opened the lighter to light a cigarette, he raised his hand is to light, but the boss Qin scared enough.

This is the same as the previous leg lifting for scar. As expected, these people were scared by him!

"Did I make you kneel on me?" Lin Feng said: "kneel down and go to the fire spirit elder sister. If she releases you, I won't say a word!"

Boss Qin quickly moved his knees and knelt toward the fire spirit. Then he kowtowed and said, "elder sister Huoling, please forgive me! Please

Fire spirit a bite teeth, casually grab a wine bottle, a few steps to the boss Qin in front of, once on the head of boss Qin smash.

With a "click", the wine bottle broke. Looking at the blood left on boss Qin's head, Huoling did not have any pity. He pointed to boss Qin and scolded: "Qin fatty, aren't you holding the thighs of the eagle club? You're going to let your big brother of Eagle Club help you out! ""Elder sister Huoling, I'm wrong. I know I'm wrong. I can't help it either. I'm threatened by the eagle club!" Boss Qin said with a cry: "there are old and young in my family. The eagle society threatens me with them. I can't help it!"

"Don't lie here, fat Qin. I don't know about others. Don't you and I know? It would be nice if one of your ten words was true! " The fire spirit cheered.

Looking at boss Qin's appearance, where is it like being threatened, it is clearly voluntary.

"Sister Huoling, what I said is true!" Boss Qin's eyes turned red, and his tears began to flow down: "it's not so easy for us to be businessmen."

Fire spirit frowned, she is not inhuman person, if this boss Qin is really threatened, it also has affection can yuan.

Lin Feng said with a cold smile: "I don't care what you are because of. In short, you have to follow what I said before and continue to cooperate unconditionally with the flying snake gang. Moreover, it is not allowed to cooperate with other associations. Secondly, the management fee is three times that of usual! Can it be done? "

"Yes, yes!" Boss Qin's heart is dripping blood, but in the face of Lin Feng's ferocious eyes, he still nodded.

"Well, not bad!" Lin Feng smiles and says to Huoling and others, "you see, what I said just now is almost realized. If you drive these bastards out of the bar, all my words will come true."

"Idol, you are worthy of my idol, I really like to worship you!" Fire Spirit said with a smile.

"My boss, is that a normal person? That's definitely not ordinary people Wei Yichen patted Huo Ling on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"All right, don't hold it up. If you hold it again, I will float away!" Lin Feng laughed, turned his head to scar and said, "take your little brother, get out of here for me, and dare to come back later. I tell you to come in vertically and go out horizontally!"

Scar came over a little bit at this time. He reluctantly supported him and sat on the sofa. However, he changed his fear and said with bitter pain: "Lin Feng, you beat my brother today, and also beat me. Do you think it's so easy to finish the job?"

As soon as he said this, all the people present were stunned.

Didn't Lin Feng beat him to beg for mercy? Why are you afraid of Lin Feng?

Lin Feng eyebrows a pick, "you drink, OK, have backbone ah! What's the matter? It's so hard. Is someone coming to support you? "

Scar's heart is surprised, this guy not only fights fiercely, but also has such a smart mind that he guesses it at once.

Just a moment ago, he secretly sent a message to Yingye, asking him to bring an expert to support him. Just now, he returned the message that he had already arrived outside the bar.

So scar talks with Lin Feng recklessly. He thinks that even if Lin Feng is more powerful, he can't be more powerful than the master brought by Ying Ye.

"Lin Feng, you wait, my boss has come, he will certainly abolish you!"

With a faint smile, Lin Feng took a chair and sat down, facing the front door of the box and said, "OK, I'll wait for him. I'll wait for him. I'll talk to him about letting the eagle club get out of the bar!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!