The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 605

"Yes, he can't go, damn it!" Scar touched his face, touched all pain he hissed!

He thought that the boy came in to tease and mock him, and then his face was all because he did it. His hand was trampled by him. Although the boy didn't dare to hand from the beginning to the end, he couldn't let him go because he started.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "do you want my leg? Well, then I will give you my legs. I will sit here and I will not leave. You will take them by yourself! "

Lin Feng pulled a chair and sat down, and raised his two legs: "just give you this leg above me, come on!"


The scar said to a younger brother next to him.

The younger brother took a knife and walked to Lin Feng, looking carefully at Lin Feng's thigh, and he was looking at where to cut it!

Lin Feng measured the root of his thigh: "come on, just this way, go down with a knife, and your whole leg!"

The little brother nodded, feeling Lin Feng said in the Li, really carry a knife to cut the legs of forest peak.

"Are you so stupid?" Lin Feng gas want to laugh, a foot, "pa" kicked on the face of that person.


The man was kicked nose straight blood, angry and shouted: "you... You he is playing a fool!"

"I'll let you cut you and cut it? Do you know how much my leg costs? " Lin Feng heart said these people are really stupid can, who will really cut your legs, cheat you to play, and take it seriously?

The little brother was angry and said, "do you dare to play me? I will kill you!"

Said, a knife toward the forest peak to stab.

Lin Feng dodged easily, then broke his wrist, and turned the blade back directly, stabbing it on the man's thigh.

"Ah --"

the man covered his thighs and howled loudly.

"Shit! You kid dare to play us? " Scar also angry, he said to boss Qin: "you lock the door to me, today I will kill this boy, today these girls, I will play all! You're going to block the news off to me, don't show the wind! "

"Scar brother, no problem! No one knows if they're all killed! " Boss Qin said kindly, then went to the front door of the box to lock the door, and then he turned to chat and smile: "scar brother, can I play with a woman, hey hey!"

"I'll give you the rest of the game!" Said the scar.

"Oh, thank you for scarring!" Boss Qin rubbed his hands and smiled.

"Qin chubby, I didn't expect you to be such a dirty little man!" The spirit of fire saw the obscene appearance of boss Qin, and the angry one was full of eyes.

"Man, why we become animals is not that you are too charming? Blame yourself for that! I will serve scar gorha well later. When it's my turn, I will make you happy to die! Ha ha ha ha Qin boss said more and more cheap, eyes a squint, smile more obscene, let the spirit of fire directly rush to the sky!

"Do you have him..." br >

calm down! "

The fire spirit will rush up, but it is stopped by the forest peak.

Lin Feng smiled to the fire spirit and said, "I'll come!"

Said, Lin Feng step out, stand in front of Huoling and Shen man, and said to the scar: "sorry, I want these women! You're not on the wheel! "

The three women were first stunned.

Weiyichen was delighted immediately; Shen man bit her lips to scold Lin Feng for not having to face; but Huoling was suddenly shy, and she didn't know how she suddenly blushed.

Scar is sneer: "these three women are Laozi, you dare to? You're bragging again, right

"I didn't say anything big," Lin Feng said. "I want these women not only, but also you have to kneel down and apologize for them, and then get out of this bar!"

Then Lin Feng pointed to boss Qin again and said, "fat man, this bar is yours, right? If you want to continue business later, you will continue to cooperate with the flying snake Gang unconditionally. However, if the management fee is doubled by three times, it will be handed over to the flying snake Gang on time at the beginning of each month. Is there any problem? "

"What?" Boss Qin felt like he heard a joke from Tianda. He laughed and pointed to Lin Feng and said to the scar, "who is this boy? Scar brother, this kid is not psychosis, right

"Ha ha ha!" Scar also laughed, a face mockingly at Lin Feng said: "he is not mental illness, he is silly! A fool who doesn't know the sky is

"No wonder you want to kill him. This kind of person with a brain disease should have died!" Boss Qin sneered at Lin Feng's unreasonable demands.

Dare to let me give the flying snake Gang three times the management fee, think that they are the leader of the flying snake Gang?

Even if the leader of the flying snake Gang is in, he is not afraid. The eagle club is no weaker than the flying snake gang. It is also said that the eagle club has three groups to support their waist. They are supposed to kill the flying snake gang in the morning and evening.

But Lin Feng smiled quietly: "I feel, you will promise my request!"Scar heard this, Lin Feng is also intolerable, he waved to the younger brother behind him, said: "give me all, give that boy to me, tear up the mouth for me, I let him boast again!"

Those younger brothers behind him showed off the guy one after another and rushed towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng mouth covered with a faint smile, suddenly rose, fierce also rushed to the group of younger brothers.

Lin Feng's figure darted through the group, just a flash of virtual shadow. The group felt as if they had been hit hard. They didn't even see each other's figure clearly, so they fell down in an instant.

Then, to their horror, they found that their bodies had suffered serious trauma, some had a concave chest, some had their legs broken, and some of their noses were crooked, and their faces looked as if they had been trampled on.

One by one, they fell to the ground and howled, and the pain was unbearable.

Scar and boss Qin look at the scene in front of them and are all shocked.

A dozen younger brothers, in a flash, were all knocked down, the other party, who is this? Is he still human?

Lin Feng went to the scar, and with a smile, pointed to his right leg and said, "I heard you want my leg?"

"This..." scar felt flustered.

"If you want it, I'm not mean. I'll give you a leg!" Lin Feng said, raise a leg is a, directly swung in scar's waist.


Scar heard the sound of his own bone fracture, and then his body was kicked to one side by a great force, and hit the wall with a bang.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!"

At this time, he felt the pain in his waist. He supported the ground with one hand, and his body trembled, but he could not stand up.

"Well, aren't you very powerful? If you want my life and insult some beauties, aren't you very fierce? Do you want my legs Lin Feng went to the front of scar and asked.

Lin Feng controlled the strength of that foot just now. He hurt the scar, but it was not fatal.

But scar's heart was extremely frightened. He felt the strength of that foot and felt that he could not resist it.

In addition, his more than ten younger brothers were instantly knocked down by Lin Feng. He felt that Lin Feng was not as simple as it looked on the surface.

But Lin Feng leaned over and asked him again: "I asked you, do you want my legs?"

"No... no, no more!" Scar scared pale, looking at Lin Feng's leg is afraid.

Lin Feng but ha ha a smile: "that can't, how can you say don't want it, you don't think a leg is enough? Well, I'll try my best to change my leg and give you another one. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!