The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 604

"Sleeping trough NIMA!"

Scar face gas mouth straight pumping, back directly toward the Linfeng a wine bottle in the past.

However, Lin Feng didn't hide. He was as steady as Mount Tai with a smile on his face. He just kicked scar face's leg.

Scar face suddenly felt that the footwall slipped, and then he fell to the front, and a dog snatched the excrement.

Scar face of a face, knot solid first ground, "pa Ji", and the ground to a close contact.

"Ah --"

scar's face screamed with pain, and his face was covered with blood.

You know, this ground in addition to wine, there are a lot of broken glass and wine glass, a broken glass debris are incomparably sharp.

At this time, the scar face was full of broken glass debris, and the whole face became a blood gourd, which was very terrible.

Scar face lying on the ground shouting, feel the whole head is like to burst the general pain.

"Ouch, why are you so careless?" Lin Feng moves forward to help scar face.

"Ah! You... He stepped on my hand

Scar's face let out another howl of pain.

Lin Feng stepped on his hand too quickly. There was a piece of broken glass under his hand. When he stepped on it, he immediately stabbed his palm. This kind of pain is worse than death!

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not careful..." Lin Feng deliberately took an apology on his face.

"Get out of here

A few younger brothers on one side pushed Lin Feng aside and quickly helped up the scar face.

Scar face is covered with blood, his younger brothers also loose fire spirit and Shen man, hurry to see their big brother.

Lin Feng went to the fire spirit and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I'm late!"

"Idol, you are here in time! If it wasn't for you, I don't know what these animals would have done

Said, fire spirit took out the phone, roared to the phone: "Qin fatty, I'm in box 666, you roll over to me!"

After a few minutes, a fat middle-aged man pushed the door into the box!

"Mr. Qin, how many times have I told you that people selling goods are forbidden to come in the bar. Why do you still let the sellers in? Are you turning a deaf ear to my words? " The fire spirit roared at the fat man.

"Oh, elder sister Huoling, don't be angry. I also want to make money when I'm in a bar. If there's no one selling goods, I'll lose a lot of business. I can't live with money, can't I?" The fat man said with a smile.

This fat man, whose surname is Qin, is the owner of the bar. In the past, he would have listened to what Huoling said. But now, he has the support of Eagle society, so he dares to bargain with Huoling here.

"Boss Qin, do you have to be moral in making money? Don't forget that our flying snake Gang is helping you watch the bar. You let people from the eagle club come in to sell goods. This is the face of our flying snake Gang Huolingdao.

Hearing the fire spirit denounce the eagle society, scar face angrily exclaimed, "what's wrong with our sales? You flying snake gang used to sell it, but can't we sell it now? Fire spirit, if you dare to take care of the affairs of our Eagle society again, I will definitely let you look good! "

At this time, my brother has helped scar face take off the glass debris on his face, and the blood has also been wiped clean. Fortunately, his eyes are not hurt, so it seems that it is not a big problem now.

The conflict between scar and Huoling just now is actually because of the sale of goods.

The eagle Society sent scar to sell goods in the Songpan style bar. Huoling came here to see the shop. He caught scar's younger brother and ordered him to get out of the bar.

After being beaten, the little brother went to the box to call for scar. Scar took more than a dozen younger brothers and beat Huoling's younger brother for a meal, and then dragged the fire spirit into the box to do something wrong.

So there was this scene.

Huo Ling said: "this is the territory of our flying snake sect. It's not what you want. Go back to your territory and sell it. I don't disturb you, but I'll take care of you when you sell goods here."

Huoling is also a person who has experienced big waves. Although she was forced to lose her life just now, she didn't have any palpitations afterwards. What's more, Lin Feng is still beside her. As long as Lin Feng is there, she feels that she has enough protection, so she dares to roar at scar face.

Scar face says coldly: "today I must sell goods here."

Finish saying, he looked at Lin Feng, pointing to Lin Feng and shouting: "I not only want to sell goods here, but also his leg!"

"You are too arrogant Shen man stood up and denounced.

Huo Ling takes a look at Shen man. She doesn't know Shen man, but she can see that Wei Yichen knows Shen man. She thinks Shen man is Wei Yichen's friend. So she takes out her elder sister's momentum and blocks Shen man behind her and says, "it's OK. I'll deal with this matter."

Shen man didn't know what the relationship between these people was, so she didn't try to be brave. She stepped aside and watched, trying to understand the situation here.

Fire spirit see Shen man silent, she said to the bar's boss Qin: "Qin fatty, you're in the same boat with the eagle club now, aren't you? I told you to stop people from the eagle club from selling goods. You just ignore my words, don't you? ""How dare I turn a deaf ear to your words?" Boss Qin said, with a mocking look on his face and said with a smile: "sister Huoling, you are watching the court, and you have the ability to drive away others. I can't drive people away. Otherwise, what's the use of watching the court?"

"You..." the fire spirit beautiful eye wants to spurt the fire, she did not expect this Qin fat man, actually dare to tease her!

Seeing Huoling being ridiculed by boss Qin, scar's face couldn't help laughing and said, "Huoling, you flying snake Gang is going to die. We will take over these bars gradually. When the time comes, the business of all the bars will belong to our Eagle club. What do you want to do? Be serious, just fart

With that, he said to the boss Qin: "Lao Qin, you will be under the care of my Eagle club in the future. In the future, you don't have to pay the management fee of the flying snake gang. You can give it to me. Do you hear me?"

"Good, good!" Boss Qin nodded repeatedly.

"Fat Qin, you are ungrateful. When you are in the most difficult situation, do you remember who helped you through the difficulties?" The fire spirit cursed the boss of Qin: "is the agreement between you and the flying snake Gang a joke? You want to change it? "

"I'm a bar owner. I work with the bar. I has the final say." Qin boss hands a spread, very angry said.

He listened to what the Fire Spirit said before, but now, he doesn't pay attention to the fire spirit at all, because he has the support of the eagle society!

Moreover, the eagle club's people in the bar crazy shopping, will give him a little bonus, not only to stimulate the flow of people, but also to take money, his business is much hotter than before.

That's why he doesn't care about the kindness of the flying snake gang. Since he has made it clear today, he won't save face for the flying snake gang.

The hands of fire spirit gas all some tremble, she points to Qin boss to curse: "Qin fatty, you he is a villain!"

Boss Qin said: "elder sister, don't point at me. I don't have anything to do with you now. If you point to me again, I will let my brother drive you out!"

After that, he also said with a flattering smile on the scar: "brother, you will be my patron saint in the future. Come to my bar and you will be at home and play casually. Hey, hey

Lin Feng looked at the scene in front of him with a cold smile. He said to the fire spirit, "let's go. Don't look at the bar any more. Sooner or later, it will close down."

When boss Qin heard this, he was very angry. Did he dare to curse me to close the door?

With a cold face, he said to Lin Feng, "Hey, hey, did I let you go?"

"Why, can't I go yet?" Lin Feng asked.

Boss Qin said: "of course not. If you want to leave, just him? Leave one leg first, and honor my brother scar!"

Say, reach out to block Lin Feng's way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!