The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 59

"Me?" Tang Dongsheng looked at the man in the octagonal cage like a beast, and felt a palpitation.

"Ha ha ha, it's you. Go and fight!" He said.

But Tang Dongsheng was still.

"Why, don't you dare?" Lei Hong frowned, reached for the cigarette from his hand, took a puff, put his mouth close to Su Jing's cheek, and slowly exhaled white smoke.

"Cough!" Su Jing trembled and struggled, as if choked.

"Boss Lei, tell me what you want. I'll give it to you as long as I can. Please let Su Jing go!" Tang Dongsheng had to kneel down to Lei Hong.

Lei Hong burst out laughing. Suddenly, his face sank, he pointed to the iron cage and yelled: "let's fight first!"

Tang Dongsheng gasped and pulled his tie. He made up his mind and walked directly into the cage.

"Woo -- woo --" Su Jing struggled more fiercely. She yelled at Tang Dongsheng, as if to organize Tang Dongsheng not to go in.

But the tape was around her mouth and she couldn't speak.

"Xiaojing, I'm sorry for your mother. I can't lose you any more!" Tang Dongsheng said, and then stepped into the cage.

"Ha --" the boxer in the cage, seeing Tang Dongsheng come in, looks like a lion watching its prey enter its territory, and immediately roars with excitement.

Tang Dongsheng heaved a heavy sigh and said to Lei Hong outside the cage: "I hope you don't break your word..."

"Bang --" before finishing, a heavy blow hit Tang Dongsheng in the face from the back.

Suddenly the corners of his eyes were swollen.

Tang Dongsheng held his head in both hands and allowed the boxer to fight back.

Tang Dongsheng, who is in his 40s, has no time to keep fit when he is busy.

Moreover, such a person as him will not have physical conflict with other people at all. If anything happens, the bodyguard will directly rush in front of him.

So at the moment, Tang Dongsheng is only allowed to be slaughtered.

"Wu Bo, ask people to take pictures of all these! Go back to your hair and show it to the boss Lei Hong ran out her hair with her hand.

Su Jing was shaking all over her body. She didn't know whether it was because of fear or anger. She watched Tang Dongsheng being chased and beaten by the boxer in the cage. The blood dropped to the ground drop by drop, and two lines of tears slipped down from the corner of her eyes.

"Oh, my little beauty is crying!" Lei Hong joked, holding Su Jing's chin in his forefinger, and said grimly, "don't worry, I won't kill him. He's my father-in-law, and he'll watch us enter the bridal chamber! Ha ha ha ha ha

On the stage, Tang Dongsheng was dishevelled and bruised. He struggled to stand up. He was knocked down by a fist, stood up, and was kicked down by a foot. He took off a human flesh target.

Su Jing couldn't bear to look straight and turned her head.

Tang Dongsheng has no strength any more. He lies on the ground and is still.

Lei Hong waves at the boxer, who stops attacking and dodges to one side.

Tang Dongsheng lies on the ground, gasping for breath, with blood in every breath.

Su Jing was crying bitterly. She even thought that she was the one who fell on the ground covered with blood.

Seeing this, Lei Hong shook his head: "tut Tut, don't be so pessimistic. The good play has not officially started yet."

With that, he asked someone to uncover Su Jing's tape.

"Dad --"

Su Jing gave a sad roar with endless guilt, bitterness and regret for everything in the past.

This long backlog of emotions, only into a word.

For the first time, her name is Tang Dongsheng, Dad!

Tang Dongsheng's body suddenly shakes, and his heart is like a storm. In this moment, he breaks through the gate and rushes out.

He's been waiting for the word, too long!

With his hands supporting him, he slowly got up, holding the edge of the cage with both hands. His body was shaking, but his face was full of happiness. It seemed that at the moment, all the pain had disappeared. He was the happiest father in the world.

"Daughter, my good daughter!" Tang Dongsheng kept whispering.

"Tut tut!" Lei Hong clapped his hands and said, "what a great play of father daughter love! I'm almost touched by you

"Lei Hong, what do you want?" Su Jing roared.

"What do I want? Ha ha ha Lei Hong said: "what do I want? Don't you know? If it had not been for the bad things done to me that day, you would have been my woman, and you would not have become what you are today. To blame, blame that boy! "

"Lin Feng?" Su Jing looked surprised.

Lei Hong said, "don't you know? On the day of Huasheng club, you lay intoxicated in my bed and immediately became my woman, but Lin Feng rushed in and took you away. I really hate this man! "

Su Jing suddenly remembered that night, in the blur, the figure that was going to smear her innocence.She always thought that it was Lin Feng who wanted to defile her, but it was Lei Hong.

At this time, Tang Dongsheng said: "Xiaojing, we wrongly blame Lin Feng. That night, Lin Feng took you back to the hotel. You held on to Lin Feng, but Lin Feng didn't invade you at all. He was like a sculpture, guarding you all night! If I didn't watch the surveillance video, I really don't know how miserable we have wronged Lin Feng! "

Su Jing immediately responded. It turned out that she had drunk Lei Hong's wine and been poisoned by Lei Hong's drug that night. It was Lin Feng who brought herself back to the hotel.

She had awakened several times. In retrospect, she should have held Lin Feng in her arms.

It turned out that he was really wrong about Lin Feng.

At this time, Lei Hong laughed and said, "so, this boy is so hateful, I'll find someone to make Liu Zhen, so I'll put the blame on him! Ha ha ha, you are so stupid that you really drove him away because of this! Ha ha ha

Anyway, he didn't plan to let Tang Dongsheng and his daughter go today. He didn't care to tell the truth. Looking at the remorse and sadness on Su Jing's face, Lei Hong was not so happy!

Tang Dongsheng also felt special regret. He said, "Xiaojing, the telescope Lin Feng bought is not for peeping at all, but for anti investigation. If it wasn't for his counter investigation, I would not have known that it was the scum who caught you! Xiao Jing, you really blame Lin Feng! "

Su Jing's heart trembles. Lin Feng is usually careless and obscene. However, what he does is to protect himself.

Su Jing thought of Lin Feng's gentle eyes when he was driven away, his lonely back when he turned around, and his deep three bows to all grass-roots personnel.

Suddenly, Su Jing's tears came out of her eyes again.

However, it is too late to regret. Whether she can go out alive or not is still unknown. She has only in her heart and silently murmured: "Lin Feng, I'm sorry, I wronged you, I'm really sorry!"

"Well, don't play the bitter love drama again!" Lei Hong took out a contract, which was the company's share transfer contract, and directly sent someone to Tang Dongsheng.

"Your company will not be yours in the future." Lei Hong said, motioning his men to come forward and seize Tang Dongsheng's hand.

Tang Dongsheng struggled hard, but he was outnumbered. He was tough and pressed his fingerprints on the contract.

"Dongsheng Group will be mine after that, ha ha!" Lei Hong grinned and turned to look at Su Jing: "beauty, you are also mine!"

"Please let us go!" Tang Dongsheng now has nothing, he can give up everything, but his daughter can not give up.

"Let you go? You are so naive Lei Hong said: "this beauty, I have to enjoy it."

Lei Hong said, reaching for Su Jing's upper body and kissing Su Jing with his mouth.

"Don't -" Su Jing struggled desperately, but it didn't help. She was about to be defiled. She bit her tongue tightly and wanted to end all this.

But at this time, she heard the door clang and was kicked open. More than a dozen strong men rushed in, led by Yu Lan. She yelled: "don't move."

This sudden scene, let Lei Hong a Leng. Looking at more than a dozen people around, it is also full of momentum.

It's really amazing that they can rush here. It seems that they also want to be killed.

The reason why Yu Lan brings people here is that she has been unable to contact Tang Dongsheng. When Tang Dongsheng's people arrived here, the positioning information also disappeared. She estimated that Tang Dongsheng must have been in trouble.

She quickly called Lin Feng again for help, but again and again, Lin Feng never answered the phone.

Yu Lan couldn't help it. He summoned a dozen security guards, all of them young men with good skills, and promised them a huge bonus.

When those people saw that the chairman was in trouble, none of them flinched back and went into battle one after another.

According to the place where Tang Dongsheng finally disappeared in the positioning, they found this place, and then came over the wall, and no one found it.

After looking for a big circle, it was dark all around. Only the sound and the light were on! And they came.

When I came here, the chairman was beaten like a blood gourd. Su Jing was tied to a stool, and the pear blossom was full of tears. It was very sad. Yu langdun was so angry that he yelled: "let's kill them

Lei Hong laughs: "I can't help myself!"

As soon as the voice fell, the boxer in the cage was the first to rush out and rushed to a dozen security guards.

That's the wolf.

As soon as the white wolf came out, the other six seven wolf members in the dark auditorium also jumped out and rushed into the security group.

The seven wolf combat effectiveness is amazing, three down five divide two, will all the security on the ground.

"President, it's not fun!" White Wolf said to Leihong: "another dozens of people, our brothers still fight down!"

Lei Hong waved his hand and was very satisfied with their performance.He went to Yu Lan and saw her face full of panic and helplessness. He laughed: "are you here to be funny? Is it a gift? "

Yu Lan grits his teeth and kicks Leihong's crotch. Lei Hong blocks him and slaps Yu Lan with his back hand.

"Pa --"

the slap on the face made Yu Lan see stars and fell to the ground.

"Damn it, I really gave you a face, didn't I?" Lei Hong said to his subordinates: "tie them up for me, and don't want to leave today!"

With that, he went to Su Jing and said with an obscene smile, "there have been so many episodes, which have delayed our good deeds. This time I have to get you anyway. Come on, ha ha ha!"

She grabbed Su Jing's clothes with both hands, tore them hard, and forced to kiss her with her mouth.

Tang Dongsheng Qi's blue tendons jump violently, but they are held down by people.

Yu Lan also has no way, can only look at all this in despair.

Su Jing's tears ran across her cheek. Her life was pathetic and her face was thin. She was not afraid to die. She just loved her parents and Yu Lan. At the same time, she really wanted to apologize to Lin Feng.

But, no chance!

Lin Feng, I'm sorry, I wronged you, please forgive me!

Su Jing closed her eyes. Even if she died, she could not be insulted by animals. She would bite her tongue and commit suicide if she made a gesture.

But Lei Hong seems to have seen her idea for a long time. First, she blocked Su Jing's mouth with a towel.

Su Jing bit it off, but she couldn't bite her tongue!

"Woo --" Su Jing cried out in agony. She could not even die. She was completely desperate!

"Ha ha, you want to die? It's not so easy. I want you to live or die Lei Hong laughs bitterly. Seeing Su Jing's incessant and desperate roar, he deliberately teases and says: "shout, you keep shouting, shout, and no one can come to save you!"

But as soon as his voice fell, he heard a loud "click" on his head. The skylight of the boxing hall broke open, and a man stood majestically on it.

"Shit, who is it?" Lei Hong was surprised and yelled at the top: "who is coming?"

The man was holding a megaphone for selling vegetables. He turned on the play button and heard the loudspeaker shout: "broken throat - broken throat - broken throat --"

just after he finished shouting, there was no one to save him. Now he hit his face and "broken throat" was called!

When Su Jing saw the man's appearance, she was shocked and overjoyed, and her whole body trembled with excitement.

Tang Dongsheng and Yu Lan both exclaimed excitedly:

"it's Lin Feng!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!