The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 58

Dongsheng international hotel.

Tang Dongsheng spent half an hour in the extreme anxiety and half an hour later, Yu Lan came to Dongsheng hotel.

Every time Tang Dongsheng arrives at the critical moment, the most trusted one is Yu Lan.

So he can only discuss this matter with Yu Lan.

Yu Lan also felt that this event was serious. Wolf Club knew what to do, but not good.

So if they really want to do something about Su Jing, they can definitely do it, and they will never look at Tang Dongsheng's face.

"Chairman, shall we call the police?" Asked Yu Lan.

"No!" "They have defended us," Tang said. "If they call the police, they will tear tickets!"

"Then we will take a few people to take the opportunity and save Xiaojing!" Said Yu Lan.

Tang Dongsheng shook his head immediately: "I want to take people to the past, but there is no right person at all. Our people are all of the security guards. But wolf club is not vegetarian. They even have killers. They are also told that any one of them is a master. He is different from those of us who are doing business! "

"Oh!" Yu Lan sighed with deep, but suddenly, he was full of hope: "right, I think of a person! You can take him! "

"Who?" Asked Tang Dongsheng.

"Lin Feng" Yu Lan said: "at the beginning, I still remember that Xie Sanjia took Hulu seven brothers to your office to make trouble, and was put flat by Lin Feng in a moment. Lin Feng is the best person I have ever met. If he goes, this matter can be settled!"

"You're right! Only Lin Feng can handle this! " Tang Dongsheng said, but suddenly, he was decadent: "but we ask Lin Feng to help now. Will he still take care of us? We have been through people! "

"Or try!" Yu Lan said: "after all, Xiaojing was kidnapped. At this time, we don't want anything! Even if Lin Feng asks for anything, I will! "

"You're saying something right!" Dongsheng Road of Tang Dynasty.

Even if he kneels down to recognize Lin Feng's mistake, he will! He really can't care about anything.

Tang Dongsheng took out the phone and called Lin Feng.

"Du... Du..." br >

for a long time, the other party did not answer the phone.

Tang Dongsheng was suddenly cold.

Lin Feng must be very sad, so see their own call, only not to pick up.

On the other end of the phone, the mouse held a cup of coffee in front of him and said to Lin Feng, "boss, he has called you, which means that you really need you! Are you really not going? You are not afraid of your fiancee, who is like a flower, and is defiled by others? "

"Shut up!" Lin Feng mute his cell phone and threw it aside. He said: "we continue to play games. You just played too bad. You always give people their heads. If you drag my back legs, pull out and shoot!"

"Yes, 100 shots!" Wei Yichen said in discontent beside: "who let you always fiancee fiancee!"

"Good! I must not drag my legs this time. Ah, I'm off the line, boss. Please invite me again! "


Dongsheng international hotel.

Now Tang Dongsheng bowel all regret green, Yu Lan is also a face regret, really regret to investigate the background of Lin Feng, leading to their subjective consciousness, there is a bias against Lin Feng, so they and Lin Feng have such a big misunderstanding.

"What do you do?" Asked Yu Lan.

"Laohu's phone is still off, and Lin Feng doesn't seem to help us. There is no other way, but he can only go with his head hard. What wolf club wants, it's not big for me to send it in my hands!" Tang Dongsheng was helpless.

"It's all that's all!" Said Yu Lan.

They drove back to Dongsheng Group, and finally decided that Tang Dongsheng went to wolf club by one person.

If you take people, it doesn't work much, it's not as good as being sincere.

Yu Lan is in the rear Town, open location, keep in touch at any time.

At 11:00 in the evening, Tang Dongsheng drove to the Xishan villa area in the eastern suburb of Jincheng.

The villa of Xishan is near songhuaxi, and the back of Songhua River is Lingyun mountain. Therefore, the villa of Xishan is named Xishan because it is near the mountain and the water.

The location of Xishan villa is very remote, and it is because of this seclusion and quiet that many rich people choose to be a perfect place to rest.

The villa area of Xishan is the headquarters of wolf club a few kilometers north.

Wolf Club headquarters covers a few kilometers, which has various facilities, golf course and other entertainment places for the upper class.

But the wolf Club camp, the Gothic style architecture of Europe in the middle ages, also makes the camp look more simple and magnificent. However, the heavy dark tone always makes people feel a gloomy and killing.

Tang Dongsheng was brought by Wolf Club people, not directly into villa, but around villa behind, there is a boxing hall.Tang Dongsheng was taken out of the car and entered the boxing hall.

As soon as you enter the boxing hall, the first thing you see is an octagonal iron cage fighting ring. There are two people fighting bareback in the stage. The sound of fists and fists to meat makes people feel creepy.

Around the stage, there is a stepped auditorium, which is not big enough to hold hundreds of people. At this time, the light is focused on the stage, so the auditorium around is dark, and there are scattered figures shaking on the auditorium. It's supposed to be all from the wolf club.

On the judges' bench, there were three people, Lei Hong on the left, Wu Bo on the right, and Su Jing in the middle!

Su Jing's hands were tied to the stool, her hair was in disorder, her mouth was wrapped with tape, and her face was helpless.

Lei Hong and Wu Bo looked at the stage seriously and cheered from time to time.

Seeing Tang Dongsheng coming in, Su Jing's "Wuwu" voice came out. Lei Hong looked over and said with a smile: "Tang Dong is coming. It's too late to welcome him! Come on, please find a seat for Tang Dong. Such a wonderful competition will make him have a good time! "

Seeing Su Jing's face in pain, Tang Dongsheng felt a sharp pain in his heart. He went directly to Lei Hong and said, "boss Lei, you want me to come. I'm here. Now we should talk about it?"

"Shhh -" Lei Hong made a gesture of forbidding voice, squinting and smiling and said: "what's the hurry? Watch the game first

"You..." Tang Dongsheng also wanted to speak, but was two people up, directly pressed to the stool.

At this time, in the octagonal cage, one of the valiant players had already knocked the other player out of his mind, but he still did not stop and continued to kick the fallen man fiercely.

"Well, it's boring to be so untroubled!" Rehun Nuo shook his head, looking disappointed.

Suddenly, he turned to look at Tang Dongsheng: "or, Tang Dong, you go in and fight with him!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!