The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 55

"What? Are you fired? " Xia Ming was puzzled: "Why are you fired? Well done

Lin Feng said, "don't ask why. They don't fire me, and I don't want to stay here."

Soon, the news spread all over the company. The handsome little security guard who had just arrived was dismissed from the company.

Companies don't like to fire employees unless there are some compelling reasons.

At this time, Jin Lingyue led a large number of little beauties from the public relations department to the security department.

"Mr. Lin, I heard you're leaving?" Jin Lingyue asked with a sad face.

"Don't call me Mr. Lin. I'm just a little security guard. Even now, I'm not even a security guard!" Lin Feng's tone is not covered with loneliness.

"Why? How much do you contribute to the company? Why let you go Jin Lingyue is very puzzled.

"Yes! Brother Feng usually tells us some practical skills to the security guards, and also tells us how to enjoy our work and life. Brother Feng is such a good person, he can't leave! " Said Xia Ming.

"No way! If you leave, Dongsheng Group will be short of a handsome man! " A little beauty accidentally revealed her heart.

Jin Lingyue glared at her and said, "Mr. Lin! Let's negotiate with the chairman. If he doesn't withdraw his decision, we'll go on strike. "

"Yes, we will strike!" Xia Ming agrees.

Tang Dongsheng, Su Jing and Yu Lan from the chairman's office all saw this scene.

They just asked the technical personnel to transfer the monitoring to the security department, because they were afraid that Lin Feng would make trouble. They all know that if Lin Feng really gets angry and makes trouble, Dongsheng Group will fly like a rooster. It is estimated that no one can stop him.

But the three people saw this scene and were surprised. They didn't expect that Lin Feng had such a good relationship at the grass-roots level.

At this time, Lin Feng said: "don't get excited. Dongsheng Group is a good company. You should be grateful for your stable salary and working environment. I am very grateful to you for your love and sincere feeling. I thank you for your support. Lin Feng has nothing to repay, but just keep it in mind."

After that, facing them, he bent down 90 degrees and bowed three times. He was extremely sincere.

Jin Lingyue's eyes are red, the security guards around are also very sad, they first saw Lin Feng so sincere, so lonely, so sad!

When Lin Feng raised his head, he saw that everyone was looking at himself like this, and his eyes were moist.

But take a deep breath and adjust right away.

"I'm just leaving my job. I'm not going to die. It's like a memorial service!" Lin Feng squeezed out a smile and said: "all give me a smile, smile, I'm going now ha, white, everyone!"

Then he turned and left!

Everyone watched him leave silently, and no one could laugh.

This scene made Tang Dongsheng three people moved. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng was still such a man. He was really a gentleman with a mean heart. Tang Dongsheng was embarrassed and said, "you can go to the hospital to see what Liu Zhen is about."

"Good!" Yu Lan said.

Because Liu Zhen is Yu Lan's old subordinate, so Yu Lan went alone.

Su Jing was still immersed in the moment when Lin Feng was about to leave. When she looked back at her, she felt an inexplicable throb in her heart. At that scene, Lin Feng's eyes were very strange, which impressed her deeply.

At that moment, Lin Feng's eyes seemed to have a trace of gentleness, a trace of disappointment, and a trace of nostalgia. When he was peaceful, he was completely different!

Why does he have this look? This is a warm man, miss his girlfriend will have eyes! He is a shameless bastard. He is dirty and violent. I must have missed him!

Forget it, don't think about it!

Su Jing quickly shook her head. Why is it that Lin Feng is so full of her mind when Lin Feng leaves? How strange!

But Lin Feng was dismissed, she was not as happy as she imagined.

Su Jing kept asking herself: Su Jing, what's wrong with you?

When Lin Feng just arrived at the company, didn't you say that he would get out of Dongsheng Group sooner or later?

Now your goal has been achieved, why not a trace of excitement, on the contrary, but the heart is empty?

Su Jing lost her soul all afternoon. She felt that she had no mind to do anything and had no idea.

Did you drink too much wine yesterday, and some of you haven't sobered up today?

In the evening, she walked back to the hotel alone and passed the barbecue stand on Shengguang street. She couldn't help but think of the scene that night when Lin Feng cheated her to eat sheep's eggs and Niubao. She even felt a little funny and unconsciously laughed out.

But immediately feel something wrong, why she always think of Lin Feng's good?

No, Lin Feng is not a good thing. Think more about his bad!

Su Jing walked back to the hotel, dragged her tired body to open the door and planned to take a bath and have a good sleep. But she suddenly found that something was wrong in the room.He turned on the light in a hurry. To his horror, he found that there was a big man sitting still on the sofa.

"How did you get in?" Su Jing exclaimed, immediately feeling that things were not good, and immediately turned to escape.

But when Jing Dong turns around, she pulls a sheet back from the back of the building and sticks it into a bag.

Su Jing, kidnapped!




the night in Jincheng is always so blurred. The flashing neon is like a bright star river, which always makes people feel like they are in it but can't grasp anything.

But behind the glitz of the city, there are the treachery of the rich and the vicissitudes of the poor.

At this time, Lin Feng was having dinner with Wei Yicheng in a restaurant with a bottle of Shaojiu in his hand.

Although Wei Yichen wants to treat him to a big meal, he likes this kind of small restaurant which is close to the people. He likes to have a hot meal with this group of people at the bottom. He doesn't like the delicate dishes with a small piece of meat on the plate.

He seems to be in good spirits. He eats and laughs. Wei Yichen is also very happy.

Suddenly, Lin Feng received a message from the mouse.

"Boss, I have no task recently. I'm going to visit you in Jincheng. Are you free?"

Lin Feng returned a message: "wanton and wanton, passionate and wanton! You've caught up with the good time, your boss and I have been very free recently

Lin Feng hasn't seen a mouse for a long time. He may really need the help of the mouse recently, because he is going to track down the whereabouts of the baby and Jin Waner. Mouse, a hacker genius, can help him.

"Great, boss. I miss you so much! What, do I want to bring you some presents? It seems that if I haven't seen you for a long time, I'd like to send some gifts to show that I haven't seen you for a long time

Lin Feng is speechless for a while. The mouse is the most intelligent fool. He doesn't know anything about the world and his thoughts are very wonderful. However, no one can match him in terms of computer.

This is the man who knows the three kingdoms but doesn't recognize the pawn ticket.

"You don't have to bring a gift. You're the best present." Lin Feng returned the news!

"Well, I'll be in your seat in 30 minutes!"

"Stinky boy, you dare to check my position! What's more, you didn't tell me until you arrived? "

"Boss, I miss you so much. I'm afraid I won't see you again this time. You are always so busy! In order to prevent you from running away, I'm going to surround you this time! "

"Well, come on, I'll take you to meet my new brother, a flower of drag racing party, Wei Yichen!" Lin Feng didn't say much, this brother, it seems that he really wants himself!

"OK!" The mouse returned a message.


half an hour later, a thin young man in jeans appeared in front of Lin Feng.

The boy was wearing a ragged, beggar style jeans with a rucksack on his back.

But the most noticeable thing is that he wore a green cap on his head, with two big words embroidered on the front of the hat: "forgive me!"

At the sight of this strange dress up, Lin Feng couldn't help laughing from the bottom of his heart. Sure enough, this dress is in line with the unique taste of mice!

"Boss!" Before Lin Feng opened his mouth, the boy ran to Lin Feng with a smile.

People all around looked sideways and grinned at the mouse's green hat.

Wei Yi Chen is bright in front of his eyes. Is this the elder brother's younger brother? It's interesting!

Mouse man long thin, slender eyes, squint a smile, really like mice into fine.

The mouse sat down. Lin Feng introduced him and Wei Yichen to each other. Then Wei pointed to the backpack behind the mouse. His eyes were bright and asked, "your canvas bag is bulging. What's in it?"

The mouse squints a smile: "eat a guy!"

"What's the guy eating?" Wei asked.

"It's the guy who eats." The mouse said as he ate.

Lin Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes. He was speechless to the conversation of two idiots.

"Mouse, is your mission in Latin America over?" Lin Feng asked.

"Well, it's over!"

"What about the mission in Iceland?" Asked Lin Feng.

"It's over, too!" The mouse said, "it's boring, boss. I can't keep up with the task that you don't participate in. How can you retire? You are not old and eighty! "

"You talk less, no one will think you are dumb!" Lin Feng interrupts the mouse. He doesn't want Wei Yicheng to know his real background.

"Oh! Good The mouse was confused and did not know that he had made a mistake again. He began to eat.

But at this time, but listen to the mouse's mobile phone issued a drip sound.

The mouse quickly picked up the mobile phone, looked at it, and said: "boss, it's not good!""What's the matter?" Lin Feng asked.

"Your fiancee has been kidnapped!" Said the mouse. , the fastest update of the webnovel!