The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 54

"Yo, are you all here?" Lin Feng joked like usual: "is it not to play mahjong three missing one, can I come?"

"Lin Feng, I have something to ask you!" Tang Dongsheng has a dignified face.

"Ask, what do you do so seriously, like a critical fight Conference! Ha ha Lin Feng, who was hanging around, sat down to find a place.

Tang Dongsheng frowned. Although he believed Laohu in his heart and got along with him for a while, he believed Lin Feng more than Lin Feng. But it was a surprise to say those words from Su Jing and Yu Lan's mouth. Su Jing and Yulan were very fair and strict in front of him, and they spoke very well, and they would not talk nonsense.

Plus before that, Yu Lan also found the things about Lin Feng three years ago, which shook Tang Dongsheng's belief in Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, I ask you a few things, you answer truthfully!" Tang Dongsheng asked seriously, "did you really sleep in the general room of Sujing last night?"

"Yes! She must pull me away... "Lin Feng said.

Tang Dongsheng suddenly disappointed, he replied to Lin Feng, completely lost confidence.

Lin Feng, Lin Feng, you are really out of tune!

Tang Dongsheng is too clear that she lived with her mother before she was 18. Her mother has always told her that there is no good thing for a man, so she has a natural rejection of men since she was a child. When Tang Dongsheng met Su Jing, she was even lazy to speak to other men.

So, how could you stay out of the house and tell you today?

Tang Dongsheng took a deep breath, or continued to ask, "you really bought a telescope to peek at the opposite runhai building?"

"Yes!" Lin Feng Road.

"Liu Zhen really hurt you?"

"Yes! I thought the whole company knew it. Why didn't you know yet? " Lin Feng Road.

"Why do you hit him?" Asked Tang Dongsheng.

"He pretends to force, I will beat him, I can't stand his appearance of bullying!" Said Lin Feng.

"That's why you hit people?" Tang Dongsheng gradually raised a little anger on his face!

"Otherwise, he must kill people and set fire before I can beat him?" Lin Feng, with two hands, stands, and a look that doesn't matter.

"Ridiculous!" Tang Dongsheng can't ask. As Yu Lan and Su Jing said, this boy is a pervert of indecent, dirty and violent.

Tang Dongsheng immediately picked up the phone to call Laohu, let Laohu give himself a confession, how can anyone send to Dongsheng Group?

But Laohu's phone is turned off, and it may be necessary to shut down an important meeting in a military area, so as to avoid information leakage.

Laohu has a meeting, less than a week or more days, and many months or even longer. Tang Dongsheng can't wait so long. He must solve the problem of Lin Feng now. No matter how capable Lin Feng is, he has problems with his character. Sooner or later, he will have to be around.

But Lin Feng did nothing harmful, and Su said she was not physically assaulted.

So, how to deal with Lin Feng!

Seeing the chairman of the board of directors is a bit difficult, Yu Lan comes out on his own initiative and says, "Lin Feng, you have violated the discipline many times, so we may need to consider whether to continue to leave you to work in Dongsheng Group?"

Yu Lan is the first person to trust Tang Dongsheng, even more than Su Jing. Yu Lan's parents were only in her teens when she was in a car accident. She was naked. When she saw that she was going to freeze to death on the street, Tang Dongsheng took her and offered her to the best school, and even spent a lot of money to let her go abroad to study abroad.

Tang Dongsheng gave her the courage to live. She recognized Tang Dongsheng as her brother, and vowed that she would be loyal to Dongsheng Group in this life and spare no effort.

So many times, when Tang Dongsheng was not good at directly appearing, Yu Lan was doing this cold faced general.

In her heart, there is no emotion for anyone, but only to Tang Dongsheng. Therefore, Dongsheng Group and tangdongsheng are all his beliefs, who are in favor of tangdongsheng. She tries to pull together and eliminate those who are harmful to tangdongsheng.

"So, Mr. Lin, you need to have a mental preparation!" Said Yu Lan.

"What do you mean?" Lin Feng looked cold: "do you want to kill donkey?"

"Mr. Lin, you think more!" Yu Lan said seriously: "it is just your personal moral problems that seriously harm the image and personal safety of our company, so..." br >

bullshit! " Lin Feng sneered: "I have harmed your image? Personal safety? I ask you to shine your eyes and talk again! "

"You said that you did all that yourself, and we didn't force you to say it, and I recorded all your words just now!" Said Yu Lan.

"Ha ha!" Lin Feng sneered: "and then? Want to fire me, right

Yu Lan frowned and stopped making a noise.

Because she is thinking about a problem, if she voluntarily expels Lin Feng, she will compensate Lin Feng for a fine for breach of contract. Although it is in the probation period, in order to pull Lin Feng together, the contracts are signed officially, so she does not want to lose a capital from Dongsheng Group, she must consider it carefully!But at this time, Yu Lan's phone rang.

Yu Lan picked up the phone, a few seconds later, suddenly a face of consternation, all of a sudden his hands are shaking up.

"What's the matter?" Tang Dongsheng asked.

"Liu Zhen, dead!" Yu Lan said.

"What?" Su Jing and Tang Dongsheng open their eyes and look at Yu Lan in disbelief.

"Yes! My old subordinate, Liu Zhen, died of cardiac arrest just now because of the recurrence of his old injury! " Yu Lan looked sad and heartbroken: "I came back from Songjiang City, but I didn't have time to see him!"

"Lin Feng, you see what you've done!" Yu Lan roared angrily.

"How can you conclude that I killed him?" Lin Feng frowned.

"It was you who hurt him. I heard that he was beaten seriously, and he vomited blood. Dare you say that it was not because you attacked him so hard that he died?" Yu Lan's big voice.

"And the evidence?" Lin Feng's heart also raised a group of anger.

He has a good sense of propriety. If he doesn't want this person to die, this person will certainly not die!

Like Chai Gou, Liu Zhen is definitely not killed by him!

Obviously, it's a trick!

But at this time, Tang Dongsheng and Su Jing are also red eyes. Liu Zhen is a five year old employee of the company. He has been conscientious and conscientious. As a result, he was killed by this boy!

Hateful, it's just too hateful!

This kid is a murderer, a violent pervert with twisted heart!

Tang Dongsheng, regardless of his and Lao Hu's face, cried out: "Lin Feng, from now on, you are fired from Dongsheng Group. If there is any problem, my lawyer will contact you later, and we have the right to initiate legal proceedings for Liu Zhen. Please wait for the summons patiently."

Lin Feng smile, that smile, with endless loneliness and sentimental!

Is the trust between people so vulnerable?

Do I work hard for Dongsheng Group, in exchange for such a result?

Lin Feng stood up and finally took a look at Su Jing. She was still so beautiful, like Wan'er, but she was not gentle at all.

Lin Feng did not have the slightest nostalgia, turned to the door, and coldly threw back a sentence: "I will pack things and leave here as soon as possible. The salary is not one cent. By the way, I welcome you to sue me at any time!"

With that, Lin Feng disappeared in the corridor at the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!