The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 56

Before Lin Feng asked the mouse to help him protect Su Jing and Wei Yichen's information security. The mouse asked at that time that Wei Yichan is your younger brother, and I can track and protect the information, but who is Su Jing?

When Lin Feng saw that the mouse was not an outsider, he said casually: you should be my fiancee first.

It turns out that the mouse really remembered.

"Boss, why don't you seem to care about your fiancee at all? That's your fiancee Said the mouse.

"Wait!" Wei Yi Chen at the side of the small face has already sunk down, said: "who is the eldest brother fiancee?"

"Her name is Su Jing!" Said the mouse.

"Ah? Boss, do you really have a fiancee? " Wei Yichen asked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng kept silent and continued to eat.

Wei Yichen looked at the eldest brother and acquiesced. He threw his small mouth and said sadly, "boss, how can you have a fiancee? What can I do? Or I'll be your second room! "

"Oh, here we are again. The boss always makes women like him. There is no solution!" The mouse drooped its eyelids.

And at this time, Lin Feng is in the heart.

As soon as she left her job, Su Jing was kidnapped immediately. It seems that these grandchildren were afraid of themselves and did not dare to do anything to Su Jing. Now Su Jing has no protection of her own and is in danger immediately!

So should I go and save her?

"Boss, are we going to save her?" The mouse asked Lin Feng's heart.

Lin Feng clenched his fist, pondered for a moment, and suddenly said, "what's wrong with kidnapping? It's none of my business now! "

Lin Feng's expression is indifferent, without any ripples on his face.

"Boss, that's your fiancee!" The mouse said, "really not to save it?"

"I don't want to save that mother-in-law. Let her live and die by herself." Lin Feng continued to eat, a casual look.

"Well, it seems that the boss was really hurt by them this time!" The mouse knows something about Lin Feng, so he can't persuade him any more.

But on the other side, Tang Dongsheng is anxious.

Because he saw that Su Jing was not in good condition when she was off work, he called to ask about the situation. As a result, Su Jing couldn't get through.

Then he called the front desk and asked if Su Jing had returned to the hotel.

The front desk said Miss Su was back and had been in the hotel room.

Tang Dongsheng drove directly to Dongsheng international hotel. Then he went upstairs to Su Jing's room. He rang the doorbell and no one opened the door.

He was in a hurry and asked the hotel staff to open the door. He found that Su Jing was not in it, but the ground was a mess.

He quickly asked the hotel staff to adjust the surveillance video, and found that Su Jing really entered the room and did not come out. So, where was the person?

Tang Dongsheng carefully checked the video of the previous period. He found that a hotel cleaner had entered the room and pushed the cleaning car into the room, but he did not come out. When Su Jing entered the room, soon after, the cleaner came out with the cleaning car.

Tang Dongsheng's head "buzz" for a moment, suddenly feel that things are not good!

Su Jing has been kidnapped!

"Xiaojing! You can't have an accident Tang Dongsheng sad from the heart, the brain a burst of vertigo.

For so many years, Tang Dongsheng has been sorry for Su Jing's mother. Now that Su Jing comes back, she is kidnapped under her own nose!

Su Jing's mother is the spirit of heaven. Does she hate herself?

"What's the use of me as a father?" Tang Dongsheng severely slapped his mouth!

"Calm down, calm down!" Because Tang Dongsheng cared too much about Su Jing, he was worried about anything that happened to Su Jing. He was even more crazy when something happened like this.

But Tang Dongsheng is the chairman of Dongsheng Group, and he is not a mediocre. He forces himself to calm down and analyze carefully.

"Who kidnapped Xiaojing? Is it the one behind the scenes? " Tang Dongsheng can only think of these, after all, there is a behind the scenes to destroy Dongsheng Group.

He looked around the room, hoping to find some clues to the murderer.

After looking around, he found that Su Jing's bedroom was messy. Suddenly, a camera in the corner caught his attention.

Originally, the camera was covered and hidden, but the murderer came into the room to find a sheet to bind Su Jing, so he pulled the camera open without paying attention.

Tang Dongsheng trembled with excitement. He quickly picked up the camera, opened the linked computer, and began to play back.

However, he found that he could only see the back of the strong man, and there were no features that could be directly recognized.

Tang Dongsheng continued to play back to the front to see if he could find some clues from the earlier time.

Flip very quickly, Tang Dongsheng suddenly saw the picture of last night.

Su Jing was lying on the bed, twisting herself and tearing off her clothes. She was still shouting.

Lin Feng rushes into the room and covers Su Jing with quilts. But Su Jing grabs Lin Feng and hugs her.Tang Dongsheng was stunned on the spot!

It turned out that what Lin Feng said was true. He didn't do anything dirty. It was Xiaojing who took the initiative to hold him.

Then in the picture, Su Jing continues to wriggle all over, while Lin Feng is very honest to side over and try not to have too much positive body friction. However, it is inevitable to touch hands and feet. During this period, Lin Feng picked up the phone and made a few moves. But behind him, like a sculpture, he lay still.

And Su Jing rubbed and rubbed for half a night.

"A gentleman!" Tang Dongsheng in his mind when the four big words.

He could see that something was wrong with Su Jing, or she was ill or confused. But Lin Feng did not take advantage of others' danger and was absolutely a gentleman.

Originally, I really misunderstood Lin Feng.

Tang Dongsheng felt remorse and said that Lin Feng was not that kind of person. All three of us had misunderstood others.

He found that there was no clue to the murderer in the video, so he went to the living room again and suddenly saw the telescope on the balcony.

"Is this the telescope that Lin Feng uses to peep?" Tang Dongsheng walked over and looked at the other end of the telescope.

Run the sea building opposite is office space, how can peep into what filthy thing? Even if it's an office romance, you can't make a big move in the company, right? What is Lin Feng looking at when he bought a telescope?

He followed the direction of Lin Feng telescope, and suddenly found that a room opposite was full of photos.

He turned up the focus and saw vaguely that the pictures in the room were all about the situation in this room.

Is the other side peeping here?

Tang Dongsheng felt that the matter was becoming more and more complicated, but he thought it might be a clue. He went downstairs and ran to the company opposite.

He smashed the glass door with his stool, went in and found the room he saw in the telescope.

There are many photos of Su Jing and Lin Feng hanging in the room, but they are all life photos, which are meaningless.

His heart is a burst of shame, Lin Feng where is looking at what dirty things ah, Lin Feng bought a telescope, is obviously in the anti investigation!

We misunderstood people once!

Tang Dongsheng only felt that he was too sorry for Lin Feng. When he thought of Lin Feng's lonely back when he resigned downstairs, he felt a pang of shame in his heart!

Tang Dongsheng's heart is twitching, and Lin Feng has not explained from the beginning to the end. This man has really endured too much humiliation!

At this time, Tang Dongsheng's phone rang, it was Yu Lan who called.

Yu Lan's voice with a trace of fatigue, said: "Chairman, Liu Zhen's death, I found out the real situation through some clues. Before this, the hospital has been saying that the recurrence of old injury led to myocardial ischemic shock, but I overheard the little girl downstairs saying that before Liu Zhen died, someone in the room seemed to have been there, and there was a fierce fight. The little girl dare not say that It's because the leadership of the hospital doesn't want to make a statement! "

"Well? So Liu Zhen was hurt by others? " Tang Dongsheng said: "who will go to the hospital to harm him?"

Yu Lan said: "the little girl dare not tell the truth, but it is certain that the death of Liu Zhen has nothing to do with Lin Feng, because when he died, Lin Feng was in front of us, and there was no evidence of his absence."

"We misunderstood Lin Feng again!" Tang Dongsheng was sad from the heart, and wanted to slap himself hard. His heart was filled with remorse, and his voice trembled: "how could I be so confused?"

Finish saying that, and mercilessly take oneself a few slaps, mouth still whispers, Lin Feng, I'm sorry for you, it is I who wrongly blame you!

"What's wrong with you, chairman?" Yu Lan asked anxiously.

Tang Dongsheng said what he had seen with Yu Lan, and Yu was also remorseful.

They didn't expect to think of Lin Feng as a villain.

However, the most important thing at this time is not this matter, but what should Su Jing do?

At this time, Tang Dongsheng found some clues behind the photo.

"I know, I know who kidnapped Xiaojing!" he said with a wild face , the fastest update of the webnovel!