The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 541

Xuanlingzi said: "for example, there are many kinds of mutants, such as the necromancer, the werewolf, the mob, and so on. Among these three types, the mob is the lowest mutant, followed by the necromancer, and then the werewolf. In the three categories, the vicious people in the mob can defeat the low-level necromancer, and the high-level necromancer can defeat the low-level These species also overlap with each other

Lin Feng, if thoughtful, nodded his head and said, "I understand what you said. In fact, you didn't say it!"

"I said so much, why didn't I say it?" Xuanlingzi did not understand.

"Because I have heard what you said and analyzed it. The one who is powerful can defeat the cultivator, and the one who is not strong can not defeat the cultivator. Is that what you mean Lin Feng said.

"Well, you can understand that!" Xuanlingzi road.

"Isn't that nonsense?" Lin Feng said.

"At least you know that they are very good people! Be careful when you see them later! If you feel that you can't fight, you should withdraw immediately. These guys are cold-blooded and have no emotion! You'll be killed if you find a chance! " Xuanlingzi said.

"Master, I thank you for reminding me. If you can't beat me, you taught me three years ago. I'm already familiar with this move!" When Lin Feng rolled his eyes, he couldn't beat him. It was the five character motto that the master taught him. He hasn't used it up to now!

Then Lin Feng thought of another question. He asked xuanlingzi, "master, have you ever heard of an ancient family called the wolf family?"

"The wolf family is the wolf family. I heard about it decades ago." Xuanlingzi said, "what's the matter? Do you have any contact with them?"

"Nothing to do with each other, I just want to know about it!" Lin Feng said, "master, do you know that there is a rival in the wolf family. What kind of organization is their enemy?"

Because Lin Feng heard from President Gao that the reason why the wolf family studied the biochemical man was that he wanted to crush his enemy, or he would be crushed by his enemy. For thousands of years, the two forces have been fighting each other and never stopped.

Therefore, Lin Feng is curious about what kind of organization is against the wolf family.

Xuanlingzi said: "I don't know if you have ever seen the classical history of the West. In fact, there is only one family against the wolf clan, that is, the blood clan."

Lin Feng patted his thigh: "I know. You see, I've learned a lot. When you say this, I remember. In ancient times in Western Europe, werewolves and vampires were two races that fought when they met. Unexpectedly, they are still the same today. In this way, the mortal enemy of the wolf family should be the vampire clan!"

"Yes! You can teach Xuanlingzi praised.

"Well, you can say that my brain is much better than your stubborn old man. I can see through a little bit!" Lin Feng said.

"Son of a bitch, can you respect your teacher a little bit?" Xuanlingzi said, "I'm your master anyway."

"OK, OK, master, I thank you. Today I have learned so much about science. Some day I will bring my daughter Hong and some good Korean dramas to honor you." Lin Feng said.

"That's about it!" Xuanlingzi said: "by the way, you just said to send my good things, quick, link to send me!"

"OK! Goodbye, master! I'll send it to you now Lin Feng said and hung up the phone.

This head xuanlingzi said to Qingcheng, who is sweeping the floor, he is really liked. He knows what I like day by day. You see, this is not to send me a link, it must be my favorite film

Qingcheng did not speak, but continued to sweep the floor.


Xuanlingzi mobile phone rings, is Lin Feng will link to send over.

Xuanlingzi happily opened the link, looking forward to seeing what good things his good apprentice Lin Feng gave him.

Click open, the screen suddenly jumped out of six words: "Mandarin dialogue, HD no code!"

Then, a burst of beautiful pictures flutter to the face, the voice also boss!

"Oh, good or bad, you are still taking a bath. Don't worry!"

"Hey, hey, I'm careful. Come on, I can't wait!"

Xuanlingzi's face turned blue in an instant. He pestered the screen with his hands, but in a panic, he couldn't find the close button on his mobile phone.

Qingchengzi was shocked and blushed to the root of his neck. Now he is sweeping the floor of his master's room. It's not like leaving or staying. Don't mention how embarrassed!

Xuanlingzi was so anxious that he was about to smoke. The biggest advantage of the Shanzhai mobile phone was the sound of the horn. He usually played the maximum volume, listening to the deafening voice of the mobile phone:

& 160; At this time, the embarrassment has reached the extreme. An old man, lying on his side in bed, looks panicked and stiff. He holds a mobile phone and his eyes move back and forth under the mobile phone and bed.

On the ground under the bed, a beautiful woman like a fairy in the dust swept the floor carefully, as if nothing had been heard. However, his crimson cheek betrayed her.What's more, the place where the broom sweeps is the cleanest place. When you sweep back and forth, you don't want to sweep the floor.

After that day, Lin Feng received a message from xuanlingzi.

"Xiaoduzi, dare you go back to Kunlun mountain again, and I won't break your legs!"

At the same time, he also received a message from Qingchengzi: "younger martial brother, master is old, and there are some things that can't stand. You'd better be merciful."

Lin Feng had a bad smile in his heart. He thought that you two would be suffocating all day long in the mountain. He would give you some lively and lively life. He also said that I didn't understand the customs and feelings!

After Lin Feng laughed, he took a look at the calendar on the wall. It had been two weeks since the last time when he was about Jin Lengyu.

Jin Lengyu said that she had something to do before. She could only attend the appointment two weeks later. It was just the time.

Lin Feng picked up the phone and called Jin Lengyu.

"Well, Miss Kim, it's hard for you to make an appointment." Lin Feng said, "last time you said you had time in two weeks. Now it's two weeks later. How about spending a good night with me tomorrow night?"

At the other end came Jin Lengyu's voice of Indifference: "if you have time now, let's make an appointment for tomorrow night."

"Well, that's right. I'm worthy of being the daughter of a large family." Lin Feng said, "we'll see you tomorrow night, or we'll see you later."

With that, Lin Feng hung up the phone.

A clue of blood jade is in the Jin family at this time. He has to get to know the situation through Jin Lengyu. Moreover, it's time for Jin Waner to give an account.

Therefore, the meal with Jin Lengyu tomorrow is very important.

Lin Feng took time to practice for a while. After washing, he lay down and went to sleep. , the fastest update of the webnovel!