The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 540

Swan Lake Villa.

Lin Feng seldom stayed quiet for a few days, and lived a leisure day where no one bothered or asked for food.

But these days, he is not really idle, he is using his free time, diligent practice.

He is now a cultivator, and the blood circulation is very smooth.

However, there is a long way to go. Looking forward, there are eight pulse gates, including Du Mo, dead Qi, Jing Tian, Kai Di, Xuan P, Guang you, Po Xu, and Qi Ming, which need to be opened in order to really complete the cultivation of blood state.

Jingxiu, dead gas two pulse, after the impact of these days, has been tottering, looking at the potential to break through.

Therefore, Lin Feng was at the end of the second period, much stronger than before.

He can feel the surging blood in his body and the growing strength of his limbs. Moreover, it seems that his hearing, smell and perception abilities have improved a lot. Before, his ability was very amazing. Now, he is even more powerful. He even exclaimed that cultivation is really a good thing!

And I believe that in a few days, he will be able to break through the blood boundary of the two, straight to the blood of the triple!

Lin Feng trained so hard because of his foresight.

He found his family's most precious blood jade, which seems to cause the salivation of many domestic and foreign organizations.

Before the blood jade was born, the outside world was ready to move. First, a mysterious organization parachuted into Jincheng, and then the Japanese general sent people to China. Now another Sanfan group wants to get the blood jade. And Songjiang gold family bought a clue of blood jade.

Both at home and abroad are in a state of agitation. From far away, there are Western Europe and Japan, and closer to South Asia, Songjiang. I feel that there are organizations that covet blood and jade, and there are many organizations that are secretly watching at this time.

Fortunately, the two clues on Lin Feng's hand are secret, or they will cause trouble now.

Therefore, in order to better protect the clues of blood jade, Lin Feng decided that he must become extremely powerful.

Moreover, Lin Feng seems to be able to foresee the coming of that day.

On that day, when four blood jade clues were gathered together and four poems were put together to solve the mystery of blood jade, the blood jade was seen again.

Jincheng and Songjiang will not be peaceful again!

As in those years, all kinds of experts gathered in Jincheng to fight for life and death. When the time came, there would be extremely chaotic scenes. Even Laohu and them would come to Jincheng.

If you want to be able to stand firm at that time, you must lay a good foundation now. You have to have a strong middle hand among the strong. One mountain is higher than the other. Lin Feng also believes that by then, there will be more and more powerful opponents!

It's just that there is at least a level comparison between the cultivators. Even the foreign cultivators can also have a comparison. But when it comes to werewolves and biochemists, it's very difficult to do. You can't measure their combat effectiveness.

If the mysterious organization is really the wolf family, Lin Fengshi must fight with him. If the other party really has a werewolf, how can he judge the ability of this werewolf and whether he is his opponent?

Lin Feng is not afraid of each other. He just wants to know if these kinds of creatures really exist, should we have some knowledge about them in advance?

When Lin Feng was a martial arts man, he defeated the powers himself because he knew the powers thoroughly in advance.

Among his younger brothers, King Kong is a power man.

King Kong is 2.5 meters tall, with a big arm and a round waist. His arm is as thick as a man's waist. The two ton car is thrown around like a toy car in his hand.

However, he was still subdued by Lin Feng.

Therefore, Lin Feng not only relied on military force, but also relied on his own wisdom, just like when he defeated the Japanese general for the first time.

Before, in Lin Feng's world, there were two kinds of powerful people, one was a cultivator, the other was a power.

Now, there's another kind of biochemical mutant in his world.

It was the project of the wolf family that made him pay more attention to biochemical mutants. Master Xuan Lingzi also emphasized that this kind of people should not be underestimated.

So, he also wants to know about the fighting power of species like werewolves and biochemists!

He guessed that master xuanlingzi should know more about these things, so he called xuanlingzi.

At this time, xuanlingzi was eating potato chips and watching soap operas in the antique room of Qingshi courtyard on Kunlun mountain.

When he called, he saw that it was Lin Feng. He answered the phone impatiently: "Stinky boy, you don't come back to see me. How many meanings do you mean by telephone harassment every day?"

"Oh, Hello, how many words can you say? If I didn't know you, I would have thought you were a little young and trendy person! " Lin Feng joked.

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm old-fashioned!" Xuanlingzi said, and then, he complained: "you call, why do you have to come to my happiest time to call. I was just seeing the man and woman kiss each other, you call. Do you say you mean it?""Oh, master, even if I do it on purpose, I don't know when you'll see it!" Lin Feng said.

"Don't talk nonsense. I have a headache when I see your phone call!" Xuanlingzi road.

"Master, why do you have a headache? Is it a migraine?" Lin Feng asked with concern.

"Well, migraine!" Xuanlingzi answered without thinking.

"Master, you are not serious. You even have a headache." Lin Feng Road.

"You little bunny... @" Xuanlingzi's voice is high eight degrees. He scolds Lin Feng on the phone. He doesn't repeat a word.

Lin Feng listened with admiration. After a baptism, Lin Feng and Xuan Lingzi finished their conversation without nutrition. Lin Feng cut in and said, "master, I'm calling today. I really want to ask you something!"

"Say it quickly. The phone is running out of power!" Xuanlingzi was impatient.

Lin Feng had a bad laugh in his heart. You are an old knife with a bean curd heart. He scolded me all day and thought about me. So xuanlingzi didn't get angry when he scolded him. Instead, he said with a smile: "by the way, master, didn't you say there were werewolves turning into human beings last time? I want to know whether our cultivators are more powerful than those things, or are they? " Lin Feng asked.

He can't be sure that there will be any biochemical or mutant people to rob the blood jade, so it's a precaution.

Xuanlingzi said, "what's the matter with you?"

"Not yet, but it's going to be soon." Lin Feng Road.

"Well, your accomplishments are advancing by leaps and bounds. It will be sooner or later that you encounter those things. Since you have asked in good faith, I will tell you mercifully!" Xuanlingzi threw the potato chips, buckled her feet and said, "normally speaking, mutant people are more powerful than practitioners."

"Wow! These things are so powerful? " Lin Feng was a little surprised.

"But Xuanlingzi said: "everything is not absolute. There are also different levels of mutants and biochemical people. The high-level practitioners are more powerful than the low-level practitioners, and their different types have different degrees of severity."

"Can you tell me more about it?" Lin Feng Road.

"It's OK to talk about it in detail, but what's the advantage of me?" Xuan Lingzi picks eyebrow to say.

"Of course, there are advantages. I will give you a website, which contains your favorite things to watch, which is better than the TV series you are watching now!" Lin Feng said.



"Well, I'll tell you. Listen carefully." Xuanlingzi said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!