The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 542

Longkou formation, West District of Jincheng city.

In the secret meeting room of Longkou group, there were five people sitting at this time, two of them were long Xiaoqian and long Shao. Behind them, two young men in suits and suits were standing. Sitting opposite the four of them, there was a thin young man in Western Europe who looked about 20 years old.

The young man's face was pale, his eyes dark, his lips purple, as if he had some congenital heart disease, and he looked very weak.

But his eyes, but give people a very cold and sharp feeling, a casual lift of eyes, can make people feel surprised.

The young man has something similar to a headset. He speaks Western European language, but he will translate it into Chinese and English and play it to you through the headset.

The young man's voice was low and hoarse, which was extremely inconsistent with his appearance. He said to long Xiaoqian:

"Lin Feng is our enemy and your enemy. I believe you have heard that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, so I am willing to cooperate with you!"

"Would you like to cooperate with us? Who gave you the courage to say that? Why don't you ask if we want to Long Shao is arrogant and defiant. Last time he was trampled on a leg by Lin Feng, he always relies on a pair of crutches. Now he points at the young man in Western Europe with titanium alloy crutches, without paying any attention to the young man.

"It's your honor to cooperate with Gul, please cherish it!" The young man of Western Europe, called Gul, whispered.

His low tone, as if from hell, makes people feel like goose bumps all over.

"Shit, who do you think you are? Return to Gul, I see you, he is like an orphan Long Shao continues to point at Gul with a stick.

There was a glimmer of sharp light in Gul's eyes, and the corner of his mouth suddenly dropped down and he waved his hand fiercely.

Everyone felt that the shadow flashed in front of them, and long Shao's crutches "pa" were hit and flew. They turned horizontally in the air and directly inserted into the wall of the secret room.

All of a sudden, people were shocked.

The feeling of a wave, such speed, such strength, is to make everyone move!

The wall is made of hard lime, and the crutches are about to be inserted in half. You can see how strong the force is.

Long Xiaoqian is also surprised to see the heart, quickly to long Shao drink a way: "Longyang, must not be rude!"

Long Xiaoqian's words were also translated into Western European language through that headset and spread to nagur's ears.

Gul did not carry out the next move, but fixed on looking at long Xiaoqian and said, "I will give you a chance to cooperate or become the enemy. You can choose by yourself."

Long Xiaoqian took a deep breath: "if we cooperate, what do we need to do?"

Gul said: "you help me find the clues of blood jade, I help you kill Lin Feng, it's so simple!"

Long Xiaoqian frowned, pointed to the two people behind him, and said to Gul, "see, these two are the two super killers I invited from the alliance of the gods of death. They are all practitioners of the blood melting realm, such as a fake package!"

After being cheated by Cheng Yu last time, long Xiaoqian is much more cautious this time. He really invited two real practitioners.

Of course, it took half of his Longkou group's property to invite him. If it wasn't for his deep hatred of Lin Feng, they would not have done so.

However, long Xiaoqian inquired about Lin Feng's strength. He heard that it was huaxuejing Erzhong. He didn't know whether it was in the early stage, the middle stage or the later stage. Therefore, he simply invited two practitioners of the latter stage to sit in the town. In this way, even if one was even with Lin Feng, the two could easily kill Lin Feng.

Long Xiaoqian said: "the two behind me can easily kill Lin Feng, so why should I cooperate with you? What's more, blood jade is what we always want. Why should I give it to you? "

Long Xiaoqian deserves to be the leader of Longkou group. Facing such a strong man, he can still calmly bargain.

Gul said with a cold smile: "I want to tell you a fact that you don't want to believe, that is, I can destroy your entire Longkou group by myself. Therefore, my organization has targeted blood jade, so please don't interfere, otherwise, you will die miserably!"

"Are you threatening us?" The young dragon is light and full of vigor and clamors again.

"Otherwise?" Gu'er's face was cold and ferocious. A powerful air field came from the front, which made the Dragon Xiaoqian a little breathless.

"Shut up the dragon!" you said

Then he said to Gul, "your organization is so powerful, why don't you go and find the blood jade yourself? Do you still need us? "

Gul said: "my organization, each is an elite, more powerful than me, there are still a lot of people, but we do not have a large number of people, everyone has a very important thing to do, we do not have reliable staff, so we choose the way of cooperation, cooperation, in a sense, is mutual fraud!"

Long Xiaoqian nodded, which makes sense.

It seems that this organization is made up of elites and does not have so many manpower. However, everyone has a strong ability. It is easy for them to eliminate a group, but it is very difficult for them to search the whole city for something.That's why they chose to combine with Longkou.

At this time, Gul added: "now, the power of Jincheng, the order of the Phoenix has annexed the backers, ranking first, Longkou group second, drag racing party third, and the order of Phoenix and drag racing party are both friends of Lin Feng, so I will choose you!"

Longshao frowned and said, "who said that the order of the Phoenix is the first, our Longkou group is the first, and the Longkou group is always the first. His order of Phoenix is a chicken bully!"

"Pa --"

long Xiaoqian gave the Dragon Shao a mouth and roared: "do you say enough? Either shut up or get out!"

Long Xiaoqian originally hated to be disturbed by others when he was thinking about things. At this moment, long Shao still interrupted endlessly, which made him very angry.

In addition, he felt that the guy named Gul on the opposite side was very insidious and powerful. He could not say that he was not happy. He suddenly attacked Longyang. Who could stop him?

Long Xiaoqian thought for several times that cooperation with this GUR should be the most suitable way at present. Although he didn't know whether the statement that one person could destroy his whole Longkou group was true, he clearly felt the strength of this man's aura. Even on the two masters of the dual blood state, he did not feel it.

So he didn't want to be an enemy of such a strong man!

Besides, Lin Feng is their number one enemy. As soon as Lin Feng dies, long Xiaoqian can attack the order of the Phoenix in a large scale. He expected that without Lin Feng's help, the Phoenix would not be his opponent.

So, invite two experts of the blood melting realm, and then add this young man named Gul. Even if Lin Feng has a copper head and iron arm, he can't escape.

"Well, I agree to cooperate with you!" Long Xiaoqian said.

"You are wise!" Gul praised. It's rare that he saw a smile on his face, but the smile disappeared, and he said with a cold face:

"as far as I know, there are two clues of blood jade in Lin Feng's body, I can get them after killing Lin Feng, so your task is to help me find the remaining two blood jade clues before Christmas, one in Songjiang city and the other in Songjiang city On the west side of your city

Gu er's words, said long Xiaoqian is quite shocked.

He didn't expect that gul mastered the whereabouts of the blood jade clue so thoroughly that he even knew the last clue on the west side of the city.

Long Xiaoqian said: "I dare to ask, how do you know so much about blood jade, even some I don't know!"

Gul said coldly: "my organization has died, three people in Jincheng, their death, not in vain! They told me the information! "

"You organized three people here?" Qian Xiaolong was a little surprised.

"I believe you've heard the names of those three people. Their names are Taotie, Baili Tongmu and Zishu," Gul said , the fastest update of the webnovel!