The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 539

Lin Feng and Liu qianyun return to the hotel, and Chu Yuqi is waiting for them.

Lin Feng invited them to dinner and escorted them back to Jincheng.

Then, Lin Feng returned to Swan Lake Villa in Jincheng and called Lao Hu. He had some things to ask Lao Hu to help!

"Hello, stinky boy, do you remember me?" Lao Hu answered the phone and said, "do you know I'm going to have a birthday soon?"

"Oh, of course I remember! I'll give you a gold watch for your birthday. I wish you good luck Lin Feng said.

"Pooh, Pooh, can you talk?" Laohu scolded: "to send a watch for my birthday is to send an end. Do you want me to die?"

"Oh, it's normal that you raised me and I'll send you to the end. Don't worry, you won't die for a while. I've divined for you!" Lin Feng said.

"Don't talk to me!" Lao Hu has no good airway.

"Ha ha ha, OK, OK, I don't want to tease you. What? I have something to look for you!" Lin Feng Road.

"I knew you would go to the Sanbao hall without anything. Otherwise, how could you think of me? Tell me, what's the matter?" Lao Hu said.

"Lao Hu, do you know the wolf family? The old Whorf family in Western Europe Lin Feng asked.

"Wolf family, I mean wolf family." Lao Hu said.

"If you know, you can do it!" "I always suspected that the mysterious organization was the wolf family," Lin said

"Why do you suspect the wolf family?" Lao Hu said in surprise.

"For three reasons!" Lin Feng said: "first, the wolf family acts strangely and mysteriously, which is similar to the mysterious organization's work style. 2、 The mysterious organization is not very well staffed. Every time they come to Jincheng, only one or two of them are experts. The wolf family is also short of manpower, but they are all elites. Even the servants they employ are masters! This is also very consistent. 3、 The wolf family is a very old family, and the blood jade of my family is also a very old thing. I always think it is reasonable for the ancient family to look for ancient treasures! "

"It's reasonable. The analysis is good." Lao Hu nodded and then said, "call me. Do you want me to help you find out whether the mysterious organization is the wolf family?"

"You are a cunning man, too." Lin Feng said: "yes, I want you to help me to check this matter!"

"Yes, no problem!" Lao Hu said.

"By the way, one more thing!" Lin Feng said, "do you know the Sanfan group in South Asia?"

"Of course I know!" Lao Hu said: "the organization is very troublesome. It always smuggles goods on the border of China, selling white goods, sea goods and ice goods that infringe on people's physical and mental health. We have sent people to encircle and suppress several times, but they have not been eliminated. They are very stubborn and cunning, which makes us very headache! "

Lao Hu also spoke with the official emphasis of the great leader. It seems that he mentioned Sanfan group in front of others.

"By the way, why did you suddenly ask Sanfan? They have a problem with you? " Lao Hu asked Lin Feng.

"Not before, but now!" "I sabotaged one of their activities of stealing scientific research projects, and they will retaliate against me soon," Lin said

"Then you must be careful!" Lao Hu said: "the leader of this organization is a native of Southern Yunnan in China, who is called" the Great Buddha ". He is insidious and cunning. Moreover, he has heard that the value of military force is extremely high. His right-handed men are Siamese and Nanyue. We have sent many colleagues to encircle them. Every time, there are heavy casualties and no success. It is very troublesome."

Lin Feng said with a smile: "ha ha ha, you see, I'm retired, and you don't even have people available. If I don't retire, you will call me to go!"

"Not necessarily!" Lao Hu's tone is quite serious: "I sent the past, there are no lack of experts, is still not their opponent, if you are in, for your safety, I will not let you go!"

"Ha ha ha, I have already provoked them if you want me to go now or not!" Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders.

"Or I'll send someone to protect you. Those brute methods of Sanfan group are very insidious, and they always use children to deal with others. You can't think of a seven or eight year old child who laughs at you and detonates a bomb to die with you. It's really chilling! What's more, I heard that they are still studying biochemical serum recently. It's hard to imagine that they want to make mutant people come out! " Lao Hu said.

"Biochemical serum this matter, was stirred yellow by me Lin Feng Road.

"What? We're still trying to find out and try to stop them from working on this project. Are you alone Lao Hu was very surprised.

"Yes, what's so strange about it? You don't know my ability to harm people Lin Feng said with a smile.

"My little ancestor, you have made great achievements. If you let them study the natives, they will not disturb the southern border of China! Stinky boy, come back and get your work! I'll give you the prize Lao Hu said."Come on, you don't send someone to protect me. Those bad shrimps you sent will be tiring! Tell them to go home and play Lin Feng Road.

"You boy..."

"well, don't always quarrel with me when you are old. It will hurt your health. What, please check the wolf family for me. I'll hang up first. The phone charges are very expensive!" Lin Feng finished, then hung up the phone.

This head, Lao Hu listened to the busy tone of the phone, dumbfounded and said with a smile: "ha ha ha, this stinky boy, the ghost essence!"

At this time, there is another person in Lao Hu's office.

The man was an old man in a Chinese tunic. He stood with both hands and looked out of the window. Just now, Lao Hu and Lin Feng had a conversation. The old man listened to every word in his ear.

After Lao Hu hung up the phone, the old man turned around leisurely, his movements were very light and there was no sound.

His hair was white, but his hair was white, and his eyes were full of fierce expression. He asked Laohu, "that's Lin Zhengtian's son, Lin Feng, right?"

"Yes Lao Hu said respectfully.

"I didn't expect that there were such young talents among the sons of the common people of the Lin family. The Lin family is really lucky for three generations." The old man stroked his beard, nodded and smiling.

"It's a pity that Lin Feng is only a branch of the common people, and is not valued at all. The Lin family still values the descendants of their lineage." Lao Hu said with some sadness.

"Not necessarily!" The old man stood up again, turned to look out of the window, and said with profound meaning: "the stars are changing, the world is changing, people are changing, and the way of life is changing. How do you know that the future Lin family will continue to value those worthless descendants?"

Hearing this, a glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes. He stood side by side with the old man and looked out of the window: "I hope so!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!