The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 53

Lin Feng took a deep breath and reached Su Jing's waist with both hands.

Suddenly, a cold and greasy feeling came from his hands.

At this time, Su Jing's waist and limbs also shook a few times, and her expression was a little bit of enjoyment and anxiety.

Lin Feng's hands were on Su Jing's waist, just about to move on.

At this time, his phone rang.

"NIMA, at the critical moment, who delays Laozi's good deeds?"

Lin Feng took out the phone and saw that it was a message from the mouse.

The message says, warm prompt: boss! Please turn off Su Jing's mobile phone, or I can't help peeking at the pictures that are not suitable for children!

"NIMA!" Lin Feng almost forgot it when he slapped his forehead.

In order to prevent being taken advantage of by the behind the scenes gangsters, he secretly let the mice track Su Jing's information, and if necessary, he can locate the location through the mobile phone signal, and let the nearest camera capture the scene near the mobile phone signal.

So if the mobile phone is not turned off, what Lin Feng and Su Jing do will be broadcast live in the mouse.

Of course, if there is nothing wrong, the mouse will not monitor Su Jing's privacy. But today, the situation is abnormal, and the mouse blackened the nearby camera and saw this scene.

This is the same as the situation of Wei Yichen. When Chaigou kidnapped Wei Yichen, the mouse got the news at the first time.

Lin Feng returned a message to the mouse: you Ya's unexpectedly dare to peek, believe me to pinch your rat head?

The mouse said, "I don't want to peep, but you are a fierce man and a beautiful woman. This battle is too exciting and attractive. I almost don't want to inform you!"

Lin Feng sent a message to the past: "do you dare? Don't forget who is your boss and who taught you your skills

"Don't dare, boss. You are brilliant. Even if I don't tell you, you will find out!"

"Hum! I turn off my cell phone. Go to bed quickly. What time is it Lin Feng is serious.

"OK, boss, take your time. Be careful of your health."

"Get out of here!"

"Well! Yeah! I'm off The mouse sent the last message and went to bed.

However, after such a toss, Lin Feng was quite quiet.

He didn't know if it was a good thing, but now, at least, he was glad that he could hold back Su Jing.

But Su Jing's hand still clings to him. He lies there helpless, like a sculpture, motionless. Maybe he has to sleep like this tonight, and wait until Su Jing's medicine is over!

Lin Feng lay there, eyes dripping disorderly, do not know how long suffering, finally sleep in the past!

The next morning.

Lin Feng was still in his sleep, but he heard a Scream:

"ah, hooligans!"

"Hooligans, where are the hooligans?" Lin Feng looked around sleepily.

Su Jing put her hands on her chest and scolded Lin Feng, "you rascal, you pervert! What have you done to me? "

As she spoke, she suddenly remembered that a man came to her in the hazy night. She was so desperate that she felt she was about to be defiled.

Unexpectedly, that man is Lin Feng.

Su Jing was shaking with anger. She thought that Lin Feng would never do anything to herself no matter how dirty he was. However, she did not expect that he would sleep in his own bed while he was drunk.

Lin Feng yawned. He didn't sleep well for the whole night. He wanted to make up for his sleep, but this guy was very good. He was noisy in the early morning and almost deafened his ears.

"You're not wearing underwear. What can I do about you! It's just a few o'clock. You'll make a lot of noise. Let me sleep a little more! " Lin Feng turned to the other side and planned to sleep for a while.

"Get up for me, pervert. Get out of my room!" Su Jing's voice trembled.

"Make a mountain out of a molehill, cut!" Lin Feng was too lazy to pay attention to him. Last night, like a puppet, she held him for a whole night and almost rubbed it.

It's good. The next day she got up and said she was a pervert.

Woman! The more beautiful, the more unreasonable!

Lin Feng sighed and waddled out of the door and plunged into the sofa.

Su Jing's eyes turned red, tears fell from the corners of her eyes, and her hands clasped her knees and her silver teeth. She felt a sense of uneasiness and humiliation. She didn't even dare to watch the playback of the camera in the room. She was afraid that she would collapse!

She picked up the phone and called Yu Lan: "sister LAN, is it convenient for you to come to my place?"

Yu Lan at the other end of the phone said, "what's wrong, Xiaojing, what's going on?"

"I'll tell you when you come." Su Jing hung up in a low voice.

After a while, Yu Lan appeared in front of Su Jing's room.

"Mr. Su, when did you live with Lin Feng?" Yu Lan was very surprised.

Because of Lin Feng's presence, Yu Lan didn't call Su Jing Xiao Jing. Otherwise, Su Jing's dignity would be greatly reduced. Although she was not dignified in front of Lin Feng, Yu Lan still had to do what she should do."Sister LAN, come to my room and say it!" Su Jing pulls Yu Lan into the bedroom.


"what? What do you say Yu Lan looks surprised.

"Hush - keep it down, don't let him hear it!" Su Jing made a gesture and continued: "at first, I only thought he was a little dirty, but later, he actually bought a telescope! Oh, by the way, there is another thing I forgot to say. He also seriously injured Liu Zhen in the security department, and he has been hospitalized for several days! "

After listening to all of Su Jing's narratives, Yu Lan was suspicious of Lin Feng, which became more complicated.

Su Jing said that Lin Feng violated him last night. This matter is very serious. Lin Feng has a lot of problems!

After listening to these things, Yu Lan summed up the following words for Lin Feng:

obscene, dirty, and violent.

Liu Zhen is one of his old subordinates. She knows that Liu Zhen has a little temper, but in his impression, he is very upright and capable, and manages the security department in an orderly way.

He would not let go of such a person. It was too much!

Lin Feng really can't let him go on like this. This matter must be told to the chairman of the board. Anyway, Xiaojing doesn't know about the engagement, so she just cancels it, and then asks Lin Feng to leave.

Yu Lan made a decision and went out to the company.

Su Jing was in a trance all morning. He didn't want to see Lin Feng, so she went downstairs to have breakfast.

No appetite, casually drank some milk, then took a taxi to the company.

Lin Feng wakes up at this time. He gets up and looks at the situation on the opposite side through a telescope. The people on the opposite side have developed some photos and hung them on the balcony. It seems that all of them were taken.

Because Lin Feng's telescope is more hidden, and the angle is very tricky, so the opposite is not aware that Lin Feng is also looking at them with a telescope.

Lin Feng found that in addition to those photos on the opposite side, it seems that no one has been there today.

Does the other party have any new trends or strategies?

But Lin Feng is also lazy, without exaggeration, this person in front of him, like the mentally retarded, as you go to play, I will smile and not speak!

The headquarters of the wolf club in the eastern suburb of Jincheng.

"Damn it!" Lei Hongqi clapped his hands on the table: "ah Choo --"

last night, I searched in the river for more than an hour before I found my precious flower sword. As a result, I caught a cold in the cold river water and sneezed constantly today.

One side of the people quickly handed the towel, Leihong wiped it, threw it back, his hands quickly changed a clean towel, in the side ready to pass it at any time.

At this time, Wu Bo sat opposite Lei Hong and said angrily, "this Lin Feng is really damned!"

Lei Hong pinched his nose and took a puff. His face was rather ugly, "but the feeling that Lin Feng gave me was that we could not easily kill him!"

Lei Hong not only felt that last night, Lin Feng saw through his own trick of dispensing medicine, but also sneaked into the bedroom without a sound. He did not think he had taken the foil. All these show that Lin Feng is unfathomable and alert.

"It's true that Lin Feng has two sons." Wu Bo nodded.

"President, I have an idea!" Wu Bo suddenly seemed to think of something.

"Let's hear it!" He said.

Wu Bo stood up reluctantly, put his mouth to Lei Hong's ear, and said in a very weak voice: "in this way, we will kill Liu Zhen first, and then...

" Well! " Lei Hong listened and nodded with satisfaction: "sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy!"

"The president flattered me!" Wu Bodao.

"It's good to do this. I can get the girl Su Jing as soon as possible. She's crazy about me. If I don't get her for a moment, my heart is itching to death!" Lei Hong said with an obscene smile.

"Don't worry, president. You can get it in a minute! Hey, hey, hey Wu Bo laughed.


when Lin Feng arrived at the company, before he sat down, he saw Xia Ming rushing over and said, "Yu Lan always asked me to talk to you and let you go to the chairman's office! The chairman has something to look for you! "

"Tang Dongsheng, what can I do for you?" Lin Feng was a little surprised.

"Brother Feng, the chairman of the board has come to you personally. You are going to be developed! After you go up, don't forget me Xia Ming flattered.

"Virtue, decency!" Lin Feng laughed and scolded and turned to the elevator.

Take the elevator to the top floor, Lin Feng goes straight to Tang Dongsheng's office.

He didn't knock on the door, he just pushed the door in.

Tang Dongsheng's office is not only Tang Dongsheng, but also Yu Lan and Su Jing.

Three people are cold looking at Lin Feng, as if to see an enemy! , the fastest update of the webnovel!