The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 538

This serum is not a good thing. Lin Feng will definitely not keep it in this world.

However, if he directly destroys the serum, it will certainly attract the attention of the wolf family. Lin Feng always thinks that the mysterious organization supporting the mountain Gang is the wolf family. But this is just a guess. Before making clear the situation, Lin Feng does not want to make big moves in front of the wolf family.

Lin Feng killed Bai Li Tong Mu and Zi Shu. It should not be long before the mysterious family will send someone to Jincheng. If he meets the people of that mysterious organization again, Lin Feng must find out whether the mysterious family is the wolf family.

Lin Feng destroyed the serum. At the same time, he also destroyed a series of scientific research achievements, such as the preparation method of serum, in the system just now. This institution is no longer valuable.

Therefore, President Gao is dead in name.

Lin Feng said with a smile to President Gao: "I'm old. Go home and have a grandson. Don't do anything harmful to human beings!"

At this time, the High Court chief also felt relieved. During this period of time, he dreamt that the mutant killed his family. He became the public enemy of mankind and was reviled by the world.

Take this opportunity to be free and lead a plain life!

President Gao said to Lin Feng, "in this case, the wolf family, I hope you can help me deal with it!"

Lin Feng said, "don't worry about it! By the way, I have another question for you! "

"But it doesn't matter!" High Court chief road.

"Why do the wafers study this project? Do they want to expand their families by biochemical people? " Lin Feng asked.

President Gao said, "it's a long story."

"Long story short!" Lin Feng Road.

"Good!" The head of the high court said: "the wolf family is an ancient biochemical family. It is said that their ancestors are werewolves, and they are descendants of werewolves. On the full moon night, they will take off human skin and become a monster with wolf head and human body. It is said that, but no one in the outside world has seen their real transformation. However, the wolf family also has natural enemies. They have been fighting against another organization in Western Europe for thousands of years. They have been fighting each other in various fields. In order not to be destroyed by their opponents, the wolf family began to use the idea of biochemical mutants. Because their ancestors were werewolves, it's not surprising that they had such ideas, so they set up this project! "

"Oh Lin Feng nodded: "let's make a long story short. You still said so long. Then I ask you, how can such a strong family put its scientific research base in Songjiang city of China, and why they cooperate with Chinese people? Shouldn't they trust Western European people more?"

President Gao said, "you don't know. This is what I hate most about this project, because they feel that they don't feel guilty about taking Chinese people to do experiments. Therefore, setting the research base in Huaxia can catch Chinese people to do experiments at any time, which will harm our Chinese people!"

"Asshole!" Lin Feng gritted his teeth and said.

President Gao shamelessly bowed his head: "I am not good, I help foreigners bully their own people, I really do not have national dignity!"

Lin Feng sighed and said, "Dean Gao, if it wasn't for your age, I would never let you go today! Now that you've made a mistake, I hope you don't meddle in any more! "

"Good!" "I don't care about anything," said the head of the high court

Lin Feng turned around and pressed the alarm button at the door.

"Dudu Dudu -" the alarm sounded.

All of a sudden, all the staff came to this side, and the students and Liu qianyun who had visited before also came to the door.

Lin Feng went out of the door and said to the crowd, "I'm sorry to tell you that the scientific research project has failed."

"How could it fail?"

"What's going on?"

People are very puzzled, hope Lin Feng can give an explanation.

"Destroyed by Dr. Bai Jun!" Lin Feng said: "Dr. Bai Jun helped Sanfan group and cooperated with hacker elephant to steal the achievements of scientific research projects, but he accidentally destroyed the information, and all the data of the scientific research project were cleared. Just now, Dr. Bai Jun took out the serum without authorization, but accidentally smashed the serum, so the scientific research project was all gone!"


People's eyes are red. This is the result of their efforts in the past three years!

These people rushed into the house, punching and kicking at Bai Jun, and scolded him for being rubbish. In an instant, they beat Bai Jun into a pig's head.

No matter how Bai Jun explained it, it was useless. There was a lot of hard evidence. Moreover, President Gao did not say anything to stop him. This shows that President Gao has acquiesced in this matter.

So the more Bai Junyue explains, the more fierce these people fight.

"Oh, well, well, if you fight again, you will die!" Lin Feng stopped the crowd and went to Bai Jun's body. He leaned over to Bai Jun's ear and said, "white handsome boy, now you know what's the end of offending me? By the way, you still tease Liu qianyun, which also makes me very angry! "Bai Jun's nose was bleeding and he was gnashing his teeth and said, "because of this, you're killing me? Why is your heart so vicious? "

Lin Feng said coldly, "how can you have the face to say that I am vicious? When you want to kill all of us together with the elephant, do you think you are vicious? When you want to steal this malformed scientific research project and don't consider the consequences of using it, do you think you are vicious? When you say that you harm others when you are small, but harm society and all mankind when you are big, shouldn't I destroy the project and let you take responsibility? "

Lin Feng is so clever that he says Bai Jun is speechless.

Lin Feng turned to Lina and said, "Lina, tell the people of the wolf family that the project collapsed because of Dr. Bai Jun's mistake. Don't let anyone bear the consequences. All the consequences should be borne by Dr. Bai Jun!"

"Of course, he should bear it. He is the chief culprit." One of the staff said.

"Yes, Bai Jun also wants to unite with outsiders to harm all of us. If it wasn't for Lin Feng today, we would all be killed by the virus!" Said a little beauty.

"Yes, Bai Jun is so bad that he should bear all the consequences." Someone said.

Lin Feng grinned and secretly said to Bai Jun, "Dr. Bai, you must be ready for this day when you are a villain. No one can save you now."

With that, he said to Liu qianyun, "Qian Yun, today's visit is over. Let's go!"

"Shura, wait!" A little beauty said, "can I take a picture with you?"

"Yes, Shura, please. Can you leave your contact information? I adore you

The group of little beauties stopped Lin Feng from going.

"I'm sorry, as I said before, everyone here is rubbish. I won't take pictures with garbage!" Lin Feng said.

"Shura, you are arrogant. We all know that we are wrong. Give us a chance." A little girl said aggrieved.

"Yes, Shura, we will really reflect on ourselves when we go back! Please don't scold us again, will you Another little girl said.

Lin Feng frowned and said, "then you should promise me that after you go back, you should study hard. Don't think about chasing handsome men all day long. Learn more knowledge. Put your energy on things. Don't think about gnawing old people. Be a useful person. This is what you young people need to do, you know?"

"You know? We must study hard and make ourselves useful people! " Someone said.

"Well, well, since everyone is like this, I'm also very happy. Come on, take photos!" Lin Feng Road.

"Good, good!"

All the little girls swarmed in, squeezed Liu qianyun to the edge, and took a big group photo in embarrassment.

Then, these little beauties also pushed forward, kissing and photographing Lin Feng's face. They all wanted to have a close group photo with Shura. Lin Feng kept shouting: "Oh, my God, I've been swallowed up by garbage!"

The more he called it, the more crazy she became. Liu qianyun was envious and jealous.

Finally, after taking pictures with the little beauties, Lin Feng said, "can I go this time?"

Finish saying, with Liu qianyun just to go, but was stopped by a hand.

Lena giggled: "what, you forgot me!"

Said, directly in the face of Lin Feng kiss, and then the hand move, a moment to complete the capture.

Then, blushing and running away, Lin Feng was stunned.

Lin Feng touched his face and looked around in a daze. I was molested by a group of women today? , the fastest update of the webnovel!