The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 537

President Gao didn't expect that Bai Jun was the inside of the elephant.

He shook his hand and pointed to Bai Jun: "Bai Jun, what is going on?"

Bai Jun stepped back, but he argued: "Lin Feng, you and the elephant know each other, you cooperate to frame me. What evidence do you have to say that I am his spy? On the one side of the elephant? "

But Lin Feng sneered. He went forward and grabbed Bai Jun's collar. He put his hand into the pocket of Bai Jun's clothes and took out a plastic bag containing a thin piece of clothes.

"What is this? Do you want me to give you science popularization? " Lin Feng said.

"You give me back!" Bai Jun reaches for it.

Lin Feng pushed Bai Jun aside, stepped back and said, "this is used for anti-virus, isn't it?"

Lin Feng took it in his hand, smelled it and said, "it tastes like some kind of nanotechnology material, hi-tech!"

"Lin Feng, you bastard Bai Jun scolded.

"Don't you know who you are?" Lin Feng said: "you and the elephant inside and outside, collusion, let the elephant successfully steal confidential information, and then want to let the elephant open the virus library, let all involved in scientific research personnel die of the virus hand, so that the scientific research results can no longer be leaked out, your idea, very vicious ah!"

Lin Feng also opened the plastic bag on his hand and said, "you prepared anti-virus clothes in advance, right? Or high-tech nanofiber. If the virus spreads, you can wear it and you will not die. I would like to ask you, is it the people of the organization who are not good to you? Or are these students bad for you? Why do you treat other people's lives as a piece of grass? Just to do your job? "


"what am I, you scum, do you want to quibble?" Lin Feng cheered.

The evidence is conclusive. Bai Jun has no room for refutation, but he is not clear. How can Lin Feng know that he is an insider.

"I don't want to quibble. I really want to do this, so you're right. It's just that, Lin Feng, I want to know, where did I miss my horse? You see through it Bai Jun said.

Lin Feng said with a faint smile: "you must have no problems in front of outsiders, but don't forget, brother, I'm Shura. Hackers are easy for me. Even my apprentice mouse can easily destroy your defense system! So, I can see through your little skill at a glance

Then, Lin Feng pointed to the big screen and said, "although your operation just now is against the other party's hacker virus, it is not difficult to see that you are giving each other opportunities everywhere. Moreover, you intentionally or unintentionally guide the other party to move towards the key areas. Through the code, you can reveal the location of the virus library and secret in the system. Others can't see it, but you can't hide it from me!"

"You are a master indeed. I am willing to be inferior to you for that." Bai Jun sighed.

He did not expect that today's plan, which has been infallible, has hit the hands of this international super hacker.

These things that I play with are just pediatrics in front of others.

He was also naive to humiliate him, but also delusional to deal with his woman, really do not die, hit the south wall to know how hard the wall.

But it's too late.

The wolf family is not an ordinary family. If they know that they steal the project results, they will not let him go.

Bai Jun felt that he had no way out. He took a pill in his hand and made a gesture to throw it into his mouth.

Lin Feng's eyes were quick, and he seized his hand and said, "it's not so easy to die! Come on, why do you want to collude with the outside world to steal this scientific research achievement? Are you working with Sanfan group? "

Bai Jun shouts: "you let me die, you let me die!"

Lin Feng slapped in Bai Jun's face, and then he kicked Bai Jun out.

"You are so self willed. If you do something wrong, you want to die? What's so easy? " Lin Feng rushed to Bai Jun with a dart. Seeing that Bai Jun had been beaten, he raised Bai Jun again and said angrily, "why do you want to steal the scientific research achievements of this project? Do you know that this achievement is not yet finished? If abused, it is likely to cause immeasurable consequences, and you will become the public enemy of mankind. Can you shoulder this responsibility? "

Bai junputong knelt down on the ground, tears slipped from the corners of his eyes, and said, "I'm wrong. I shouldn't be so obsessed with interests."

"Say, why did you steal this project?" Lin Feng's words have broken Bai Jun's psychological defense line.

"You let me go, I said, I said all!" Bai Jun said: "Sanfan group does business in Sanwu District, but they always meet other gangs to make trouble. They are the leaders of Sanwu District, but their status is at stake. So they want to use the biochemical serum developed by this project to create some super biochemical men, so as to maintain their status in Sanwu district. Moreover, I also heard that their boss, Yi Yi, is the first one Pay close attention to a thing called blood jade. They make biochemical people, but they also want to take away blood jade! "

Hearing this, Lin Feng frowned. It seems that many people are thinking about blood jade! Even the organizations in South Asia are concerned about how many people will be attracted if blood jade appears?But that's all after words. Lin Feng asked Bai Jun, "how can you get in touch with Sanfan group?"

"Sanfan group has a partner in Songjiang City, which is the flying snake gang in Songjiang city. They have always asked the flying snake Gang to find the whereabouts of the blood jade for them. In return, they shipped the goods to the flying snake gang at a very low price, and they made huge profits. Once I went to a bar for entertainment at night, and I met a woman of the flying snake gang. I accidentally said this biochemical item after I was drunk Now, who knows, it spread to the ears of the flying snake gang and the Sanfan group, and it's only then that this incident comes to light! " Bai Jun said, "it's all my fault. Please don't tell me about me with the wolf family. Please!"

Lin Feng coldly smile, this person still really does not have backbone.

He said to President Gao, "take me to see the serum that has been studied!"

The chief of the high court took Lin Feng and some staff members to the hiding place of the secret project and opened the door to enter. A chill came to his face.

"This is a low-temperature freezer, in order to ensure that the serum can not rot in low temperature! We have a super low temperature air conditioner The High Court chief explained.

Then, he took Lin Feng inside, an aluminum alloy cylinder as thick as a human arm, standing on the table, supported by brackets.

Gao Yuanyuan came to Lin Feng and opened the cylinder. There was a glass bottle the size of a little finger. Gao said to Lin Feng, "this is the mutant serum!"

Lin Feng smiles and says to Bai Jun, "bring me the serum!"

Bai Jun said in a hurry: "good, good!"

He reached for the serum and came to Lin Feng.

However, I didn't expect to trip and fall on the ground.


The serum broke and ran all over the floor.

"Ah --"

the president of the high court thought that the five thunders were thundering, and this serum was the only one. He also wanted to replicate it through him. As a result, it was all spilled!

Lin Feng spread his hands and said helplessly, "Oh, doctor Bai, why are you so careless?"

"What can I do? The people of the wolf family have already known that we have succeeded in research and development, and now they are all destroyed. How can I account to the people of the wolf family? " The chief of the high court said in despair.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "you can tell the people of the wolf family that Dr. Bai is good at automating the serum, but it is broken by accident! Dr. Bai should also take some responsibility for this incident, shouldn't he? "

Lin Junfeng, who was killed by Lin Junfeng, immediately thought of destroying you! So you just tripped me

Lin Feng smile: "who saw it?"


Lin Feng said: "this thing is harmful to people, and should not have existed in this world for a long time. Therefore, Dr. Bai's breaking him is also a contribution to maintaining world peace. Tut Tut, Dr. Bai, how great you are

"Lin Feng... You..." Bai Jun was played by Lin Feng, there is no way.

Because, on that serum, only his Bai Jun's fingerprint.

Lin Feng also said with a smile: "Dean Gao, I have said that you should retire. Therefore, this project, I declare, is over, and you can go home to provide for the aged."

President Gao is speechless. Lin Feng is a devil! , the fastest update of the webnovel!