The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 52

"Somebody, kill this boy for me!" Lei Hong called out to the outside.

However, the voice lagged behind, but there was no echo.

Lei Hong's heart is not good, is this boy?

"Yes Lin Feng saw Lei Hong's mind, he said with a smile: "they are all knocked out by me!"

"You - who are you?" Leihong asked.

Lei Hong can be the leader of the wolf club. His natural psychological quality is excellent. He has seen many scenes like this, so he will calm down in the next second.

He brought the four bodyguards, randomly out of one, can also play a few, four people together, is unstoppable.

This boy, unexpectedly quietly beat them all faint, we can see that he is absolutely not an ordinary person.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Rehun asked again.

"Didn't old man Wu tell you who I am? Tut Tut, you look down on people too much, don't you? " Lin Feng said.

"Wu Bo?" Lei Hong did a little thinking, and immediately responded: "are you Lin Feng?"

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth curled up a radian and said with a smile: "yes, it's under!"

I didn't expect that this boy with beach underpants and a fool is Lin Feng in Wu Bo's mouth!!

Lei Honghen's teeth itch. This Lin Feng, not only repeatedly bad wolf club's affairs, but also directly intervenes in his own affairs today. It's almost suicidal!

Lei Hong clenched his fist, and the blue veins on his neck were exposed. He glared at Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, you've been bad to me for many times. It's time for us to end it!"

The reason why Lei Hong became the leader of the wolf society was not only because he was resourceful and resourceful, but more importantly, his military value was also super high. However, Lei Hong's force value was not reflected in his kung fu. In terms of boxing, Lei Hong could not even beat Wu Bo.

However, Lei Hong grew up in Europe when he was a child. He practiced excellent fencing skills. If he hadn't returned to China to do business, he might have made his mark in the world.

As long as there is a sword in hand, even three Wu Bo can't get close to him.

So when Lin Feng defeated Wu Bo, he was not afraid of him.

Wherever he went, he would carry a foil with him.

There are three kinds of Swords: Epee, foil and sabre.

The characteristic of Epee is that it can attack any part of the opponent's body in actual combat, but it is bulky.

Foil is mainly used in duels between nobles. It is characterized by light and thin. It also uses stab as the attack method. In actual combat, it only attacks the opponent's trunk.

Saber is the sword used by knights to duel in early Europe, and now it is mostly used as an ornamental.

Lei Hong always thought he was a noble, so he always chose the slender foil.

He always takes a foil with him, even if he doesn't carry it, it is within 10 meters of him.

In this bedroom, there is a foil, which he prepared in advance and is also his favorite one. The foil has been with him for nearly 20 years. So this time, he even thought that he would taste all the beauties in this bed. Fortunately, it was comfortable to follow. He looked at the sword as a human being.

Lei Hong bent down to catch the foil.

However, to his surprise, his favorite foil disappeared.

"Are you looking for this?" Lin Feng is sitting on the chair, his hand is really playing with a slender and exquisite foil, and is picking teeth with the foil.

"Pooh, Pooh! It's so sharp that it almost stabbed me! " Lin Feng said without shame.

"What's in your hands?" Lei Hong was shocked: "put it down for me!"

He was deeply distressed. This foil has been with him for nearly 20 years. It is made of pure mixed metal. The proportion is absolutely authentic. The flexibility, hardness, brightness and so on are the best.

He was so fond of swords that he regarded the foil as his most important treasure.

As a result, the boy picked his teeth!!!

It's driving him crazy!

"Bareheaded, why are you constipated? Is it on fire? " Lin Feng joked.

"Give me your sword, everything else is easy to say!" Leihong said carefully.

"Oh? This sword looks very strong. I'll try to break it? " Lin Feng said that he would break his sword.

"No!" Lei Hong roared, almost kneeling to Lin Feng.

"Aren't you very good just now? You give us medicine, Fan Jian Su Jing. If I hadn't prevented you, would we all have your way now? " Lin Feng asked with a sneer.

"It's all my fault. Give me your sword!" Lei Hong said in a deceptive tone.

Lin Feng sneered, "your attitude of apology can be sincere! I almost believed it! ha-ha! Since you like this sword so much, go to the river to look for it! " Lin Feng said, stood up and went to one side of the window, the river behind the court directly threw in."No Lei Hong's eyes are red, see Lin Feng throw the sword out, he jumped out of the window directly, directly into the river.

"Take a cold bath! Have a good time Lin Feng waved to Lei Hong by the window and closed the window with a smile.

Lei Hong Qi's seven tips smoke, lung is almost burst, he gnashing his teeth said: "Lin Feng, you wait, I will let you not good death!"

In the clubhouse.

Lin Feng fiddled with his mobile phone and replayed it with satisfaction.

"Tut Tut, it's good. I've shot everything that should be shot. I've installed a wave of force perfectly. Well, the lighting effect is good. If I knew I had this talent, I would go to be a director, and I could sneak in a few female stars."

Lin Feng sighed and sighed for a while. Then he went to Su Jing, helped her tidy up her clothes, carried Su Jing on her back and walked out of the club.

Lin Feng takes Su Jing back to the hotel by taxi and puts Su Jing back in her bedroom.

He went to the window and took a look at the runhai building opposite him with a telescope. He sneered: "these guys have gone to bed early. They are so lazy and want to watch? It's Lao Tzu who knows everything about you

He knew that there were a group of people watching them in a room opposite him, but with years of anti investigation experience, Lin Feng totally ignored the surveillance and peeping of children.

He still lives as usual, but when it comes to privacy and secrets, he just needs to cover it up. Therefore, he can monitor the opposite side for a year or a lifetime, but they are doomed to get nothing.

Lin Feng's method is more vicious than pulling the curtain directly and not giving them surveillance, because it makes them feel that they have an opportunity, but they can't find any opportunity. It's a waste of time.

At this time, however, Lin Feng heard a cry from Su Jing's room.

"Ah --"

Lin Feng ran over. When Su Jing took off her clothes, she was left with a bikini suit. Then she kept shouting, "ah - hot, so hot!"

Lin Feng knew that it was a second attack of the drug.

The medicine nalehong gave them was an overpowering drug plus Chunyao. The overpowering drug had a quick effect. It took place first, and then the aphrodisiac. At this time, when the Chun drug broke out, the effect of the overpowering drug would also be reduced. However, people were still confused and confused. When they saw who loved whom, they had to fight until death.

So at this time, Su Jing felt that a man appeared in front of her. As soon as she held it, she was soft and pushed up.

"Oh, ah, calm down!" Lin Feng was almost choked to death by the two regiments. Finally, he got out of his head and shook Su Jing quickly: "Mr. Su, wake up. I can't control you like this!"

Su Jing murmured vaguely: "ah, hot, I'm so hot..."

then, she held Lin Feng in her hands and rubbed against him like a water snake.

The bed, which was clean and tidy, was in a mess by her body. The quilts and sheets were all over the bed. The whole bed was filled with Su Jing's charming body odor and female hormone breath.

"Pa!" In the confusion, Su Jing knocked over a small box at the head of the bed with one hand.

A condom, raw appeared in Lin Feng's field of vision.

"She has such a thing!"

For a moment, Lin Feng felt the hot blood surging up, and his body reacted uncontrollably.

At this time, Su Jing seemed to be crazy. Her hair was disordered, her breath was like blue, her teeth were biting her lips, and her voice was so delicate that she said, "ah! Please, please love me once, just once! "

Lin Feng can no longer resist this temptation!

He took a deep breath and put his hands directly on Su Jing's waist. , the fastest update of the webnovel!