The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 526

Lin Feng didn't expect that they would come soon.

He reported the address to Liu qianyun. After about an hour, Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi really appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Liu qianyun is wearing a beige windbreaker and a pair of slim jeans. Her slender legs are revealed, which makes people daydream. Her face is simple and light, and she is still a beautiful and refined beauty.

Liu qianyun is wearing more lovely, a cashmere one-piece hat, black leggings, a pair of short boots, cashmere sweater inside that turbulent two peaks, two beautiful legs and legs extremely slender point, the whole person looks a little bit fatter than Liu qianyun, but there is no sense of fat, but very sexy and lovely.

She also painted light makeup today, and still looks like a cute girl.

"If you two are so beautiful and unfamiliar in Songjiang, aren't you afraid of being abducted?"

Lin Feng said with a smile and motioned for them to sit down and then got up to pour tea for them.

"It's just because we are afraid of being abducted that we come to you! It's better to be abducted by others. After all, we are so familiar with each other, hee hee! " Liu qianyun said something in his words!

Chu Yuqi listened, then face slightly red, shyly sitting on the sofa did not speak.

Lin Feng made the tea and gave it to the two of them. He said with a smile, "you two came to Songjiang to see me for sure. Tell me, what are you two doing here?"

Liu qianyun a pick eyebrow: "smart, you see through!"

Chu Yuqi said: "Lin Feng was very smart. Let me tell you directly. In fact, this time I came with sister qianyun. Sister qianyun got a rare opportunity to visit the scientific research achievements of a biomedical institution, and I came to play soy sauce with me!"

Liu qianyun said with a smile: "so, sister Yuqi is deliberately looking for an excuse to come to see you. I do have something to do, but I also want to see you in my heart!"

"I appreciate your kindness. If you don't dislike it, I'll have a good night tonight. I'm in good health and can cope with it." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"I'm going to visit tomorrow. I want to keep my spirits up. Sister Yuqi doesn't have to visit tomorrow. I think she can accompany you here in the evening. How can I make trouble without getting up early tomorrow?" Liu qianyun has a wry smile on her face.

"Oh, sister qianyun, you are good or bad!" Chu Yuqi begins to smash Liu qianyun with a small pink fist.

Liu qianyun said: "sister, you should know that I am all for your sake, but I am very jealous! You should cherish the opportunity. When I finish visiting, I will come back to compete with you

Finish saying, eyebrow a pick, the amorous feelings ten thousand kinds of looked at Lin Feng one eye.

"Ha ha! Welcome any time With a big wave of his hand, Lin Feng seemed quite generous and fearless.

"No business!" Chu Yuqi's face was red to the root of her neck.

Lin Feng knew Chu Yuqi's character, so he didn't care. He said to Liu qianyun, "speaking of business, I'd like to ask, what scientific research achievements are you going to visit?"

"It's a very high-end project. I heard that they invented a kind of serum. After injecting this serum, the patient's body will produce antibodies against certain cancer viruses, which can make people live longer. This technology is a very cutting-edge technology. If the trial effect is good and can be put into use, it will not be a dream for people to live to 200 years old, even 300 years old and 500 years old Yes Liu qianyun said.

"And such things?" Lin Feng narrowed his eyes: "who developed it? Who are the investors behind it? "

"It is a joint research and development project between an advanced foreign institution and medical institutions in Songjiang city!" "The specific investor is the wolf group, a family business in Western Europe," Liu said

"Wolf group?"

After hearing this, Lin Feng was shocked.

The wolf group was founded by the wolf family. The wolf family is an ancient and mysterious family in Western Europe. There are not many people in the wolf family, but they are all the top elites and have made outstanding contributions in many fields.

The reason why Lin Feng knows the wolf family is that there is an old and mysterious legend in the wolf family.

The wolf family, on the full moon night, will carry out ancestor worship mode. It is said that when they worship their ancestors, they will become werewolves!

Of course, we are all hearsay, and no one has ever seen them turn into werewolves, and no one has any evidence to prove that this is true. Therefore, we only regard him as a legend, but this adds to the mystery of the wolf family.

Lin Feng has been speculating that the mysterious organization in which Taotie and Baili Tongmu work is the wolf family. Because of the mystery, the wolf family is very mysterious. More importantly, the number of Wolff family members is small, and they trust very few servants. Therefore, only one or two people are sent to Jincheng each time, which makes sense.

It's just that Lin Feng has no evidence to prove that the mysterious organization is a member of the wolf family.

Now, the wolf family and the Chinese institutions have started to study scientific research projects. What is the purpose of this?

"Qianyun, are you sure it was invested by wolf group?" Lin Feng Road."I'm sure!"

Liu qianyun took out an invitation letter to Lin Feng. The bottom of the invitation was signed with the words of Songjiang biomedical institution & wolf group.

"Oh Lin Feng nodded, and his face became more serious. He thought it was quite strange.

First, the wolf family is very strong. Many of the world's top 500 companies are competing to cooperate with them, but they can't find any opportunities. How can they cooperate with a small medical institution in Songjiang city?

Second, when it comes to biochemical medicine, Lin Feng has a lot of attainments. He can teach apprentices like pharmacists. Naturally, Lin Feng has a lot of opinions on medicine, but he has never heard of technology that can extend people's life to three or five hundred years old.

This is not because of his limited knowledge, but after the metabolism of human body cells, cells will gradually grow old, and at a certain stage, cells will necrosis. This aging is natural and has nothing to do with illness. Therefore, even if you suppress all diseases, you can not prevent people from aging and dying.

So Lin Feng thinks that the scientific research project is very strange. There must be something fishy in it.

"Who sent you to visit the project?" Asked Lin Feng.

"It's Wei Dong!" Liu qianyun said: "I am not working in the Castle Peak Hospital under the prosperous group, and then chairman Wei Yunlong told me this matter directly and gave me a place to visit!"

"Oh Lin Feng nodded, but suddenly took out his mobile phone and called Wei Yunlong.

"Hello, Wei Yunlong? It is said that there is a good scientific research project in Songjiang city. You sent Liu qianyun from Qingshan hospital to visit. Is there any quota? Give me one, and I want to see it too! " Lin Feng Road.

"Oh, it's Mr. Lin. I haven't seen you for many days. If you want to see it, I can go and ask for one even if there is no quota." Wei Yunlong's tone is flattering.

"Don't talk nonsense. Take a place. I'll accompany Liu qianyun to visit tomorrow." Lin Feng Road.

"Good!" Wei Yunlong dare not speak any more. , the fastest update of the webnovel!