The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 527

The next day, Lin Feng and Liu qianyun went to the place called Songjiang biological medical institution, while Chu Yuqi stayed in the hotel.

This time, not only Lin Feng and Liu qianyun were visited, but also many students from Songjiang Medical University.

Everyone took out the invitation letter and entered the area to be visited one after another.

There are many beautiful women in Lin Feng.

At this time, the reception person appeared, that person appeared, immediately attracted the eyes of all the little beauties.

The visitor is a graceful spectacle man. He is 1.8 meters tall. He is thin and tender, and has long legs. He is in line with the standard of Europa in the girl's heart.

What's more, the other party is wearing an Armani suit, a pair of gold glasses and a pair of langdanze shoes, which looks very luxurious.

"Mr. Bai Jun?" Liu qianyun said out of voice.

Hearing Liu qianyun say so, the other little beauties have straight eyes and say:

"is he Bai Jun? Isn't he the strongest doctoral student in our school? "

"Yes! He is an outstanding medical student and a hacker genius. I didn't expect that he worked here! "

"So handsome and rich!"

"Set beauty, talent, wealth in one, he is not the legendary high rich handsome learning bully!"

"It's fascinating!"


that group of young girls chirped and their hearts were overflowing. Some boys praised them and felt ashamed of themselves!

Originally a few little beauties also secretly pay attention to Lin Feng, although Lin Feng wears a little soil, but long not bad, still ruffian let people heart.

But as soon as Bai Jun appeared, he immediately attracted all the girls' attention. The girls preferred this kind of well-dressed, well-dressed and well-known man with glasses.

More importantly, Bai Jun is talented. He is famous in Jincheng Medical University and Songjiang Medical University.

Bai Jun majored in medical programming at Jincheng Medical University. Later, he graduated from Jincheng University, took a postgraduate examination, and went to Songjiang Medical University for further study. In a few years, he reached the title of doctor.

The reason why Bai Jun is a hacker genius is that his major is not the so-called medical industry.

His major, more is related to the medical computer aspects of things, such as the maintenance of medical equipment, and medical network cleaning and protection, and more advanced medical software into, anti hacker system production and so on!

Bai Jun is recognized as a computer genius. Even many programs of Jincheng Medical University and Songjiang Medical University are made by him. Even now, many virus protection walls of Songjiang Medical University are built by him.

So his name is well known by the two schools, and it is said that Shuai Duojin is the prince charming in the hearts of the fans of the two schools.

It's like a dream to be able to see prince charming face-to-face today, and he will show him around.

Bai Jun saw that all the little fans adored him, and he couldn't help but sneer, and the haughty look on his face became more thick.

Women, in his heart is toys, a group of low IQ pet toys, want as many as you want, so the more these girls are in a hurry, he is more disdainful, the more despised!

However, he was very polite on the surface. He could not see any inner fluctuation. He waved to a woman with purple short hair and white coat behind him. The woman came forward and gave a smile to all the visitors.

Bai Jun said: "ladies and gentlemen, I am the chief nurse of network and machinery in this organization. This is my assistant, Miss Lina. She is more proficient in medical affairs. In a moment, we will show you the scientific research projects inside. She will mainly share the knowledge of systems and devices, and I will explain them to you!"

"Wow, Bai Jun is so handsome!"

"A talented man is a handsome man."

At this time, the small fans are completely trapped in Bai Jun's charm and can't extricate themselves. Even Bai Jun's words are forgotten.

"Come on, let's start the tour." Bai Jun said.

People put on shoe covers, and under the guidance of Bai Jun, they enter the inside to visit.

At first, there was a long and narrow corridor with murals on both sides. There were some warm tips and the deeds of some great medical men. There was nothing strange about it.

After walking through a corridor, there is a heavy gate at the corner. Everyone stops to listen to Bai Jun's speech.

"This gate is controlled by the Welsh defense system. It's an advanced technology I've imported from abroad. It needs face recognition to open it. When strangers enter, it also needs face recognition registration. Moreover, it's connected with the Public Security Bureau. People who have problems can't get in. No one can muddle through!"

With that, Bai Jun stepped forward and took a look at the camera. He saw a bunch of green light hitting his face.

The light suddenly spread into a line and swept Bai Jun's face from top to bottom.

Then, the robot voice in the door: "0021 Hello, please come in!"The gate split from the middle of a crack, inside is all a piece of white, very bright feeling.

People saw a burst of novelty, this is really high-tech ah, feel the future of the world in general.

"Now we line up one by one, and then stand in front to enter the face system and give your name," Bai said

People, you look at me, I look at you, no one comes forward.

Bai Jun glanced at Liu qianyun. When he saw Liu qianyun, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes that ordinary people could not easily detect. Then he said to Liu qianyun, "that beauty, you come first. I'll teach you to do a demonstration for you!"

Liu qianyun looked at Lin Feng, Lin Feng smile: "go!"

Liu qianyun comes to the front. Bai Jun glances up and down at Liu qianyun, but in his heart he praises him. Unexpectedly, the girl's temperament and figure are so good. It must be fun to have fun with it!

White Jun color heart big, mouth but said: "beautiful woman looks very beautiful, I seem to have seen you there!"

This is Bai Jun has always used the means of chasing girls. As long as he says such a word, generally girls who are interested in him will answer, mm-hmm, I also seem to have seen you!

But Liu qianyun was calm and said: "I am a fresh graduate of Jincheng Medical University, you are my senior, many years older than me. When I was a freshman, you had already left Jincheng Medical University, so we should not have met!"

"Oh?" Bai Jun said with a smile: "no, you even know me. It seems that Xuemei has a deep impression on me. Have you ever inquired about me in private?"

If you have inquired about it in private, it shows that the girl is interested in herself. It will be a matter of minutes to take her. Maybe after visiting, you will be able to have a good time in the hotel.

Bai Jun narrowed his peach blossom eyes and looked at Liu qianyun with a smile.

However, Liu qianyun is a light smile, the slightest did not move the mind: "schoolmaster, you are too thoughtful, I will not go to inquire about the elder in private, it is Bai Jun who is famous only, everyone in the school knows about you, not only me, don't believe you ask them!"

Liu qianyun points to the group of girls.

"Yes, Mr. Bai Jun is our God."

"Bai Jun is so handsome. The photo is still on the famous wall of the school."


those little girls seemed to have finally found the opportunity to flatter, and they all scrambled to say.

As long as Bai Jun can take a serious look at them, they will feel as if they are in the air.

Bai Jun is frowning, rather unhappy in the heart, heart said so many women are catching up with me, you Liu qianyun really don't know good or bad.

However, Liu qianyun's desire to conquer was aroused. The more Liu qianyun was like this, the more he wanted to put Liu qianyun under his body.

"Oh, I was just joking Bai Jun said, but suddenly lowered his voice, very low voice and pretended to be gentle: "but as your senior, it's very normal to know about it. How much is your telephone number? Qian Yun

However, Liu said quickly, "can we not learn from him? Everyone is waiting for it

"Oh, good!"

Bai Jun was a little embarrassed, but his eyes flashed a look of sinister ferocity.

Bai Jun asks Liu qianyun to stand in front of him. Liu qianyun's face is facing the camera. The green light hits Liu qianyun's face and sweeps it up and down. The machine sounds: "the five senses of visitors brought by 0021 have been collected. Please register your name now!"

Bai Jun said to Liu qianyun, "name yourself!"

"Liu qianyun!" Liu qianyun said.

Then the screen on the door can be seen by naked eyes and proofread. Liu qianyun's identity information appears completely. The ID card number and image as well as the name and identity are all matched. The screen displays "pass".

Bai Jun stealthily whispered in Liu qianyun's ear: "Xuemei, I know almost all your information, but it's just the contact information. When you turn back, please tell me your phone number. I'll treat you to a snack!"

Liu qianyun only felt a bout of nausea, how could Bai Jun be endless?

Does he really think he can kill all the girls? Still have a snack? What's Ann's heart? Who doesn't know? Having a snack proved that it was late at night, and it was natural that she didn't live at home when she went back...

so the more she thought about it, the more disgusting she felt, she quickly stepped into the door.

Women are like this, she likes the man, she can take the initiative to pay, but she does not like the man, touch feel do not pinch.

Liu qianyun does not have any aversion to Lin Feng, but likes it very much. He also wants to see if Lin Feng has six abdominal muscles in the end! But to this Bai Jun, really do not have any good feeling, just admire his talent just.

At this time, one by one visitors walked into the door according to Liu qianyun's appearance. When it was Lin Feng's turn, Lin Feng stood in front of the door, brushed his face and said, "Lin Feng!"

Suddenly, a big red cross appears on the screen on the door, showing "no"!

What's more, the door "quack Ga Ga" sounded a harsh bell, like some kind of danger alarm.Lin Feng squinted at Bai Jun with a smile: "ha ha, are you too excited to see me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!