The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 525

Su Jing covers her mouth and smiles. Lin Feng has a good life.

Su Jing picked up the phone and called Tang Dongsheng.

She and Tang Dongsheng simply explained the matter, but Tang Dongsheng still didn't believe it. After all, Tiancheng Group, as a high-level business elite, should be aware of it at the first time. What they haven't heard about is usually false news.

However, Su Jing still followed the rules. Since she chose to believe in Lin Feng, she should be more serious.

He discussed with Tang Dongsheng to raise a large amount of funds from Dongsheng Group's account as a reserve. In case Tiancheng Group really sold off, they could take over at a very low price, which was quite favorable for future development. Moreover, through the layout of Tiancheng Group in Songjiang City, he could soon gain a firm foothold in Songjiang city.

Tang Dongsheng didn't care too much about it, so he agreed directly.

After Su Jing and Tang Dongsheng finished, they transferred a sum of money through finance, and then made a cup of Blue Mountain coffee with 85 degree hot water. When she sat in front of the computer, it was 28 minutes before Lin Feng called him.

Su Jing refreshed the computer page and browsed it in boredom.

But at one glance, she was shocked.

At the top of the trading module of Songjiang business network, Tiancheng Group sold all the office buildings, hotels and clubs of Tiancheng Group, as well as its trading shops, at a discount of 10% below the market price.

However, the lower the price is, the more people dare not buy. They think that there is something wrong with Tiancheng Group. No one dares to accept the offer. They are all asking about what happened!

Zhu Tiancheng was eager to run for his life. Seeing that no one dared to buy it for the first time, he again made a 50% discount on the basis of less than 1% discount.

Su Jing's eyes were bright. The huge Tiancheng Group couldn't even afford the price of a drizzled small company. It's just that the ancestral tombs are full of smoke!

And this price, Dongsheng Group casually put out a little money can buy.

Because Su Jing had already said hello to Lin Feng in advance, she knew she could buy it. She didn't dare to neglect it. She quickly pressed the purchase button, and then contacted customer service personnel and people from Tiancheng Group.

Zhu Tiancheng was already on his way to escape from overseas, so he authorized one of his cronies to handle the following matters. Su Jing contacted the authorized person and quickly decided on the purchase. Tiancheng Group immediately withdrew the sales information on the Internet and was waiting to sign a contract with Su Jing.

After everything was done, Su Jing took a breath and was very happy. She said, "it's just pie in the sky."

She picked up the nearby Blue Mountain coffee and took a sip. Suddenly, she felt relaxed: "the coffee made by 85 ℃ hot water is really delicious. Lin Feng, it's really yours!"


Lin Feng is lying in his apartment at this time.

Nanfei was sent to the hospital and taken care of by nanxiaozhu. He returned to his foothold in Songjiang city.

He didn't want to intercept Zhu Tiancheng. Zhu Tiancheng was like a dog who lost his family. He didn't want to waste his energy on Zhu Tiancheng because he was in the idea of being a pauper.

Because Zhu Tiancheng is a clown in front of him. He does not pose any threat to him. He just makes Lin Feng very tired of the secret moves repeatedly, so he chooses to deal with him.

This is also a full answer to a word, do not die, people can not live when they do evil! If Zhu Tiancheng didn't have to fight with Lin Feng, he would not have ended up today.

Lin Feng turned on the TV and watched the report on the TV.

AI Xingjiao and Zhen Shuang are two hosts again. The program is at noon.

After broadcasting a few pieces of news without nutrition, finally one piece of news attracted Lin Feng's attention.

Zhen Shuang, dressed in a greasy face, said in a round tone: "Hello, everyone. Here is an instant news. Ten minutes ago, Tiancheng Group had some changes. Zhu Tiancheng, chairman of Tiancheng Group, was in poor health for a long time. He finally made an important decision just now. He chose to study abroad and sell Tiancheng Group at a very low price."

"Some witnesses said that Zhu Tiancheng's appearance at the airport was very low-key, with only two entourage around him, and his face was covered with masks throughout the whole process, which was very inconsistent with his usual high-profile style."

Then, the picture of Zhu Tiancheng in the airport boarding pass when the photo, a bit fuzzy, should be taken by passers-by with a mobile phone.

AI Xingjiao then continued to report: "Chairman Zhu Tiancheng is in a hurry this time, and the Tiancheng Group under him was immediately acquired by Dongsheng Group. From then on, Songjiang Tiancheng Group will be renamed Dongsheng Group, and Dongsheng Group will become a rising star in Songjiang city!"

Zhen Shuang said: "yes, the future of Dongsheng Group in Songjiang city is getting better and better, injecting fresh blood and vitality into the development of Songjiang city."

AI Xingjiao said: "many netizens have also expressed their opinions on this matter. They are reluctant to give up chairman Zhu Tiancheng's departure. Many netizens have sent barrage to wish chairman Zhu Tiancheng a good life! Chairman Zhu Tiancheng is a great philanthropist in our city and has helped a lot of poor people. Therefore, his departure has left our whole city in a state of sadness. We also wish chairman Zhu Tiancheng a smooth future! "AI Xingjiao said, "well, that's all we're talking about at noon! I am the host, love sex. Hand in! "

"I'm the host, so cool!" Zhen Shuang said, "we'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow!" AI Xingjiao said.

Love. Make love really cool disappeared from the screen, Lin Feng looked at the TV with a cold smile: "serious nonsense, said you two ah!"

That's right. Lin Feng has long been cold about news, but he wants to see what it will look like in the media!

After AI Xingjiao and Zhen Shuang, it seems that it is not very beneficial to Dongsheng Group!

Because Dongsheng Group itself is not an enterprise of Songjiang city. Suddenly, such a strong entry into Songjiang will certainly attract the attention of local enterprises in Songjiang. The local enterprises in Songjiang will certainly suppress Dongsheng Group.

Originally, Lin Feng wanted to let Dongsheng Group develop indecently. As soon as the news was broadcast, the whole Songjiang and Jincheng knew about it, and they couldn't keep a low profile.

Lin Feng wants to talk to Su Jing about this, but before he can wait to talk, his phone rings. It's Chu Yuqi.

This period of time is too busy, has not been in touch with Chu Yuqi, this will call Chu Yuqi is to comfort himself?

Lin Feng answered the phone and said with a smile, "Hello, little Qiqi, do you miss me?"

It was Liu qianyun who answered the phone and said with a smile: "yes, we all miss you!"

"Oh, qianyun, you and Yuqi are together!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Well, I heard you went to Songjiang city. We are also in Songjiang city now." Liu qianyun said.

"How did you come to Songjiang city?" Lin Feng asked.

"Yuqi said she missed you so much that she couldn't sleep when she thought about you. It's spring when she talks in her sleep." Liu qianyun said with a smile.

"Oh, sister Yuqi, you can't suppress yourself so much. Come and find your brother to liberate your nature. Come on, hehe, hehe!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

That Chu Yuqi snatched the phone, the tone in a hurry with a bashful way: "Lin Feng, don't listen to her nonsense, it's her own spring dream, said dream and you... Oh, I'm sorry to say!"

"Sister Yuqi, don't say it!"

"No, I'll say it!"

"Good, then you say ah, if you say it again, I will tell Lin Feng about you secretly seducing Lin Feng at night!"

"Ah, sister qianyun, I won't say it! Give me a break

"Hum, please


"You have no bottom line! No fun

"What a shame! Don't say it


hearing the news from the two sisters, Lin Feng felt a burst of joy in his heart and said, "it's OK. It's OK. It doesn't matter. I have a bachelor's apartment. The bed is big enough for the three of us!"

"Well, where are you, we'll be right here!" Liu qianyun said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!