The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 524

When we got to the abandoned factory, everyone was already waiting to see the results.

At this time, seeing Lin Feng back, the results of all people's hearts have come out, indeed, Lin Feng won, without doubt.

Nanfei rushed up first and shouted, "boss, I know you will win. You are too cow b! I adore you! "

Then, Nanfei flaunt to the public said: "see no, this is my boss Lin Feng! Is it so bad? "


People look at Lin Feng, are a face of respect, they can be seen today, where dare to make a decision.

Nanxiao bamboo walked to Lin Feng and said softly, "Lin Feng, thank you for saving us again. I really don't know how to repay you!"

Lin Feng giggled and said, "consider it by example!"

"Don't make a noise!" Nanxiaozhu said with shame: "Xiaofei is there too. Don't let him hear it..." br >

I agree with you seriously Nanfei has not waited for Nanxiao bamboo to finish, holding up his hands for the way.

"Little fly!"

Nanxiao bamboo beautiful eyes are big, and his face shows a surprising look. Xiaofei agrees with himself and other men... This is the first time that the world is broken!

Nanfei said: "my boss is excellent, mom, I don't know if you can match him, but if my boss wants, it can't be, it's a big bargain you picked up! I'm happy for you! "

Nanfei finished, and also a face you made look at the mother nanxiaozhu.

Nanxiaozhu is crying and laughing. Is this his son?

Usually, when a man comes to his home, he will ask a clear and clear question. He is determined not to let himself have any contact with other men. However, today, he can not help but agree to her to communicate with other men. Moreover, it seems that he is catching up with others.

"Xiaofei, are you brain broken?" Asked nanxiaozhu.

"I am awake!" Nanfei, hey, hey, a smile.

Lin Feng said to Nanxiao bamboo: "look, I just came to Songjiang city on the first day, I have given you a hang, said you will have peach blossom luck in a few months, but it is not surprising, tut tut Tut, you really have luck!"

But this, how does nanxiaozhu sound, all like Lin Feng is boasting his own!

Nanxiaozhu has no words at all, but she has been single for many years. Suddenly her son agrees to her to associate with other men. And the man is standing in front of her. She is a little embarrassed.

But at the same time, the heart is also itchy, feeling the oppressed things are about to burst out, already the control of the stupidity.

She looked at Lin Feng with a shy reply, and hurriedly stopped looking.

Lin Feng looked at him and asked, "what about Zhu Tiancheng?"

He asked, the talent responded, right, Zhu Tiancheng? Where are people?

Even the guards were stunned. The boss was still in the middle of us. Suddenly, why didn't anyone have it.

Four bodyguards were immediately self-evident, but also as bodyguards, even the boss could not see, it seems to be unemployed.

Zhu Tiancheng, however, was prepared to escape without knowing the ghost.

He put the car not far away from here, then when the public did not notice, he hid in the car to watch Lin Feng fight with the general. When he found that the general knelt to Lin Feng, he knew that the general had lost, and drove away.

At this time he is transferring his assets overseas, because he knows that this time, Lin Feng will not let him go.

It is necessary to say that Zhu Tiancheng is very cunning and cunning, and he is really very intelligent.

Lin Feng has really killed him this time. A man who wants to take his life in various ways over and over again will not let him live in this world.

Just Zhu Tiancheng ran early, or Lin Feng caught him, and he must have been well received. Thanks to the retirement of Lin Feng, if put in half a year ago, Zhu Tiancheng, such a person, must have died hundreds of times.

Lin Feng took out the phone and called the mouse and said, "brother, tell you something urgent. You try to enter the system of Tiancheng Group in black to see if there is any trend of Tiancheng Group?"

The mouse listened, did not ask more, immediately to check.

Lin Feng called Su Jing again and said, "little Susu, tell you good news. Zhu Tiancheng has caused a big trouble. It is likely that it will not appear in Songjiang city in the near future. Go and check who will preside over the industry of Tiancheng Group later?"

Raymond Lam's reason for Su Jing is because of commercial competition, and there is eye liner between the other companies, so Su Jing wants to check Tiancheng Group, and it will be faster.

Su Jing was a little surprised: "Zhu Tiancheng has been in a big trouble? What's wrong with it? "

"No, he's provoking a man!" Lin Feng Road.


"I!" Lin Feng Road.

"You?" Su Jing was even more surprised by her frown.

"Don't worry about this first. If you believe me, go and check it!" Lin Feng Road."Well, I'll send someone to check it now!" Su Jing said.

After experiencing so many things with Lin Feng, she knew that Lin Feng would not talk nonsense in general, except when she was teasing her, so this time, she chose to believe in him.

Lin Feng hung up, the mouse called, and the mouse said:

"boss, I briefly hacked their financial system, and found that Tiancheng Group was transferring assets, most of which were transferred to Swiss banks in Western Europe, and some were transferred to banks in America and Japan!"

"What else have you found?" asked Lin Feng

The mouse said: "I also went into their internal chat room for a few minutes. They discussed with the senior management. After half an hour, after the asset transfer is completed, they will release the information of selling all the shares and inherent assets of Tiancheng Group on Songjiang commercial website. That is to say, Tiancheng group will sell at a low price in the shortest time, and the owner is no longer Zhu Tiancheng!"

Lin Feng nodded and sneered. Zhu Tiancheng, an old fox, has really escaped completely this time. He has no idea of asset transfer and asset sale. He wants to escape!

"Anything else?" Lin Feng asked.

"No more, because I only went in for a few minutes, and then I was maintained by their IT staff!" Said the mouse.

"Well done, you've got a lot of news!" Lin Feng said.

After that, he called Su Jing and said, "pay close attention to Tiancheng Group and Songjiang commercial network. In 28 minutes, Tiancheng Group will sell the whole stock and take the offer at the first time. After that, Tiancheng Group will be your Dongsheng Group! Tiancheng Group sale, will sell very cheap Oh, who buy who get! Little Susu, come on

Su Jing was stunned and said, "our commercial spy replied that there was no abnormal situation in Tiancheng Group."

Lin Feng said: "little Susu, your spy may be a double agent, ha ha ha, it's impossible that he has been bought by Tiancheng Group. Do you believe me or your spy?"

Su Jing said, "I believe you!"

Lin Feng said: "well, now according to what I said, open your laptop, open the Songjiang business network, click the trading column, and then, make a cup of Blue Mountain coffee, wait for 28 minutes quietly, and you will see a surprise picture!"

Su Jing said dubiously, "OK, I'll try!"

Su Jing said that she was going to hang up the phone and turn on the computer.

"Wait!" Lin Feng Road.

"What's the matter?" Su Jing said.

"When making coffee, the water below 80 degrees is sour, and when it is higher than 90 degrees, it is bitter. So we should use 85 degrees of water to make it pure and fragrant! I wish you happy. Goodbye Lin Feng finished and hung up the phone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!