The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 523

Zhu Tiancheng picked up the telescope He hung around his neck and looked forward.

Lin Feng and the general clearly appeared in front of his eyes, his heart was mentioned in the throat, this time, he bet all his treasure on the general, he knew that if the general lost, he himself was also finished, and Lin Feng would not let him go!

But a few bodyguards on one side were happy to see, and they still admired Zhu Tiancheng in their hearts. A bodyguard also flattered him and said, "the boss is worthy of being the boss. He has foresight and brought a telescope ahead of time. You see, it's used now."

"Yes, how thoughtful the boss is!" Another bodyguard flattered.

"Shut up Zhu Tiancheng's heart is so irritable that he can't listen to others.

The two bodyguards immediately closed the door, the heart said to flatter, but also on the horse's hoof, too embarrassed.

However, at this time, Lin Feng has also caught up with the general. He kicks the general from behind. The general knows that Lin Feng kicks over and blocks him back. But Lin Feng's feet are very strong, and he is kicked to the ground.

He got up and ran again, but Lin Feng flew up and kicked him in the back of his heart.

"Poo --"

the general spurted out a bloody arrow, staggered a few steps, puffed, and fell to the ground.

"General, there is no way for you to escape. Take your hands off!" Lin Feng said.

General felt a burst of humiliation, did not expect that today, he was once again defeated by Lin Feng.

The general did not have the strength to run any more. He knelt down on the ground and said in a pathetic tone: "destiny! Fate! In those years, I kidnapped and persecuted a Chinese named Lin. today, I am also planted in the hands of a Chinese surnamed Lin. this is the fate of me. I can't escape reincarnation! "

Lin Feng heard some clues from his words and asked, "did your father persecute the Chinese people surnamed Lin?"? Is that Chinese man named Lin Zhengtian

General a Leng, eyes suddenly flashed a look of extreme surprise, suddenly looked at Lin Feng: "yes, is called Lin Zhengtian! How do you know? "

Lin Feng suddenly looked resentful, his eyes began to turn red and said in a cold voice, "I didn't expect that my father was hijacked by your father!"


The general said in disbelief, "is Lin Zhengtian your father?"

"And my mother, Qin Huilan, was hijacked by you together!" Lin Feng's eyes exuded a cold light, like the devil of hell.

The general shook his head and said with a wry smile: "as expected, you should have a word from China. Karma and the law of heaven are reincarnation. It seems that today I have come to pay the debts for my father."

Lin Feng said coldly, "why did your father persecute my parents at the beginning? Where did they get my parents?"

The general said, "Lin Feng, although my father abducted your parents, he did not kill your parents. My father was hired to hijack your parents, but he has not given your parents to the employer, but your parents were abducted by another group of mysterious Chinese people. After that, my father never saw your parents again!"

Lin Feng frowned and didn't expect things to be so tortuous.

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't believe him, the general said, "my father was hired by a family in Huaxia and hijacked your parents. He planned to ask your parents about the whereabouts of the blood jade from your parents. But before he started to extort confessions, your parents were robbed again. The employer thought that my father was not doing a good job and directly turned against my father."

"What is the Chinese family that hired your father?" Lin Feng asked.

"My father signed a confidentiality agreement with the family and never told anyone, and I don't know which one it is!" When I was a child, he called me "the father of the family."

"Extinguish" Lin Feng clenched his fist, and the anger on his face became more and more obvious.

"Then why do you look for blood jade so carefully?" Lin Feng asked.

The general said, "I'm looking for blood jade to inherit my father's will."

When the general's father broke up with the "Mie" family, he was very angry. He felt as if he had been put together by the family, because the family spread rumors that the general killed Lin Zhengtian and Qin Huilan, and that "Mie" was watching the fire, as if it had nothing to do with it. It was too insidious.

In his anger, the general and "Mie" became the enemy of fire and water. He knew that the "Mie" family wanted blood jade urgently, so he swore that he would find blood jade for his own in this life, so that the "Mie" family would never get blood jade.

It is said that the Japanese people are one track minded in doing things, and the general's father is indeed the same. Until he was ill in bed, he could not let go of this matter. He left a will and asked the general to look for blood jade for him. However, he was afraid that the general would know who "Mie" was. The "Mie" family was very strong, and he was afraid that the general would be in danger. Therefore, the general's father did not tell the general who "Mie" was!

The general's main task is to find blood jade. Finding blood jade will also make the "destroyed" family very passive.Moreover, the blood jade is also a treasure. If it can be obtained, it will certainly revitalize its family power.

Therefore, the general inherited his father's will, guarded by the ten warriors, and continued to search for blood jade.

Lin Feng said, "do you know that blood jade is my Lin family's thing?"

The general said, "of course I know that, but what I didn't expect was that you were still alive. Because it was said that all the Lin Zhengtian's family were dead, so I think the blood jade has become an ownerless thing. Now that you are safe and sound, I will not bother about this matter. On the contrary, if you need me, I will help you. "

Lin Feng squinted and sneered: "why did you choose to help me? Just because I beat you? "

"No, the main purpose of my father's last wish is to fight against the" Mie "family. If you find blood jade, it will definitely be a bad thing for the" Mie "family, so I support you The general said, "what's more, the blood jade should have been returned to its original owner. My father has been repenting for the kidnapping of Lin Zhengtian and his wife all his life. Today I can see you, it's a certain number in the dark, so please believe me!"

With that, the general reluctantly supported himself and gave Lin Feng a Japanese kneeling ceremony, which was very solemn and serious.

Lin Feng frowned and thought for a while. Looking at the general's appearance, he said it sincerely. It didn't seem to deceive himself. Since he wanted to repent, Lin Feng was happy to give him a chance. After all, his parents did not die in his father's hands.

Now he recalled what Chu Yuqi's father said, saying that his parents were hijacked by an organization abroad, which should be the general's organization.

However, which family is really persecuting their parents?

Is that family in Songjiang?

Liu family? Jin family? Wang family?

Or not in Songjiang?

Lin Feng felt that although things have made some progress, but the thread is not very clear.

But now it was a good thing, and he got some clues. He said, "general, if you want to atone for your father's sins, please do two things."

"Please tell me!" The general said solemnly.

"First, go back and find out which family your father was employed by. If there is any clue, let me know in time!" Lin Feng said: "second, don't meddle in the affairs of blood jade, and don't have contact with Zhu Tiancheng any more."

"Yes The general nodded solemnly.

"You go," said Lin Feng

With that, he turned to the abandoned factory. , the fastest update of the webnovel!