The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 51

"Do you know where this is? Do you dare to run inside in this suit Those people see can't stop Lin Feng, angry scold.

"A bunch of rubbish!" Lei Hong gritted his teeth and swore to himself. Then he put a smile on his face and said, "since you are Miss Su's bodyguard, you can all go down!"

"How are you, skinhead!" Lin Feng was not polite and said hello to Lei Hong directly.

"Hello!" Lei Hong gnashing teeth way, the heart says bald man is also you call?

Then Lei Hong thought, it seems that Su Jing is still on guard against herself. She even brought a bodyguard. However, it makes people laugh off their big teeth when she brings such a bodyguard. Does she want to protect people? Any one of his subordinates can easily kill him!

Thinking of this, Lei Hong no longer pays attention to Lin Feng, but asks the waiter to open the wine!

Lei Hong looked at the waiter to open the wine, and then a pair of expert's style, chatted: "this wine, is more Chen Yuexiang, old wine, like a person who is asleep, need to wake up first, in order to make him more energetic, when drinking, more taste!"

He reached for the bottle and poured it all into a glass like vessel.

"There are a lot of things to pay attention to when you wake up!" Lei Hong went on to say: "first of all...

but before he finished speaking, he saw that Lin Feng grasped the wine and directly drank it with his head up.

"You -" Lei Hong pointed to Lin Feng, his face surprised and angry.

Lin Feng a mouth all stuffy, also wiped a mouth, the meaning of a burp: "ah, good wine!"

Su Jing could not help laughing at her simple and simple manner.

After drinking, Lin Feng turned to Su Jing and said, "Mr. Su, you don't know. I was in a hurry all the way. When I got here, I was afraid that you would be bullied, so I rushed in. I didn't drink water all the way, and his voice seemed to smoke. This guy made me thirsty! Fortunately, the skinhead is polite and pours me a bottle of red wine

"Bald man, thank you so much Lin Feng grinned at Lei Hong.

"Damn it, do you know how much that bottle of wine costs?" One of the waiters said angrily.

"How much is it?" Lin Feng said.

"18881 bottles!" Said the waiter.

"No, I only paid for a pair of binoculars." Lin Feng Road.

But in Lei Hong's eyes, the important thing is not that money doesn't matter at all. It's because he prescribed medicine in advance in that bottle of wine.

Lei Hong took this step when she saw that Su Jing was too late.

But did not expect, but suddenly killed a lengtouqing, red wine one mouthful stuffy.

Lei Hong could not hide his anger, and his eyes almost burst out sparks.

"Boss Lei, my bodyguard is not sensible. I just recruited him from the countryside. Excuse me. I will compensate you for the original price of the wine!" Su Jing said.

Lin Feng's sudden appearance helped her solve the problem. She rearranged her mood and said, "don't let this episode affect our negotiation! Mr. ray, do you think it's time for us to talk about cooperation? "

Lei Hong took a deep breath, gave Lin Feng a cold look, and then said to Su Jing, "Mr. Su, don't worry! I also asked people to cook rich dishes. Now it's too late. Let's have a chat while eating! "

"No way Lin Feng suddenly interrupted: "the president of our family doesn't eat so late, otherwise he will get fat! Do you think so? Mr. Su

Seeing Lin Feng's women chirping, Su Jing felt funny again and said, "yes, it's not good for the spleen and stomach to eat so late!"

Lei Hongqi's teeth are itching. Where is this wild monkey? Why is he everywhere?

Lei Hong really wants to shoot this talkative guy with one shot. It's really irritating.

However, he thought carefully, the boy drank his own medicine wine, and it was estimated that he would have an attack soon. He had to leave him immediately, and let his hands go down and write some articles in the wine and vegetables.

"Mr. Su, I believe that you are a man of great prestige in the company. I think we should not let our subordinates interfere when we talk about things." He said.

"Who said I was under her?" "I'm her fiance," said Lin Feng


When you hear this, don't say Lei Hong is surprised. Su Jing's face is stunned!

If you're joking, enough is enough, but is Lin Feng going too far? Brain kicked by donkey?

"Don't listen to his nonsense!" Su Jing quickly told Lei Hong that this kind of thing can't be said nonsense.

Then, with anger in her beautiful eyes, she said to Lin Feng, "if you talk nonsense again, I will dismiss you tomorrow. From now on, you will shut up for me!"

She said in her heart that Lin Feng didn't know which tendon was wrong. In case of delaying cooperation because of this, it would not be worth the loss.

Lei Hong nodded with a smile and said, "it's not appropriate to overeat at at dinner, but you can have a little taste. I have prepared 18 dishes for Miss Su carefully. If you have a taste of them, I can't help feeling it.""Talk about what you want to talk about. What's good about the food?" Lin Feng didn't listen to Su Jing at all. He cut in again and said, "bald guy, they all said they would not eat? Do you have obsessive-compulsive disorder? Then you force yourself, don't force my fiancee

Lin Feng's words poke heart, Lei Hong's face at this time is green, he would like to cut Lin Feng.

Su Jing couldn't hold her face any longer. She yelled, "shut up! Get out of here

Then he turned his head and looked at Lei Hong. As if he had deliberately opposed Lin Feng, he said, "Mr. Lei, I didn't want to eat just now. Now I want to eat. Let's go to dinner! Get your men to help me get him out of here

"That's a good feeling. Let's go." Lei Hong reached out and made a gesture of invitation.

The four bodyguards began to stop Lin Feng, holding his arm and pushing out!

"You eat delicious! Take me one, baldheaded, how can you be so mean

Lei Hong bit his teeth fiercely. He was so annoying that he made a gesture to the people behind him, meaning that he would do him when he broke out.

Then, a smirk towards Lin Feng, he asked the waiter to close the door of the restaurant.

"Bald head! You are so mean, you are not particular about it Lin Feng scolded.

With a bang, Lin Feng was shut out of the door. Along with him, there are four bodyguards of Lei Hong. The four bodyguards have released his hands and stare at him motionlessly.

"What am I doing? Was it surprised by my good looks Lin Feng said.

The four people were still silent, staring at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng muttered: "there are delicious food not to eat, but also ask people to drive me away. It's so stingy, bald ass!"

After that, he suddenly frowned: "Why are you so sleepy all of a sudden? How I want to sleep

"Ah Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and fell in front of the restaurant door.

At the same time, in the dining room.

The delicious dishes and beautiful red wine make people have a big appetite.

Lei Hong opened her seat for Su Jing and watched her take her seat. He dialed the number of the bodyguard outside. When he learned about the situation outside, Lei Hong's face suddenly filled with a happy smile.

Then, he looked at Su Jing with a smile, as if Su Jing was already in the bag.

"Miss Su, how about having a taste of this red wine?" Lei Hong pours wine to Su Jing.

The previous episode destroyed his plan a, but now the boy is drugged. It's time to start plan B.

Su Jing took the cup and tasted it. She thought it tasted good.

They chatted and ate at the same time.

After a few drinks, Su Jing began to talk about cooperation again.

This time he came to the banquet mainly to listen to Lei Hong's saying that the wolf society transferred several idle mines to them. Lei Hong said that they had limited manpower and could not fully exploit them, so they had to bear the pain of parting. Which company or company sold the mine made a lot of money.

Dongsheng Group has been looking for cooperation with mining companies, but after talking about it, they always feel that the profits are not enough. They want to start their own stoves and run their own mines. Yu Lan has already talked about the mining equipment, and the personnel department has already prepared many workers, which is just a suitable mine site!

Therefore, the mine that Lei Hong wants to change hands on is undoubtedly the most needed by Dongsheng Group, so Su Jing is so interested.

But Su Jing found that the wine was so strong that she felt dizzy just as she wanted to talk about the mining.

She tried to support her head and said, "Ray... Mr. Lei, i...

speaking of this, she was in the dark and unconscious.

"Hum! If you don't eat or drink, you will be punished! " Lei Hong completely showed his vicious face in the past. With cold light in his eyes, he looked up and down at Su Jing. He wanted to press Su Jing under his body now.

"Somebody, take him to the bedroom!" Lei Hong called out to the door.

Several people came from outside and carried Su Jing out. Lei Hong loosened his collar and followed him.

After putting Su Jing on the flower carving bed, the rest of the people withdrew.

Leihong went to the bed, satisfied to see the special object on the bed, greedily sucking saliva.

But instead of rushing at Su Jing, he took a blue pill out of his pocket and ate it.

Then he took off his coat and walked towards Su Jing with bare arms.

Su Jing's consciousness was very vague. He only felt that a man was coming towards her. She wanted to move and struggle, but she had no strength at all.

She realized that she might be in danger, that she might be defiled by some animal, and that her innocence of more than 20 years would be destroyed once and for all.

She was afraid, she was anxious, but it didn't help. She couldn't move at all. She didn't remember what happened and who the man of the beast was!

The next second, she lost consciousness again.

At this time, Lei Hong had already begun to release Su Jing's buttons. When the silk satin in Su Jing was exposed, and when the white skin began to expose, Lei Hong was like a beast who had never seen a woman before, and his whole body trembled with excitement."No!" Su Jing subconsciously reached out to resist, but it was too weak.

Lei Hong hugs Su Jing and swallows his mouth. He greedily says

that is, he is going to bite Su Jing's neck.

But at this time, I heard a joking voice in the corner:

"yes, a little bit to the left, the obscenity is more prominent, yes, very good!"

Lei Hong is surprised, looking at the corner, but do not know when, Lin Feng is sitting in the corner, with a mobile phone is shooting.

Lin Feng saw Lei Hong look at him, rather like a director said: "the picture is good, come on, look at the camera, smile!"

"You want to die Rehun was almost mad.

This lengtouqing, was not drugged? Besides, when did he come in? Why is there no sound at all? Has it been ambushed here? No way!

"Somebody Lei Hong called out: "kill this boy for me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!