The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 519

"My elder brother knows the cultivator. If you dare to beat me, my elder brother will call the cultivator to come here and kill you!" Nanfei said.


Lu Chao slapped Nanfei fiercely and scolded: "cultivate you? Do you think the cultivator will come as soon as he says? Do you know who you're talking to? This is brother Baimao of the eagle society. Lin Feng, what is he in front of him? "

Nanfei was beaten face numb, angry, aggrieved rushed up, but he is only a 13-year-old child, in the face of this situation, he also began to fear.

Baimao sneered: "Nanfei, your eldest brother Lin Feng is my enemy, so you have this end today, all because of him, but you don't have to be afraid, I am the most moral person, you obediently listen to my words, I ask you to do what you do, I will not embarrass you!"

"What do you want me to do?" Nanfei asked.

Baimao picked up his mobile phone, opened the video, and said to Nanfei, "you say, your boss is dish B, he will be killed by my people!"

Baimao was humiliated by Lin Feng in Tiancheng club that day. This tone has been unable to swallow. He seems to prove that he is not so incompetent. Moreover, he wants to humiliate Lin Feng today, so he wants to let Lin Feng's younger brother scold Lin Feng's routine. It's humiliating.

But Nanfei bit his teeth and said, "my boss won't die. My boss is very strong. You can't beat him!"

"I can't beat him, but it doesn't mean others can't beat him!" White hair is insidious smile, and then a wave.

A tall, thin man came up, dark, but with an Asian face.

White hair said, "see? This is the Thai Boxing master chacai. He is in the Elephant Kingdom, but he is invincible in the world. Isn't Lin Feng fighting more fierce? Let's teach him how to fight

It can be said that Baimao had no idea about the warrior and the cultivator. After witnessing the fight between the general and Lin Feng on the same day, he just felt that the two men were fighting. He didn't think about anything else. Some people said that it might be the two practitioners fighting. Baimao also laughed and didn't take it to heart.

So in Baimao's heart, Lin Feng is more able to fight!

After listening to Baimao's high-profile introduction to him, he just laughed coldly. Suddenly, he hit the wall with his elbow, and the wall was cut into a pit by his elbow.

Nanfei was terrified. He looked at the examination in front of him and thought to himself that the cultivator could smash stones with one blow. This guy put his elbow into a hole in the wall. Is he a cultivator?

If he is a cultivator, the eldest brother will be miserable. The elder brother must be unable to beat the cultivator.

Looking at Nanfei's frightened face, Baimao was elated and said, "do you dare to say that your boss is fierce now?"

Nan Fei was upright and upright, but he didn't admit defeat. He said, "my boss is the best in the world in my heart. What's the matter?"

"The fool of chonima!" Baimao came forward and gave Nanfei a mouth, hit the corner of Nanfei's mouth DC blood.

Lu Chao, on the other side, was very good at something. He flattered Baimao and said, "brother Baimao, I think you are really good. The expert you invited can break Lin Feng apart. Compared with you, Lin Feng is not even as good as shit!"

Baimao was very proud to hold up his head and said: "of course, if Lin Feng dares to come here today, I will tell him that he will never come back. This time, not only did he invite master chacai, but also an old friend of Lin Feng. That old friend will not let Lin Feng go. So, this is double insurance, and Lin Feng will surely die!"

"Lin Feng's old friend? Who is it? " Lu Chao asked.

Baimao glared at Lu Chao: "shouldn't you ask him? Don't ask blindly!"

"Oh! I'm wrong, big brother Lu Chao quickly shut up.

White hair a look forward to say: "that old friend of Lin Feng will soon arrive, this time Lin Feng can't escape!"

After hearing this, he was not satisfied. He said in fluent Chinese:

"why? Are you afraid of me, you can't beat Lin Feng alone? Just a Chinese warrior, can't I beat it? We Thai boxing, step by step! It's not for fun

"Oh, no, it's not. Don't think about it, master chacai. It's just that old friend of Lin Feng and Lin Feng are enemies. This time I'm here for revenge! If you avenge him, you'll save him the trouble White hair said.

"Then you can tell him that you don't have to rush here. I'll take care of this Lin Feng!" Chacai said confidently.

"Ha ha ha, master chacai is really good!" Baimao said with a smile.

But this scene, in Nanfei's eyes, is very uncomfortable. How can his boss, in their mouth, seem to be anyone can bully?

But look at that guy's appearance, it's really bluffing. It can blow people's head with one elbow. The combat effectiveness is too terrible.

At this time, Baimao continued to force Nanfei to say:

"Nanfei, as long as you say that your boss Lin Feng is rubbish, I will not embarrass you any more!"

Baimao seems to have to prove that he is clever, and Lin Feng is just a rubbish.Baimao felt that his reputation and self-esteem had been severely damaged that day, so he had to prove himself today.

He held up his cell phone to record Nan Fei's words again. I intend to humiliate Lin Feng.

But Nanfei was still very firm and said: "my boss is fierce. He is not rubbish. He knows many practitioners. If he calls his friends, you will die!"

"You his little son..." white hair gas gnashing teeth, flying south, a kick in the past.

This angry foot, but with full strength, if you kick in the South flying body, iron certainly can not bear.

However, at this critical moment, a stone flew over and hit Baimao's leg. Baimao's leg was hard hit by the stone and deviated from the direction and did not kick to Nanfei.

"Who is it? Who hit me? Ouch

White hair covered his feet, the instep of his feet was hit by stones, and felt numb.

At this time, two people appeared at the gate of the abandoned factory.

"Xiao Fei!" Nanxiaozhu first saw the South fly, regardless of the South fly to the South and ran over.

Next to Nanxiao bamboo is Lin Feng. The stone just now was thrown by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng calls Lu Chao and finds out the detailed location of Nanfei's kidnapping. After nanxiaozhu knows, he has to follow him.

Nanxiaozhu and Nanfei depend on each other for their lives. Moreover, nanxiaozhu is eager to be a parent. Lin Feng understands that, so he didn't stop him. He came and didn't think she was a burden.

"Mom -" Nanfei cried when he saw Nanxiao bamboo.

"Xiao Fei!" Nanxiaozhu flies to the South with tears on her face.

All of a sudden, Nanxiao bamboo was stopped by two white hair's men.

When the two white haired men saw that Nanxiao bamboo was beautiful and sexy, they suddenly had a lustrous heart, and said with an obscene smile: "little ladies? What's the rush? Play with me first

Say, want to go to South Xiao bamboo body to touch.

"Get out of here

A virtual shadow flashed. Before the two bodyguards could see what was going on, they felt that they were flying lightly. Then they felt sharp pain in their abdomen, and they fell out of consciousness.

"Who dares to stop? It's like the end of both of them!" Lin Feng cheered.

People around him subconsciously step back, Lu Chao is scared to hide behind the white hair.

Nanxiaozhu ran to Nanfei, stroked Nanfei's head with both hands, checked up and down, and cried: "Xiaofei, do you feel pain?"

"No pain!" Nanfei gritted his teeth and said.

Lin Feng gave Nan Fei a thumbs up, "Xiao Fei, good-looking. He is a man. The boss doesn't hurt you in vain, ha!"

Nanfei smiles with pride, but suddenly, his face is full of horror and shouts: "boss, be careful behind your back!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!