The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 520

As soon as Lin Feng turned back, he saw a foot flying and kicking over, and saw him in front of him.

He dodged to hide, sneered: "behind the dark hand, play very Yin ah!"

To Fangzheng, chacai looked at Lin Feng contemptuously and said, "even if it's a face-to-face fight, you're not my opponent!"

"Who gave you courage?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense. Do you need courage to deal with you, a Chinese?" Chacai said.

Thai Boxing players are obviously blinded by some Huaxia boxing and embroidered legs. They think that Chinese martial arts are used for health preservation. Therefore, they express contempt for Chinese martial arts practitioners.

However, Baimao liked chacai's self-confidence. He picked up his mobile phone, opened the video and said, "chacai master, don't be merciful and kill him!"

Chacai snorted coldly and said to Lin Feng, "three moves, within three moves, I will kill you!"


White hair roared and snapped his fingers beside him. His expression was also very excited.

Lu Chao hides behind the white hair. He can't help but settle down. When chacai kills Lin Feng, he will be safe.

But one side of the South fly but flustered to nanxiaozhu said: "Oh, my boss is in danger! That man is very good

Nan Xiaozhu said, "do you know that man?"

"I don't know, but I heard them say that man can kill my boss!" Nanfei said.

Nanxiaozhu is also very worried. In front of so many people just now, the man said three moves to kill Lin Feng. I believe he must be very confident to say so.

But what now? There's no way to call the police. There are people from the eagle society all around.

Nanxiao bamboo is as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

At this time, the scene was boiling, and everyone began to shout: "fight, let's fight!"

It turns out that Lin Feng and chacai have opened their positions, but they have not started to attack.

Baimao took a cigarette and said with his mobile phone: "what are you in a hurry? Don't disturb chacai master. Chacai Master said to kill Lin Feng within three moves. You all give me a quiet look. Such a wonderful picture is not common!"

People also raised their mobile phones to commemorate this breathtaking scene.

Chacai moved his hands and feet, and a contemptuous smile sprang up at the corner of his mouth. Then he gathered his strength and ran towards Lin Feng. Suddenly, he swept his head with one foot.

This foot is very fast and powerful. If you don't pay attention to it, you will be kicked to death.

However, Lin Feng directly bowed his head and hid in the past. While he avoided the foot, his leg also swept out, from bottom to top, heavily kicking in chacai's face.

"Pa" a crisp sound, spread throughout the entire empty abandoned factory.

"Putong --"

chacai's body fell down heavily, his face was covered with blood, his eyes turned white, his whole body trembled, and he could see that his foot was kicked into shock.

Suddenly, there was no sound all around, and the needle could be heard.

All of them are stupidly holding mobile phones, and they are all muddled!

One move, only one move, Lin Feng easily knocked down the Thai Boxing master, this is so special, it is also too livestock.

Nanxiao bamboo eyes full of surprise, Nanfei exaggerated mouth, can't believe looking at the scene.

But Lin Feng's face is light and light, and he smiles, and puts a scissors hand at the crowd: "come on, shoot here, take a close-up for me, thank you!"

People are dazzled to lock the mobile phone lens on Lin Feng's face and obediently take a close-up of Lin Feng, just like a group of robots, whose actions are also very consistent and look very funny.

Lin Feng shook his head and laughed. He said to Baimao, "are these three moves that can defeat my master? Baimao, did this man get the true story of your bragging B? Are the cows in your village ruined by you

White hair was scared with cold sweat. Although Lin Feng was strong enough to laugh at him again, he didn't even dare to say a word of resistance.

He didn't expect this kind of ending when he killed him. The master he invited all the way from Nanyang boasted that the guy who had finished Lin Feng in three moves was easily solved by Lin Feng?

This is too special to accept!

At this time, Lin Feng's eyes exuded a sense of cold, toward the white hair, a breath of suffocating air rushed to his face.

White hair scared cold sweat straight, legs are shaking, this Lin Feng, even eyes suddenly become so terrible, how did not notice before? He's the king of hell. It's terrible.

When Lin Feng came to Baimao, Baimao couldn't hold on. He knelt on the ground.

"Brother Lin Feng, spare your life

Baimao quickly knelt down and begged for mercy. He knew that Lin Feng could defeat chacai with one move. The younger brothers around him would not be his opponent, so he begged for mercy in advance.

However, Lin Fengli didn't pay any attention to him. Instead, he passed him by and walked up to Lu Chao behind him"You, now go over and untie Xiao Fei!"

Lu Chao's face turned white, and he quickly said, "good, good! I'll go now

Lu Chao went to untie Nanfei.

Baimao was almost scared to urinate just now. It turns out that Lin Feng didn't come for himself. He quickly stood up and scolded himself in his heart. He was so shameful that he knelt down as soon as he was gone. This is really a dead man in front of his younger brother.

Lu Chao untied Nanfei and asked with hypocrisy, "Xiaofei, are you hurt? As you know, I can't help it. Please say something nice to me in front of Lin Feng

"I said you!"

At this time, Nanfei is full of temper and kicks Lu Chao's stomach.

"Well done, Xiao Fei!" Lin Feng said, "what did they do to you just now? You'll double it back!"


Xiao Fei's face is full of pride. Now he has a boss to support him. No matter whether you are Lu Chao or Bai Mao, what did you do to Laozi just now? He has to return it to me.

Xiaofei picks up a stick next to him and turns on Lu Chao's face. He slaps his mouth and punches and kicks. After a while, Lu Chao is beaten black and blue, and his body is black and blue.

But Lin Feng shook his head and said, "Xiaofei, you can't beat people like this!"

"Boss, I may be a little heavy handed, I must pay attention to it!" Nanfei said.

Lin Feng touched Nanfei's head, then picked up a stick beside him and said, "Xiaofei, you can learn from me!"

With that, he went to Lu Chao and hit Lu Chao's leg with a fierce stick.

With a "click", the sticks were all interrupted. Lu Chao's "ow" screamed. Instantly, he knelt on the ground and could not stand up. His face was as white as paper.

"This is the right way to treat those who betray their brothers." Lin Feng said, "if you hit people like this, you can call it beating."

"Ah Xiao Fei grin, but he felt comfortable in his heart. No wonder he was getting angry and angry. It was all skin injury. He felt nothing. He went on to say that Lu Chao could not stand up. He could not stand up. He just looked at the expression of pain on Lu Chao's face. He felt suck.

"Boss, I've learned it. It's still you Xiao Fei gives Lin Feng a thumbs up.

"Oh, that's nothing! This is the lightest punishment among my punishments Lin Feng said with a smile.

But this frightened the people nearby. They looked at Lin Feng's surface, although he was smiling, he started to move his hands. He was extremely afraid of him.

And the most afraid of Lin Feng is white hair.

Lin Feng just that stick, but his urine almost scared out, and that is only the simplest punishment? What would it look like if it was heavier? You have to kill people? Teach you a lesson.

Raymond Lam looked at white hair at this time, and smiled. "Big brother, you say you are not good, you just provoke me, if I don't give you some color to see, I will be sorry for you!"

With that, Lin Feng picked up a wooden stick and walked towards Baimao.

Baimao immediately knelt down on the ground again and said in a loud voice, "brother Lin Feng, brother Lin Feng, please spare me. I dare not, I will not dare again!"

However, at this time, Baimao's mobile phone rings,

"who is this? It's a good time to choose? " Lin Feng said.

Baimao pulls out his mobile phone and takes a look.

"How dare you look at your mobile phone?" Lin Feng said.

"Ah, I was wrong, I was wrong! No, no more! " Baimao throws the cell phone aside.

Lin Feng also glanced, that telephone, unexpectedly is Zhu Tiancheng to call, Zhu Tiancheng to call Baimao is what matter? Will it have anything to do with yourself?

Lin Feng thought about it for a while, and suddenly a bad smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said to Baimao:

"I am the most moral person. What, you should answer the phone first! But hands free! Look at my action, I won't let you say you don't talk nonsense

"Good, good!"

Baimao picked up the phone, rushed up and said, "Lao Zhu, what are you doing?"

Zhu Tiancheng at the other end said, "what do you say? Today I asked you to ask Lin Feng to come to the abandoned factory. What do you think you are doing? Is the appointment here? "

"Am I engaged or not?" Baimao shivered all over, looking at Lin Feng in front of him. When Lin Feng told him something, he didn't dare to say anything wrong, otherwise his life would be easy to lose.

Zhu Tiancheng heard that, but he was furious and said: "shit, you didn't have an appointment. Do you ask me? Are you stupid? "

Lin Feng made a gesture to Baimao at this time. Baimao was granted amnesty and said, "Oh, yes, yes, yes!"

Then, Baimao followed Lin Feng's advice and said, "Lao Zhu, you are an old wangba!"

"Lying trough? Are you crazy? " "Do you dare to scold me?" cried Zhu Tiancheng

"No, it's Lin Feng. He says you're an old bastard!" White hair road."What a shame! Damn it! I'll kill him today Zhu Tiancheng said in the phone: "we'll be there soon. I'll bring Lin Feng's old friend here. This time, it's enough for him to drink. Today, we'll find Lin Feng to calculate a total account!"

"Well, you come!" Bai Mao finished and hung up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!