The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 518

"Mm-hmm!" Lin Feng nodded repeatedly.

Xuanlingzi said: "in foreign countries, there are also practitioners. Their practitioners are called different from ours. I don't know if you have heard of it. There is a Western European Organization called the order of the holy light."

"The Knights of light? I've heard of it! " Lin Feng said.

When he used to fight fires all over the world, he met many big men and naturally knew many well-known international organizations.

"The Knights of the light, in fact, is an organization founded by practitioners in Western Europe. They are divided into black knight, white knight, orange light knight and so on. In fact, each rank corresponds to our cultivator. The Black Knight corresponds to our blood melting state, and the White Knight corresponds to our bone melting state. Coincidentally, each level of them is also divided into six levels, corresponding to our six levels respectively! Therefore, the foreign cultivators and our system are the same, the ability is also the same, but their name is not the same! " Xuanlingzi said: "in addition, they also have twelve shackles. After all, foreigners are human beings, so these are the same."

"Oh, I see!" Lin Feng nodded his head, which made it easier to do. In the future, when he met foreign practitioners, he would at least have a comparison in terms of strength.

"However, in foreign countries, there are many powers and mutants, such as vampires, werewolves, the king of zombies, and so on. They are all real. They have no hierarchy, but their combat effectiveness is no worse than that of cultivators! There are even some speed and strength higher than the cultivators. Only when the practitioners reach a certain level can they deal with them! " Xuanlingzi said.

"Oh! I didn't expect these things to be real? " Lin Feng Road.

"The size of the world is full of wonders. In fact, it is not that those things do not exist, but our vision is limited." Xuanlingzi said

Lin Feng said: "so, there were some demon hunters in the middle ages of Europe. They were able to defeat vampires and werewolves. Are they also practitioners?"

"To be exact, some of them are practitioners." Xuanlingzi said: "there are two parts of the demon hunter. One part is a mechanic who is good at using guns and crossbows. The other part is really a practitioner. Their level is the same as ours."

"Mm-hmm!" Lin Feng nodded.

It seems that practitioners all over the world are the same, but they are called differently.

And the machinist mentioned by the master is also very easy to understand. Those disabled people in the holy commune are actually mechanics. They use machines to replace part of their bodies. They suffer much more than normal people and even more than many warriors! The Taotie who was killed by himself was the machinist, the eldest Cobra of the holy body army. His ability was also very strong. I believe that the combat effectiveness is not weaker than that of the cultivator.

Thinking about this multifarious world pattern, Lin Feng felt very interesting and exciting.

Because these people are not far away from him. Lin Feng knows that when the blood jade appears, these experts may come to Jincheng, and even all the super powerful killers of the death alliance will come to Jincheng. This old Hu once said that.

Lin Feng still doesn't know what kind of ability Lin Feng has behind the mysterious organization of Baili tonglaozishu and Taotie. He believes that the organization that Laohu has not made clear must be extremely powerful.

Lin Feng didn't know which organization his parents were hijacked by. So Lin Feng wanted to use blood jade as a gimmick to attract those organizations back to Jincheng. Through these, he restored the experience of his parents.

Lin Feng often thinks about ten years ago, hiding under the table in the next room, listening to the scream of his parents being beaten outside the door, his heart is broken.

He clenched his fist and vowed to find those who persecuted his parents and make them pay for what they had done!

At this time, Lin Feng's phone rang, is Dongsheng Group branch of the South Xiaozhu call.

After connecting the phone, Nan Xiaozhu burst into tears and said, "Lin Feng, please help Xiaofei. Xiaofei... He..."

"what's wrong with him? Don't worry, speak slowly

Lin Feng has never seen nanxiaozhu so flustered. Is there something big going on there?

Nanxiaozhu said: "Xiaofei was captured by a group of local ruffians! It's said that he is still a big gang, like a member of the eagle society. When Xiaofei was arrested, he was beaten by them all over with blood and sobbing. My son is only 13 years old. How could he have such a cruel hand? "

"Eagle club?" Lin Feng frowned: "what do these bastards do with Xiaofei?"

"I don't know, Wuwu, Wuwu, we Xiaofei didn't offend them? Why catch Xiao Fei Nanxiaozhu has no appearance of a strong woman at all. She is out of breath at that end.

"Xiaozhu, don't worry, I'm coming now!" Lin Feng finished, then hung up the phone.

He drove directly to his Santana and headed for Songjiang city.

As he was in a hurry to drive, Lin Feng turned on his cell phone and found the call records with Lu Chao before. Xiao Fei used to mix with Lu Chao. Lu Chao should know what happened to this kind of association, so Lin Feng called Lu Chao.Lu Chao answered the phone and said, "Hello, Lin Feng, you finally called. If you don't call, we'll kill Nanfei, ha ha!"

Lin Feng frowned. Lu Chao didn't yell at his elder brother when he grew up. How dare he laugh at himself suddenly?

On that day, in the coffee shop, Lin Feng beat down a group of feisan's people. Lu Chao had already regarded Lin Feng as an idol. How could he speak in this tone? Did you find a new backer?

At this time, the other end of the phone changed a voice and said, "Lin Feng, I heard that this Nanfei is your little brother. Aren't you Niu B? I will kill your little brother in three hours. If you have the ability, come to save him! Ha ha ha

Lin Feng teeth clench straight ring, he can hear the voice of the phone, that end is white hair.

I didn't expect that Lu Chao mixed up with Baimao and tied Xiaofei. This Lu Chao really didn't clean up, and the white hair obviously shouldn't have given him a living that day!

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and said, "wait for me, I will come!"

"Well, I'll wait for you." Baimao said confidently.

It can be heard that there must be a master behind Baimao, otherwise he would not be so fearless. In addition, Baimao has seen the strength of Lin Feng that day. I believe he is so confident that he must have found an expert in the master to sit down.

The reason why Baimao used Nanfei as an introduction was actually Lu Chao's idea.

At that time, Lu Chao and Nan Fei offended feisan. Lu Chao knew that feisan would go back to find ah Kai of the flying snake gang. He would surely come to seek revenge. Nanfei had the protection of Lin Feng, so Nanfei should not have anything to do. But he was different. If he didn't rely on him, he would soon be run over by ah Kai. So he went to the eagle society.

Because Lu Chao knows that in Songjiang City, only the eagle society can compete with the flying snake gang.

Coincidentally, Lu Chao takes refuge under Baimao and listens to Baimao's cursing at Lin Feng. He only knows that Baimao and Lin Feng have a feud, so in order to show himself in front of his elder brother, he betrays Xiaofei.

As for Lin Feng, Lu Chao thinks that a person who can fight again can't fight against a club, so he chooses the thigh with white hair.

At this time, they were in an abandoned factory in Jiangnan District of Songjiang city. Nanfei was tied to a pillar and his face was covered with blood.

But Nanfei still called, "when my eldest brother Lin Feng comes, he won't kill you!"

However, Baimao walked forward with a sneer. Facing Xiaofei, it was a whip and yelled: "Damn it, what I'm afraid of is that your boss doesn't come. He's coming. We have a hundred ways to deal with him! Shit , the fastest update of the webnovel!