The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 451

Seeing Cui Sanye make such a move, Bai Li's grandmother is not in any panic mood. She is still in the sick state, lying on the chair, as if Cui San Ye didn't exist at all!

But Zishu was extremely angry. He never showed such anger in front of the public. His eyes were full of blood red light, his teeth clenched and he said in his mouth:

"Cui Bing, my master, you dare to coerce me. You are really alive today!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" "Now I want you to kill Tian Laosi, or I will kill your master!"

However, Baili's grandmother suddenly gave a cold smile: "do it!"

"What?" "Are you not afraid of death

"Let's do it!" she said with a sneer

Third master Cui became angry and roared: "don't think I dare, old man. No matter how fierce you are, you can't be invulnerable. Ask Zishu to help me kill Tian Laosi. I'll count three. If Zishu doesn't do what I say, I'll kill you immediately!"

"Let's do it!" said Bai Li's grandmother

Cui Sanye's angry eyes were about to spurt fire and roared:




"you forced me!"

With these words, Cui San Yeh slashed the neck of Bai Li Tong granny.

Everyone in the field was also surprised. With this knife, they had to cut off their heads?

However, the next second, everyone was extremely surprised.

The knife of Cui San Ye is only about one centimeter away from the neck of Bai Li Tong granny, but it is still.

Bai Li's thumb and index finger were pinched on his blade.

What's shocking is that the knife that Baili Tong's grandmother pinched with only two fingers is still. With the strength of feeding, Cui San ye also bought a way to move the knife.

Baili's two fingers, like steel tongs, tightly held the blade, but Baili's grandmother was still sitting on the stool, as if she had no strength at all.

All of a sudden, everyone was shocked, which is too exaggerated.

How can Cui San ye say that he is also a martial arts practitioner, and his strength is greater than that of ordinary people. But in this way, he tried his best to pull out the knife held by two fingers?

"Cui Bing? Are you satisfied? "

At this time, Bai Li's grandmother said coldly, and with the help of her other hand, she hit Cui Sanye's chest.

Hearing the sound of "bang", Cui Sanye's body was actually hit by a hand. His body soared into the air and flew out, directly hitting the wall 10 meters away.


Cui Sanye's body fell off the wall, leaving a startling bloodstain on the white wall.

With his eyes open, the blood in his mouth gurgles out. All the bones of his body are smashed, but he kicks his legs with cramps and dies!

"Ants!" When Bai Li's grandmother flicked her finger, the knife broke into two pieces.

"In front of the practitioners, you mortals are mole ants!" Bai Li said to the people below.

"The master is mighty!" Zishu said.

Bai Li's grandmother did not speak any more, but continued to collapse on the chair, narrowing her eyes slightly, as if she were asleep and awake.

But when you think of the scene just now, you can't help but feel numb on your scalp and cool wind on your back.

Is this still human?

Two finger grapples? A dozen people will be killed in a moment!

What's more, he said he was a practitioner? What cultivator?

People look at me and I look at you. They are all frightened and bewildered.

At this time, the fourth master Tian said with a smile: "master Baili, master Zishu, this old Cui is really ungrateful. If you give him a face, he doesn't want it. No wonder anyone else! They are not like me, I am very obedient, and I told you the news that he betrayed you

"I thank you very much!" Zishu said.

Seeing that Zishu didn't go on, fourth master Tian said, "Zishu, you see, there are no leaders in the group now. How can I say that I'm also the elder of the mountain group? Do you think I can... Hahaha

Fourth master Tian's intention is very obvious. He hopes that Zishu can support him and become the boss of the mountain gang.

With a cold smile, Zishu said, "you betrayed Mr. Cui just to be the boss of the support group, right?"

Fourth master Tian quickly said: "no, no, I mainly want to provide information to the two adults. After all, I want to be the confidant of the two adults."

"Well! Very good! " Zishu nodded and said to fourth master Tian, "pick up the broken blade on the ground and give it to me."

"Oh, good, good! I don't want to break one of them in Ya Guan! " Fourth master Tian said with a smile. He picked up the knife and handed it to Zishu.

Zishu said, "do you really want to be the boss of the patron group?""Mm-hmm!" Fourth master Tian nodded repeatedly.

"Well, I'll do it for you!" Son said, but the corner of his mouth is across a sinister smile.

With a sudden wave of his hand, he raised his knife and fell. The fan of fourth master Tian was split into two. His head flew up in an instant. A bloody arrow shot out of his neck, splashing blood on the spot.

Fourth master Tian's expression of surprise remained on his face forever, until his head fell to the ground. His eyes were still wide open and his eyes were still wide open.

Zishu said coldly: "a person who can sell out his friends for many years also wants to be my confidant? What a joke

He had just heard that fourth master Tian had been instigating dissension, and every sentence was to stir up their relationship with third master Cui, intending to kill him with his knife.

Zishu hated this kind of smart person, so he chose to give him a happy one!

At this time, other people are afraid of leg weakness, have to look at Zishu and Baili Tongmu.

One can kill people with one hand, and the other can kill people without blinking an eye.

These two people are simply great demons, even more terrible than demons!

At this time, Zishu said to all the people who supported the mountain: "your boss is dead. Now I am your boss. In the future, please listen to me!"

"Zishu, you are wise!"

"Zishu, you are mighty!"

The next immediately yelled, one by one would like to flatter the clouds.

At this time, Bai Li's cell phone rang.

Zishu went to pick it up for Baili granny. Then he said respectfully, "master, the organization has something to ask you to go back."


"Organizationally, the sooner the better, or tomorrow?"

"No problem!" "I'll go back to the organization by the way and ask people to find out who sold the broken jade to Songjiang city. You can take care of it for the time being in Jincheng these days."

"Yes, master, don't worry!" Zishu said.




white collar apartment of Dongsheng Group branch, Songjiang city.

Lin Feng lies on the bed and looks at the two pieces of broken jade in his hand.

"The east wind is weak, and all the flowers are broken. I would like to be a LIANLI branch in the ground! What is the meaning of these two sentences? What is the revelation of their connection? " Lin Feng frowned and studied carefully.

These days, he has been studying these two pieces of broken jade, but after reading a lot of materials and considering many kinds of possibilities, he finally summed up with five words: "all of him? Bullshit!"

Maybe it's because there are too few broken jades. Maybe we can find out what the other two clues mean by adding them together.

Lin Feng put the broken jade away, took a deep breath and turned on the TV.

The news of Jincheng TV channel was broadcast above, and a beautiful host with red lips and white teeth broadcast a report: "Hello everyone, welcome to Jincheng midday news. I'm the host, AI Xingjiao."

Another young man with a greasy face said, "Hello everyone, I'm the host, Zhen Shuang!"

AI Xingjiao said: "first of all, we broadcast a news about finance and economics. Dongsheng Group, a well-known enterprise in our city, has had many happy events recently. It not only opened a new branch in Songjiang City, but also reached an important strategic cooperation with Songjiang Tiancheng Group."

Zhen Shuang said: "according to Tang Dongsheng, the chairman of Dongsheng Group, this strategic cooperation is entirely Tiancheng Group's initiative to offer 30% profit to Dongsheng Group unconditionally! For details, please see the detailed report! "

Then, the video of cooperation appeared in the picture!

The video was taken by a reporter brought by Tang Dongsheng that day, and it was edited. However, the words "live shot, not deleted" were written on the video.

In the picture, Zhu Tiancheng can't wait to take the contract. He signs the contract with Tang Dongsheng with a smile throughout the whole process, and then shakes hands.

The people on the other side also clapped their hands, which seemed to be a very harmonious cooperation.

AI Xingjiao, the host, said: "this cooperation also marks the determination of Dongsheng Group to march forward like Songjiang city. We believe that in the future of Jincheng, there will be more large companies like Dongsheng Group to cooperate with companies in Songjiang city. We also wish Tiancheng Group and Dongsheng Group mutual benefit and win-win situation and have a happy cooperation."

Lin Feng after seeing this news, it is a faint smile.

Sure enough, the news is unreliable. It's totally different from the fact, isn't it?

Lin Feng wants to change channels, but the next news suddenly attracted his attention.

AI Xingjiao said: "the following is a homicide case in Jincheng. Recently, there was a vicious homicide in our city. The dead were the owners of two individual companies in the North District of the city. The two dead people called him Cui Bing, and the other one was his friend. His full name was Tian yuan. Others called him Tiansi Ye!"

Zhen Shuang said: "according to the news, Cui binghe and Tian Yuan have been friends for many years and business partners. They used to be staff members of the tourism industry in the Northern District of Jincheng city. They have been engaged in the tourism industry for many years. There are also rumors that they jointly set up an underground gambling house. But why did they both die miserably?""According to many witnesses, although they are friends for many years, they have recently had a dispute because of business affairs. After adjustment, they still haven't seen any improvement. They fight hard and finally they can't make friends, and both sides are together."

"Forensic expertise, both died of trauma, found a broken knife on the scene, is a homicide weapon, the fingerprint on the top, also the fingerprint of two dead. Cui Bing died of blunt weapon attack, and the garden died of sharp edge singing, the two people died of tragic death, here also advise the majority of enterprises and citizens, in case of disputes do not solve their own, please call the police call the police Words, lest it lead to unnecessary tragedy! "

Lin Feng frowned: "is Mr. Cui and Tian Si dead? Two people pinching each other? "And the same thing?"

That's what the news says, but Lin Feng always feels very involved, and it must not be so simple.

Forget it, the news can only be seen in the first half, which is the consistent style of Lin Feng. Because of the reasons behind, murderer, etc., there will be many factors interference. If not seen by oneself, I will not judge them in vain, otherwise they will not be responsible for the parties.

At this time, Lin Feng's phone rang, it was the Golden Phoenix.

Lin Feng picked up the phone and listened to the Golden Phoenix and said, "Lin Feng, can you come to me for a visit? I have major findings? "

"What are the major findings?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Come on, I'll tell you carefully!" Golden Phoenix Road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!