The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 450

Jincheng, north of the city depends on the mountain gang.

Today, a big event happened to the backers!

Third master Cui sold the clue of blood jade to Songjiang City, which was reported by fourth master Tian.

At this time, in the hall, Bai Li's grandmother and Zishu were looking at the shivering Cui San ye, their eyes full of killing intention.

"Tell me, to whom did you sell the broken jade with the ancient poetry?" Zishu cried out.

When they came to Jincheng, they tried their best to find the clue of the blood jade. When Cui Sanye found it, he sold the clue. They were very angry at this time!

"Zishu asked you to speak, you said it, don't hold on to it!" Fourth master Tian fan in the side, fan fan fan fan, fan eye smile at Cui three Ye!

"I bah --"

Third Master Cui spat at fourth master Tian and cursed: "Mr. Tian, I usually betray me when you are a brother. Do you let the dog eat your conscience?"

Fourth master Tian sneered: "Cui Laosan, I don't like what you said. You think I'm your brother. Why don't you tell me where the broken jade is sold? You're still taking me as a brother? Come on, don't pretend

"Tian Laosi, I don't take you as my brother. Will I tell you about the sale of broken jade?" "You are really excited by Cui Tianliang

Cui San Ye didn't have a lot of culture in his life, but he was puzzled. Every time he was emotional, he could get a whole set of idioms. The word "heartless" came out.

"Cui Bing, it's not the time for you to talk about your brother's feelings. Tell me quickly, who did you sell the broken jade to?"

Cui San Ye was angry when he saw Zishu. He immediately softened up and said, "Zishu, I'm telling you the truth. I don't know where I've been sold!"

"Asshole! If you don't tell me the truth, I'll beat you to death At this time, Bai Li's grandmother was in a rage.

His eyes were shining cold, and his beard was shaking. He was really angry about the fact that the jade was sold by the Third Master of Cui.

Zishu quickly stroked nanmu's chest and said, "master, please don't be angry!"

Zishu's hand was smooth and white. He gently stroked Bai Li's grandmother. The anger of Bai Li's grandmother suddenly disappeared, and she instantly changed back to her original appearance. She was like an old man with old age, narrowed his eyes and collapsed on the seat.

Zishu said to Cui Sanye: "Cui Bing, you sold the broken jade. You didn't know who you sold it to. Who would believe it if you said it? I'll give you one last chance. Who did you sell it to? "

Cui San Ye's anxious tears came out and said, "I was entrusted to sell the broken jade for me. The man has to keep the secret of the other party. He only told me that the buyer was in Songjiang city. I only took the money and didn't ask who the buyer was!"

"Then you get the middleman and we'll ask him!" Zishu said.

The Third Master of Cui suddenly looked loveless and said, "Zishu, you may not believe it. After selling the blood jade, the man disappeared. No one can contact him!"


Zishu's eyes showed a look of malice.

Seeing this posture, fourth master Tian quickly added fuel and vinegar and said, "Oh, Cui Laosan, you are not obviously deceiving. How can you have such a clever thing? If you say you're missing, you're missing? I don't think you want to tell Zishu! "

Fourth master Tian said so, and his little abacus was in it.

Fourth master Tian denounced Third Master Cui today because he felt that he was incompetent. He had been sitting in the position of the leader of the support group, but he didn't do anything. He didn't accept it. He wanted to be the leader of the support group. So he wanted to kill him at the moment he denounced him.

Only when the Third Master of Cui dies can he go to the top.

So at this time, the words are full of the meaning of stirring up dissension.

Cui San Ye's eyes were red. He grabbed a machete next to him, and then he limped to the fourth master of Chaotian.

"Ah! Help

Fourth master Tian limped to Zishu.

Both of them were broken by Lin Feng. At this time, the injuries were not good, so they looked like two lame people and looked very funny.

Fourth master Tian hid behind Zishu. Third Master Cui took a knife to look for an opportunity. He wanted to stab him with a knife. But at this time, Zishu slapped him directly and said, "what's wrong with you? If you don't tell me where the broken jade is today, I'll kill you! "

Cui San Ye was stunned by a slap in the face. The burning feeling on his face made him feel very humiliated.

Because there are a lot of young brothers of the backers watching. As the boss of the backers, how can he save his face?

However, it was this slap that made the Third Master of Cui very excited. Suddenly, his head seemed to be awake.

Third master Cui licked the blood on his cheek with his tongue, then spit out a mouthful of blood phlegm, looked at Zishu, and said with full confidence:

"the backers are mine, this territory is mine. My own people dug up treasures on their own territory, and I used the money I sold to build the backers. Is that a problem?"Zishu looked at Cui Sanye coldly, and his eyebrows almost twisted into a pimple.

At this time, the younger brother behind him began to discuss, and they all felt that Cui Sanye was right.

, what has the final say of his boss around him? He kept on shouting, "I have no problems with my actions. I am the boss of the gang. This is what I say. What do you foreigners call me? Why do you reach out and hit me? I'm going to kill Tian Laosi today. It's a matter for our backers. Please get out of the way


Zishu slapped him again, slapping him heavily in the face, which made him dizzy.

Fourth master Tian didn't forget to add fuel and vinegar at this time. He said behind Zishu, "Cui Laosan, you are right, but we are cooperating with Zishu and Baili adults. You sell broken jade. In short, you don't trust us. To put it a little bit bigger, it doesn't have the spirit of contract. How can you lead us to rely on the help of the mountain

The other people who rely on the support of the mountain group also approve of this. If you don't cooperate, why do you leave Zishu and Baili Tongmu here?

"I'll kill you the hell!" Cui San Yeh is angry and scolds Tian Si Ye. He picks up the sword on the ground and cuts it to him.

But Zishu stands in front of Tian Si Ye. Cui San Ye is kicked in the stomach by Zishu before he meets him.

Third master Cui was kicked and fell directly at the foot of Bai Li Tong Mu. The knife also fell to the ground.

"Cui Bing, you are not shameless. I will give you a chance. If you still don't say it, I will screw your head off!" Zishu said coldly.

Third master Cui bit his teeth and suddenly grabbed the knife and put it directly on the neck of Bai Li's grandma.

Then, his eyes were like fire, and he roared to Zishu:

"do you want to kill me? You kill! If you dare to move me, I will kill your master first , the fastest update of the webnovel!