The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 452

Lin Feng returned to Jincheng and went directly to the order of the Phoenix.

Golden Phoenix is not in his office, but in the back of the staff dormitory.

Lin Feng went straight to the door and knocked.

Knowing that it was Lin Feng, Jin Fenghuang said, "the door is not locked, come in!"

Lin Feng walked in and sent cash. Phoenix sat at the table in a daze.

Long time no see, Lin Feng feel some changes in the Golden Phoenix, seems to be more than in the past one minute cold pride.

However, this is also a matter of reason. Not long after her death, the most trusted person around her suddenly disappeared. She would feel a little empty in her heart, and her mood could not be raised. This is very normal.

After seeing Lin Feng, Jin Fenghuang was in a better mood. He made a pot of Biluochun and said, "look, is this dormitory beautiful or not?"

Looking around, Lin Feng found that this is a single dormitory. It's neat and tidy, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"Beautiful!" Lin Feng said after a sip of tea.

With a bitter smile, the Golden Phoenix lifted the covered account on the bed. Instead of bedding, there were incense burners and a black-and-white photo on the bed.

It's a picture of yu'er.

"Is this yu'er's dormitory?" Lin Feng asked.

"Yes Golden Phoenix said, eyes can not hide the deep sadness.

Lin Feng didn't know how to comfort him. He asked directly, "how did you and yu'er know each other?"

"That's a long story." Jin Fenghuang said: "yu'er is a child with a hard life. When he came back from studying arts, his mother died of a serious illness, so he didn't have time to meet him. His father got sick because of this. After a few months, he followed her mother's steps and went there. From then on, yu'er became a vagrant orphan."

"Well!" Lin Feng nodded his head, but his heart was not very good.

After his father's death in the summer, his father went to the city to cure some of the dead rats, but he didn't even pay for the dead body A complete body

"Yu'er blamed her incompetence. She rolled up her father's body with a mat and went to the restaurant's kitchen to steal ice. She wanted to keep her father's body as cold as possible so that he could earn some money to bury him! Then unfortunately, she was caught by the restaurant owner, who accused her of plotting an evil plan in the back kitchen and beat her severely. At that time, I was eating, so I rescued her. After knowing about her, I helped her bury her father. From then on, she followed me. That year, she was only 17 years old

"For so many years, we are in love with our sisters. I once thought that one day, when I watched her get married, I would make her the most luxurious dowry in the world. I wanted to make her happy and let her erase all her previous pain. However, I didn't expect to wait for his funeral first."

Said at this time, the Golden Phoenix love difficult oneself, tears.

"Alas Lin Feng heaved a deep sigh and advised: "Maybe God thinks that yu'er's life is too hard. Let her go there to have a reunion with her parents and enjoy her happiness, so don't be too sad!"

Golden Phoenix bit his teeth, wiped his tears and said, "you don't have to worry about me, Lin Feng. I have to thank you very much. You avenged yu'er!"

"These are small things. Tell me about it. Did you find anything by calling me here this time?" Lin Feng asked.

Jin Fenghuang said: "in fact, we revenge, but only half, I found the real murderer of yu'er!"

"What? Was that the real murderer? " Lin Feng was very surprised.

Jin Fenghuang said: "that man is the murderer, but there should be someone behind him, because we have no injustice and no hatred with him. He came here to rob things, which should be entrusted by others. Later, I found some secrets from his mobile phone! Further confirmed my inference! "

"What's the secret?" Lin Feng asked.

"After the Ninja escaped from the order of Phoenix, he used to call another person in Jincheng. This phone call is also his last call, which shows that this call is very important." Golden Phoenix said.

"This phone call is either an accomplice or an employer?" Lin Feng said.

"Smart! I think so too "So, the real murderer behind the scenes should be the one who talked to ninja on the phone!"

Lin Feng said, "it makes sense! Do you find out who the call was to? "

Jin Fenghuang said, "I can't find out for the time being, so I'll call you back and discuss with you to see if there's any way to find that person!"

"This is very simple!" Lin Feng smiles.

Jin Fenghuang looks at Lin Feng. Even his friends who work in the government's communication department can't find out the exact location. How can Lin Feng say it's simple?

She asked, "Lin Feng, what do you have in mind?"

Lin Feng said with a smile, "sister Jin, I don't know if you still remember the scene when we met for the first time.""Of course!" "I pretended to kidnap Wei Yichen and your brother, and then I called you to threaten you! You come to help! It was the first time we met. "

"Then you should remember that you didn't tell me the exact address, and I found you here in a hurry," Lin said

"Oh, you mean..." a hint of joy flashed over the delicate face of the Golden Phoenix.

"Yes, I just need a phone call to know where the other party is!" Lin Feng hands a stall, very install compared to the road: "that is so simple!"

"You're a hacker?" Said the Golden Phoenix.

"I've been doing it all the time! So I'm not black. My apprentice mouse is called black! " "But for you, I'll be black again," Lin Feng said

Jin Fenghuang sipped his mouth, and looked at Lin Feng with great gratitude, and his eyes were full of exciting luster.

Lin Feng takes up his mobile phone, opens the magic app, and enters some codes and instructions in the app. Then, he takes the number that Jin Fenghuang says and dials it.

The last phone call from the Ninja was to the book.

At this time, the book saw a strange number on the mobile phone, and a little doubt rose in his heart.

Because this number, not the internal number of the organization, is the local number of Jincheng, and the local people in Jincheng, no one seems to know their own phone!

The book frowned, picked up the phone, and pressed the answer key.

But he put his ears by his cell phone, but he didn't speak.

Because in any case of uncertainty, not to speak is the best choice.

Lin Feng heard that the phone was answered, but did not make a sound, knowing that the other party was alert, can not disturb each other.

But this telephone positioning system, it takes some time to measure, if the other party immediately hangs up the phone, they can not find the exact location.

The longer the engagement time, the more detailed and accurate the positioning is.

But obviously, the other side has already been suspicious, and it is possible to hang up at any time.

Say something, try to delay each other!

Lin Feng pinched his voice and said seriously: "Hello, Dadong foot washing City, opening a big reward guest, including foot washing, bathing, massage and beauty spa. The original price of a long set ticket is 998. Now, if you don't want to 998, it is only 588588. 588 can make a Dragon cool home!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!