The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 449

Ten million is a small sum for Zhu Tiancheng.

But 30% of the profit is killing people!

If 30% of the profits are taken away, Tiancheng Group will be weakened in an instant. Moreover, after Zhu Tiancheng's hard-earned money, he will score 30% of Dongsheng Group's, and Dongsheng Group will wait to collect money. This kind of thing is too difficult to accept!

At this time, he knew how harsh he was to the conditions put forward by others, and he never knew how hard it would be if things didn't come to him.

Zhu Tiancheng said: "brother Lin Feng, I have no problem to compensate 10 million yuan. It depends on your face. I can compensate 20 million yuan. However, it is a little difficult to take out 30% of the profit. You know, it is not easy for us to do business...

" are you not easy? Is it easy for Dongsheng Group? " Lin Feng sneered: "when you asked Dongsheng Group to make 30% profit, did you think about these? Now it's your turn, don't you think so? Well, then give it forty percent. "

Zhu Tiancheng looked flustered, and hastily reached out his hand to stop him: "don't don't do it, brother Lin Feng. Thirty percent, thirty percent, I'll give it to you!"

In this scene, Tang Dongsheng and Su Jing are stunned. Is this the frightening Zhu Tiancheng? Did you listen to Lin Feng's words? Moreover, it seems to be afraid of Lin Feng.

Is this the result of unselfish love?

That's amazing!

At this time, Lin Feng looked at Zhu Tiancheng coldly and said, "if you have a good attitude, then 30% will be right."

"Good, good!" Zhu Tiancheng said anxiously, "let's sign the contract now."

He was afraid that there would be many dreams in the night. If Lin Feng changed his mind again, he would lose more than he had gained.

Moreover, since Lin Feng claimed compensation and signed an unequal treaty, it also proved that Lin Feng let him go.

If you have green hills, you can't be afraid of no firewood. It's the king's way to save your life first.

But this scene is very funny in Tang Dongsheng's eyes.

Zhu Tiancheng, such a despotic man, is willing to sign an unequal treaty on the style of land cession and compensation. He is willing to let out 30% of his profits. This is the sun coming to the West!

What's more, to Tang Dongsheng's surprise, Zhu Tiancheng even rushed to sign the agreement, as if it was good for him.

What is the situation?

However, Tang Dongsheng is a smart man, and he won't bother to think about why it is like this. He only needs to understand one thing. Lin Feng is fully responsible for Zhu Tiancheng's appearance today, so he should thank Lin Feng.

He would like to thank Lao Hu for his ability. When Lao Hu sent Lin Feng over, he said that Lin Feng could turn the tide back. He didn't believe it. This time, he really didn't say anything. Lin Feng's ability is obvious to all.

What's more, Lin Feng and Su Jing also signed an engagement. Tang Dongsheng thought that if there was a chance in the future, he would tell his daughter about it and find a good day, so he would make a banquet with him!

At this time, Zhu Tiancheng printed out the contract in duplicate. Originally, Party A was Tiancheng Group and Party B was Dongsheng Group. This time, it was just the opposite!

Although Zhu Tiancheng seems to have nothing on the surface, his heart is dripping blood and he can't breathe because of the pain.

If he didn't put up with it, he almost shed tears. Now his tears are just swallowing into his stomach.

After the contract was signed, Lin Feng had a good time. He said to everyone, "it's not too early today. I declare that this party has come to a successful end. If you still want to play together in the future, you can contact me at any time."

Then, he said to Zhu Tiancheng, "Lao Zhu, you must remember today's party. Even if Dongsheng Group takes root in Songjiang in the future, if anyone dares to move Dongsheng Group's idea, I will go to his home to have a party."

Finish saying, turn to walk toward outside, other people also quickly follow Lin Feng to go out.

With Lin Feng in, they all have security. If Lin Feng is not, they don't want to stay alone with people like Zhu Tiancheng.

At this time, Lin Feng said to Ren Changfeng beside him: "by the way, there is one thing I haven't done today, so I'll give it to you!"

"Good brother Lin Feng!" Ren Changfeng said, "what's the matter?"

Lin Feng said: "you hurt a little bit some other day, teach Zhu Wenhao a lesson, this boy is so dishonest!"

"Good! It must be taught hard! " Ren changfengdao.

"Well, go back early and have a rest."

Lin Feng said, take Tang Dongsheng's car and leave.

When only Zhu Tiancheng and others are left in the villa, Zhu Tiancheng kicks over the tea table and smashes the snacks and wine utensils on the table to pieces.

After a vent, he gasped for breath and sat on the sofa. His mouth was full of hate and hatred: "Damn it, it's all him. It's Shibi!"

Zhu Wenhao is angry at Zhu Tiancheng. He doesn't dare to stop him, so he stands quietly watching.

Zhu Tiancheng gnawed his teeth and said: "if you want to get benefits from me, there is no door. What I lost on you today, I will double it back later!"He took the phone and dialed an international long distance.

There I picked up the phone and said Japanese, it was a general.

Zhu Tiancheng did not speak to the general as usual. This time he said to the general directly: "general, speak Chinese with me. Don't blame me for not giving you face. It's your man. He screwed up himself!"

The general was a little surprised at that end, saying in not very skilled Chinese: "what's the matter? My man, what's wrong? "

"Your ten warriors are just unbearable!" Zhu Tiancheng said angrily: "they come to me, I treat them with good wine and good food. I invite them to dance with geisha and find them happy with huagirl. However, they were all defeated to Lin Feng at the critical moment. Even one of the sweat of Lin Feng was not hurt. It was just too embarrassing!"

"And this is the same thing," the general said in surprise

Zhu Tiancheng said: "general, I know your ability. If you come to Huaxia, you will surely defeat Lin Feng. But these people you call are really weak. What ten warriors have been destroyed by the army and died in Huaxia!"

"Eight GA!" The general drank angrily, and for a while, he said coldly, "that forest peak is so fierce. I didn't think about it carefully. This time, I have to go out of the horse myself!"

"Yes, come on! General, I was killed by the forest peak. I lost my wife and broke the army! " Zhu Tiancheng cried.

"You are assured that this time I will not let Lin Feng escape again!" Said the general.

"When will you arrive in China?" Zhu Tiancheng has a full expectation in his heart. General is not a general character. If he comes, Lin Feng will die.

The general sold a pass and said, "I will be here in the near future. If I arrive, I will contact you. You can wait for the news!"

Zhu Tiancheng knew the general's temper. The general spoke modestly, but he didn't like others to disobey his will. So he dared not ask again, and said, "OK, I will wait for you to come to China!"

"OK!" General.

Zhu Tiancheng hung up the phone, in a good mood, said to Zhu Wenhao: "come on, sit down and have tea!"

Zhuwenhao ran over with his butt and smoked and drank tea with Zhu Tiancheng.

"Cousin, what is this general?"

Zhu Tiancheng said with great pride: "this general, but a big man! I heard from the general's men before that, he seems to be a cultivator. I heard that the cultivator is more powerful than the average one. It is easy to kill Lin Feng! "

Zhu Tiancheng is so confident this time because of the strength of the general, but strong in Japan, famous four continents!

He saw the general kick a tree with a thin bowl and knew the strength of the general.

Zhu Wenhao was very happy at once and said, "uncle, please call the general to come here, kill Lin Feng, and kill that Changfeng. Then I will go to the university to find beautiful women. Let's celebrate it!"

"No problem!" Zhu Tiancheng grinned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!