The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 402

The intruder, dressed in a pink suit, held a bunch of bright roses in his hand, with a silly smile on his face.

"Who are you?"

Wuchang is alert and stands in front of jinlengyu to protect jinlengyu.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited!" "This is my man!" said Lin Feng

It's no one else. It's mice.

This is a pink dress, a look is to run to yu'er.

Lin Feng, full of black lines, said, "you've been here for a long time? Why is it just now? "

The mouse said with a smile: "of course, I have to appear at the critical moment, because it is important for me to attract the attention of my dear yu'er!"

Finish saying, return to jade son cast a wink: "is not ah, jade son!"

Yu'er rolled her eyes and wiped her face with both hands. She was quite helpless.

At this time, the mouse came to her, and suddenly knelt down on one knee and said in a solemn and resolute manner:

"dear yu'er, I come here specially for you today. Would you please be my girlfriend? No matter what happens in the future, I will always be with you. I will never give up. For the rest of my life, you are all I have

With that, a bunch of bright roses were handed directly to her.

"I wipe, but I don't have English. The country English almost slapped my old waist!" Lin Feng joked.

When they saw it, they were all happy.

This person is pink and tender, and even his shoes are pink. It's ridiculous for a big man to do this!

At first, everyone thought that this man was doing something, but he came to make love.

The Golden Phoenix is in the side cover mouth to smile secretly, did not expect jade son unexpectedly to have such crazy pursuer.

However, he was very well prepared, and he could see that he was very attentive. Therefore, everyone looked at yu'er and wondered whether she would agree with this young pink young man?

Yu'er made a big red face and said to the mouse, "what are you doing? Get up

"No, yu'er, if you don't promise me today, I won't get up!" Said the mouse.

"Yu'er, do you think about him? He is Lin Feng's brother. He should be entrusted to him! " Golden Phoenix half jokingly said.

With that, he couldn't help laughing.

"Big sister, is it so funny?" Yu Er's face is more and more red!

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's serious. It's not funny at all." The Golden Phoenix stopped laughing and said, "it's just that he's too pink and tender. I look at it a little strange."

After hearing this, the mouse said with pride: "you don't know, jade son likes people with a girl's heart, so for her, it's worth my being tender!"

"Well, very good, this man for you, regardless of worldly vision, I believe he will also be true to you in the future!" "Jade son, you can really think about it!" said the Golden Phoenix

Yu'er said reluctantly: "elder sister, since I went down the mountain, I have been following you all the time. I have been used to following you every day. I don't want any boyfriends. This is not suitable for me!"

"Yu'er, you will get married sooner or later!" Golden Phoenix said.

"No, I'll always be by my sister's side!" Yu'er's face was red.


Jin Fenghuang sighs. She is very moved by her loyalty, but she is worried about her stubbornness!

But at this time, Lin Feng said: "yu'er, let me be fair. If you are interested in men, you can consider my brother. If you are not interested in men, you can't help it! Don't torture my brother

All of them were amused by Lin Feng's words.

The heart said that although yu'er dressed up like a tomboy, but how to say is also a girl who is nostalgic. The girl is not interested in men, is she still interested in women?

Su Jing poked Lin Feng and said, "what you said is a little idiotic."

Lin Feng ha ha a smile, say: "white is not idiotic, the word is rough, reason is not rough!"

"Well, no problem!" Su Jing said with a smile.

At this time, but listen to the old summer in one side said: "found! There is a discovery! "

This sentence, said Lin Feng heart a joy, quickly way: "what discovery?"

Lao Xia said, "we found a square metal object about 10 meters below the lake. We don't know what it is. Do you want to dig it out and take it out?"

After hearing this, Lin Feng thought in his heart. It seems that this is really a secret!

"Lao Xia, apart from that thing, you haven't found any mineral deposits in the lower hair? We mainly help the gold group to find ore! " Lin Feng deliberately digs off the topic, making people think that he is mainly to explore underground minerals.

"No, there's no sign of minerals in the flat soil below." Old Xia said."Oh Lin Feng nodded, and then turned to ask the Golden Phoenix: "sister gold, this is your territory. If you find something below, do you want to take it up? Listen to your words!"

At this time, the heart of the Golden Phoenix was also a little excited. My cousin once said that this was a treasure land. I didn't expect that there was something below!

If Lin Feng hadn't brought people to explore, I'm afraid he would have been able to find the exact location of this thing!

"Take it up, of course!" Golden Phoenix said.

At this time, Jin Lengyu's face was calm. However, the impermanence around him gave out a yearning light in his eyes.

Every move of these people can be seen in Lin Feng's eyes. Lin Feng thinks that the Jin family must have ulterior motives for this exploration.

But Jin Lengyu doesn't seem to know that the Jin family has ulterior motives. She seems to think that the Jin family wants to open a mine, but the impermanence seems to know the intention of the Jin family.

This is very strange. Jin Lengyu is the eldest daughter of Jin Shengxiong, the eldest son of the Jin family. What's the intention of the Jin family? Why not tell Jin Lengyu, but tell a bodyguard?

But Lin Feng doesn't want to study these things now. He wants to know whether the following things are clues of blood jade!

At this time, Lao Xia called up the young man, and then called the excavation team. After about half an hour, the excavation team arrived at the scene and went into the water again with the young man to excavate the box.

At this time, the mouse is still courting her, "Dear jade, my legs are numb, please promise me!"

Jade son refused: "we can't, please don't pester me, you get up quickly, kneel for a long time will amputate!"

"Ah? Why amputation? Don't scare me Said the mouse.

"I didn't scare you, it's true! If you kneel on one knee like this, the blood does not circulate. Your kneeling leg will be useless Said yu'er.

"Well, I'll kneel on the other leg! So the blood circulates Said the mouse, changing its legs from side to side!

"Ah Yu'er is completely speechless.

On this side, because of the advanced excavation equipment and the fact that this kind of excavation is only a 10 meter deep flat soil layer, there is no difficulty. Soon the excavation team brought the thing up.

It turned out to be a cube box with a side length of 20 cm. The box was blackened, and the outside was made of metal, but the inside was not very clear.

People's eyes, all focused on the box.

Lin Feng asked Jin Fenghuang, "sister Jin, there may be some valuable things hidden in it. Do you want to open it now?"

Golden Phoenix looked around for a while, and then said to Lin Feng, "open it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!