The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 401

What's strange about Su Jing is that she feels very comfortable all the way.

This old Santana is very shabby. Before she drove on the road, she also turned off the engine several times, but unexpectedly, in Lin Feng's hand, it was smooth and steady, turning and braking, without any sense of frustration. It was just a feeling of sitting in a luxury car!

Su Jing is in a better mood. Lin Feng is really an old driver!

Soon, they arrived at the order of the Phoenix. Lin Feng stopped his car and saw the crescent lake not far away. It was surrounded by a guardrail in advance. The fence was covered with colored plastic, and no scene inside could be seen from the outside.

Jin Fenghuang is really considerate, because the more confidential the exploration work is today, the better!

Today, the Golden Phoenix also gave the order of the Phoenix a holiday. Except for the guard at the door and yu'er, no one else was allowed to go to work today.

Lin Feng took Su Jing to the rest room on the first floor of the order of the Phoenix. Because it was still early, neither Jin Fenghuang nor his family had come.

He asked Su Jing to rest in the rest room and went to crescent lake alone to check the situation around.

Crescent lake is not big, about 100 meters in diameter, the lake water is very clear, there are green bricks under the bottom.

The deepest part of the lake is only three or four meters deep, so the survey is not very difficult.

Moreover, it will not take long for such a small man-made lake to be explored once.

So today, there is likely to be a clue to find the blood jade.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng can not help rubbing his hands, a little excited.

After that, he went back to the rest room, and by about nine o'clock in the morning, everyone was here.

The Jin family came from Jin Lengyu and a young man with black glasses and a black suit.

Jin Fenghuang, on the other hand, takes yu'er and Su Jing with him. In fact, there are not many people present at the exploration today.

When we met, we first introduced briefly. The rest of the people, Lin Feng, knew the young man in black suit. Lin Feng had never seen him before.

Through Jin Lengyu's introduction, Lin Feng knows that the young man in a black suit is also called impermanence.

He is also Jin Lengyu's bodyguard, but he is also authorized to supervise the exploration project on behalf of the Jin family.

Lin Feng was more interested in the name of impermanence. He asked Jin Lengyu, "Why are your bodyguards called impermanence?"

"It's the name given by the owner of the Jin family. I don't know the meaning of it!" Jinlengyu road.

Lin Feng asked again, "how many impermanence do you have

"What do you want to know?" Jin Lengyu asked, but felt that her tone was a little mean, and she said coldly, "there are only two impermanence, one is white impermanence, and the other is black impermanence."

"It's interesting!" Lin Feng immediately understood, no wonder that before wearing a white suit, and this one wearing a black suit.

"Oh, black and white impermanence plays around. You are the king of Yan Lin Feng looks at Jin Lengyu with a smile.

"Shut up!" Jin Lengyu is angry at Lin Feng's smiley face.

She didn't like Lin Feng's cynicism. When her sister Jin Wan'er and Lin Feng were together, she was not used to the image of Lin Feng. After a few years, it was still the same.

"Golden beauty, don't forget that we still have an appointment! You'd better be polite to me! Otherwise, I will make unreasonable demands that night Lin Feng Road.

Before Jin Lengyu had promised Lin Feng that if Lin Feng beat Taotie, she would go out alone to accompany Lin Feng for one night, and unconditionally promised Lin Feng any request that night.

"Hum!" Jin Lengyu snorted coldly, her face turned red, and she did not continue to speak.

But suddenly, Lin Feng's heart is a shock.

He suddenly thought of a man who was quite similar to Jin Lengyu!

That person, Lin Feng just saw yesterday, is the person who was chased in that video! Jin Taishun!

Jin Lengyu is also a surname of Jin, and his manner and appearance are quite similar!

What a coincidence?

Is Jin Lengyu the daughter of Jin Taishun?

But Lin Feng turned to think, how could it be that Jin Lengyu is the daughter of Jin Shengxiong, the eldest brother of the Jin family, and Jin Shuntai also said in the video that one of his daughters is Aiyue and the other is aiwan, with different names.

I think it's because I'm too thoughtful.

Lin Feng takes a deep breath and calms his mind down!

Next, Lao Xia, a technician from Dongsheng Group, also came with a young man. They are the main technical personnel of this exploration.

It's almost time for people to arrive. It's time for the exploration project to begin.

Presided over by Jin Lengyu and Su Jing, a small meeting was held temporarily to determine the members of the exploration teams of both sides.

In the future, the exploration project will be led by Lin Feng of Dongsheng Group, and old Xia will be a technician. Other personnel can be replaced at any time. However, Wuchang of Jin family will be the supervisor to follow up the exploration progress at any time, and has a certain right to speak. For example, if something is discovered in this area, Wuchang has the right to directly replace the Jin family in managing this thing.In addition, both sides also confirmed the cost of this exploration to jinfenghuang. If there are mineral deposits below, they will negotiate with jinfenghuang to purchase mining rights and so on.

Of course, mining rights and so on. That's all later.

After the two sides have determined the basic things, the exploration project will be officially implemented.

A group of people followed the Golden Phoenix to the crescent lake and entered the area surrounded by the color fence.

The young man brought by old Xia changed his diving suit, put on his ventilator and survey instruments, and went into the water.

In fact, "geological exploration" refers to the exploration and exploration of Geology by various means and methods to determine the appropriate bearing stratum, determine whether it is suitable for mining according to the bearing capacity of the foundation of the bearing stratum, and then investigate and study the geological conditions of rocks, strata, structures, minerals, hydrology, geomorphology and other geological conditions in a certain area.

This kind of underwater geological exploration is usually conducted by magnetic method, seismic exploration, acoustic exploration, radioactive exploration, etc.

This time, the survey instruments are super advanced equipment jointly purchased by Jinjia and Dongsheng Group. The instruments and equipment are not large, but they are very precise. They not only have a variety of acoustic, magnetic and radioactive detection methods, but also have thermal induction and micro robot excavation technology. They are the most advanced equipment in the geological exploration instruments.

The equipment is divided into two parts. One part is in Lao Xia's hands. Lao Xia sits by the lake, props up a sun umbrella, and sets up a temporary table. He opens a suitcase on the table. In the trunk is the instrument. The instrument is equipped with a display screen on which exploration data will appear from time to time. Occasionally, geological images can be viewed through micro robots.

The other part of the equipment, on the young man's body, is more complicated, a lot of tentacles, pipes and other types of equipment, are the front-end equipment for instrument survey.

The young man and old Xia made a sign and began to survey the lake.

Here, Lao Xia stares at the changes in the screen data, directing the young people to constantly change the direction of the survey.

The crowd is a face ignorant circle of state, in the side of the serious wait and see.

After about an hour or so, yu'er lost her temper and asked Lao Xia, "Hi, engineer Xia, have you found anything? Is there any mineral below? "

Old Xia shook his head: "for the time being, nothing has been found."

With that, he waved to the young man and went deep into the lake.

But at this time, Lin Feng is to hear the footsteps of someone, although the person is very light, but still can not escape the ears of Lin Feng.

Because the guardrail is surrounded by colored plastic, you can't see the inside from the outside, and naturally you can't see the outside inside.

At this time, Lin Feng has felt that the man is close to the outside of the plastic, and may rush in at any time.

But he did not have any movement, just a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, but listen to a big drink, a person directly open the fence gap, from the outside to break in. , the fastest update of the webnovel!