The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 403

The young men of the excavation team put the box at the foot of the Golden Phoenix. Because the box had been stored underground for a long time, there was no place to open the box. So they cut the box with a cutter.

What's shocking is that the sealed box of this box is really good. When it was taken out of the lake, the water didn't enter into it. It was very dry.

When the box was opened, the first thing to see was a yellow book.

The book is very shabby. The cover is yellow and the handwriting is not clear. Lin Feng reaches for the book and looks through it. He finds that there are some obscure words in it, which seems to be some kind of internal training method.

But this book only half, the back part was torn away, disappeared.

Everyone did not pay attention to the book in Lin Feng's hand, but looked down. All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were bright.

At the bottom of the box, there were all kinds of treasures, shining, and the eyes of those who saw it turned red.

"Wow! We are going to be rich in the order of the Phoenix Jade son laughs a way!

Jin Fenghuang was also happy. She looked through the contents of the box and found that they were all gems, pearls, jade and gold and silver. As for Lin Feng's broken book, she didn't care much about it!

Looking at the things in the box, she thought, although the value of these things is immeasurable for the time being, they seem to be precious treasures. Maybe they can be sold at very high prices on the market or on the black market!

But Lin Feng is a little disappointed, a small box of treasures, to him, is no use for eggs!

However, at this time, listen to the Golden Phoenix said: "how can there be a poem under this box?"

"What poem?" Lin Feng looks at it.

However, the Golden Phoenix picked up the jade, pointed to the bottom of the box and said, "on the ground, I would like to be a LIANLI branch! Just one word! "

Lin Feng took a look, but saw the bottom of the box. Under those gems, there was an ancient poem, which was carved on the bottom of the box!

Lin Feng reached out and touched the poem, but found that the ancient poem was not carved on the box, but there was a depression at the bottom of the box with a small piece of broken jade inlaid on it. The ancient poem was on the broken jade.

Lin Feng's heart suddenly moved, this is not the clue of blood jade?

The impermanence on one side is also looking at the broken jade, and suddenly says to the Golden Phoenix: "president Jin, on behalf of the Jin family, I have a heartless request! Can you give me this piece of jade? Quan should be the reward for our efforts this time! "

When he said this, everyone was puzzled. Jin Lengyu didn't expect that Wuchang would suddenly say such a sentence.

What is the use of a broken jade?

But at this time, Lin Feng said with a smile: "impermanence, your gold family also wasted a lot of energy this time. I think a broken jade is not enough to express the reward. You should be given several precious stones as a reward! Even if you break jade, it's not up to grade! "

With that, she looked at the Golden Phoenix and said, "sister Jin, are you right?"

Naturally, Jin Fenghuang nodded his head and said, "yes, the gold family invested in this exploration project. If you find some treasures, you can't lose the gold family. You can choose a few gemstones to take back to the gold family as a reward."

Impermanence said, "it's unnecessary. I just want that piece...

but Lin Feng immediately interrupted Wuchang and said," Hey, brother Wuchang, why are you so polite? Sister Jin gives you a good gem. You don't want it, but you have to ask for a broken jade. Are you calling elder sister Jin stingy

Jin Lengyu also felt that Lin Feng's words were reasonable, so he said, "impermanence, what Lin Feng said is reasonable. You can take some decent things."

Impermanence frowned and said, "Miss, I really just want that broken jade..."

"it's not what you want, brother impermanence. This is the business of the Jin family. How can you do what you want?" Lin Feng said with a bad smile: "I am the master, you take a few gems back, a sapphire, a ruby, an emerald, enough? Colorful, tut Tut, how fresh! As for me, the broken jade belongs to me. After all, I didn't make any efforts. A piece of worthless thing can temporarily fill the void in my heart! "

Golden Phoenix said with a smile: "Lin Feng, you don't have to be polite, you can also pick some valuable things!"

"No!" Lin Feng said with righteous words: "I always regard money as dirt. Any wealth can't shake my pure heart! So, I don't want anything. I want this piece of broken jade. It's also to commemorate the first cooperation between Dongsheng Group and Kim group. "

Hearing this, the Golden Phoenix looked at Lin Feng with admiration and said, "Lin Feng, there are not many pure people like you now!"

"Oh! The world is going down and the world is in hot water! But I will stick to the last trace of purity, and will not let money poison my character. So, please agree with me Lin Feng Road.

"Well, I won't give you anything else. Take this broken jade." Finish saying that, return a pair of you to lose the eye to look at Lin Feng.And Lin Feng, is a very strong dark cool.

At this time, the impermanence on one side of the face is black, can't be angry!

This his? Lin Feng, not only got broken jade, but also made himself so noble, this man is simply too cunning!

But why does Lin Feng want that broken jade? Does he know the secret of blood jade?

No, I have to report it to the Jin family and let the Jin family pay attention to Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng was thinking about another problem.

The poem on this broken jade is "willing to be a LIANLI branch in the earth". What enlightenment does this poem have? What does it have to do with blood jade?

I wish to be a parawing bird in the sky and LIANLI branch in the earth!

And this in the ground is willing to be LIANLI branch, and that sentence "the east wind is powerless, hundred flowers remain"?

These two poems are different. It's a lot of brain work!

Lin Feng didn't understand for a moment, so he didn't want to think about it at first. Maybe he could collect four clues and see it at a glance!

This broken jade is a priceless treasure for Lin Feng. Lin Feng wants to reach out and take the broken jade, but he feels impolite. After all, the treasure chest was found in the territory of jinfenghuang. However, Jin Fenghuang promised to give the broken jade to himself. If he was eager to get it, it would be very bad.

Or wait for the Golden Phoenix to give it to yourself!

Lin Feng thought that he was not in a hurry to get things from the treasure chest. However, at this time, he heard a big drink and suddenly came: "you call Lin Feng, right?"

The voice was very loud and full of air. With the sound, a man turned over from the plastic fence.

The man was dressed in a white fighting suit with thick eyebrows and big eyes!

When he entered the fence, his eyes were fixed on Lin Feng.

"Yes, I am Lin Feng!" When Lin Feng talked, he thought about it carefully and found that he didn't know this person.

"Lin Feng, I'm here to kill you today. Come with all your strength! Either you die or I die! " The man said, his eyes wide open, but he rushed directly to Lin Feng.

Only a moment, he has reached Lin Feng, a heavy blow, with the momentum of thunder, directly to Lin Feng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!