The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 400

Jincheng, Chengbei District, shanbang headquarters.

In the hall of the shanbang headquarters, Mr. Cui is reporting work to the two new big men!

The old man sat on a carved wooden chair, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he could not see whether he was sleeping or waking up.

Next to him, a young man in a long white shirt is asking Cui Sanye:

"is this your achievement? Months, no news? Is an inscription so difficult to find? Why don't you send all your disciples to the mountain for me? "

The young man was a little angry. The inscription he said was what Taotie had been asking Cui Sanye to look for.

"Mr. Zishu, I've sent a lot of people to look for it. Can't all of us who rely on the mountain help all look for it? If there is no underground business, we need help Third master Cui's face showed a puzzled way.

"Does the underground casino need so many people?" The young man, known as Zishu, said angrily, "Taotie once said to me that there are hundreds of disciples at least in your support group, and more than a dozen people are sent to find inscriptions. Are you perfunctory to us?"

"Zishu, I sent dozens of people, not a dozen!" Cui San ye said: "besides, the Fuhu peak is also very big, we have been trying our best to find it!"

"Waste!" Zi Shu said angrily.

At this time, someone came in and said, "Third Master, there is a Japanese from outside the gate. We can't speak with him. He has to come in. If we don't let him in, he will get angry and hurt one of us!"

"Lying in the trough, it's against the sky!" Cui San Ye sat in the wheelchair, but he was very angry: "push me out, I don't believe it. Who is he? So brave?"

"Wait!" But Zishu said, "don't stop him. Let him in. He's my man."


Cui San Ye was speechless at once, but he felt very sad in his heart!

Your people? Your people just hit my people? Why are you so unreasonable?

But at this time, Cui's whole body was injured, and he didn't know Chu Zishu and the old man named Baili Tongmu for a moment. The background was so strong that he didn't dare to contradict him rashly.

So Mr. Cui kept telling himself that he could bend and stretch. Then, he put the pressure on him and said with a smile:

"Oh, it's Zishu who invited him. Please call someone in

The little brother listened and ran down. After a while, he came in with a small but strong Japanese man.

The Japanese man's face was thin and angular. Just looking at his appearance, he felt quite powerful.

When Zishu met the Japanese, he immediately had a smile on his face and had a simple conversation with the Japanese.

Zishu actually speaks fluent Japanese, which makes him confused.

The two said for a while, and then Zishu whispered in the old man's ear: "master, he's coming!"

After hearing this, Bai Li's grandmother opened her eyes slightly, took a look at the Japanese, and then nodded.

Cui felt like an outsider at this time, but he was not willing to be kept in the dark, so he asked, "Zishu, what are you talking about?"

Zishu frowned and said to Cui Sanye, "this matter has nothing to do with you. Go down first. Remember to send more people to look for the stone tablet. I'm not as patient as Taotie. I won't give you much time."

Cui San Ye bit his teeth, but finally he said with a smile: "well, I will try my best to find it!"

With that, he was pushed down.

In the hall, there are only Zishu, Baili Tongmu and the Japanese!

"Master, you asked me to choose someone from the organization last time. This is the person I chose. He is a Japanese expert!" Zishu said to Baili's grandmother


Bai Li's grandmother nodded and didn't say anything!

The Japanese, however, bowed respectfully to Bai Li Tong Mu.

After that, he arranged to talk with Japanese people.

After everything is done, Zishu and Baili Tongmu go back to the room and have a private conversation.

"Zishu, tomorrow is the first day of the Jinjia exploration project. I heard that the first exploration site they chose was the headquarters of a community in the south of the city, called the order of Phoenix! If the clue of blood jade is found that day, does the person you invited have the ability to easily take the clue from the hands of Jin family and Lin Feng? " Looking at the mirror, Bai Li's grandmother stroked her beard, admiring herself and asking Zishu.

Standing behind Baili Tong Mu, Zishu gently looked at the girl in the mirror and said, "master, don't worry, the strength of this Japanese man is much higher than that of Taotie. What's more, he is a Japanese ninja, very good at camouflage and assassination! He can crush Lin Feng as easily as an ant! "

"Oh? Ninja? " "Ninshu is a kind of knowledge. Although it originated from Qimen dunjia, it's really powerful after being taken by these Japanese people and changed its face.""Yes, this Ninja named Yamamoto is a ninja family. His father used to work for our organization! So he is also loyal to us

"Good!" Bai Li said: "you should tell him that as long as the clue of the blood jade appears, you should take back that clue at any cost! After that, I'll be rewarded

"Good!" Zishu said.

Then, as if thinking of something, he asked, "Lin Feng, shall we kill him by the way?"

"It's just a mole ant. Why kill him? Keep him, and he will continue to search for clues of blood jade for us Bai Li Tong Mu said: "on the contrary, if you kill him, the exploration project personnel will change. We have to wait for them to regroup. Please!"

After that, he thought again and said, "of course, if Lin Feng hinders us from seizing the treasure, you are welcome. If you want to die yourself, no one can save him!"

"I see!" Zishu nodded.




the next morning, Lin Feng got up early and called the mouse to take a taxi to the order of Phoenix.

After that, she finished washing and waiting for Su Jing upstairs.

Since the leaders of Dongsheng Group and Jinshi Group had already met and held talks when signing the contract, it would have been better if the representatives of both parties had arrived at the scene to start the project today.

Naturally, Jin Lengyu came from the Jin family, while Su Jing represented Dongsheng Group.

The two sides will show their faces at the launching ceremony, and basically the exploration project will start.

So Lin Feng has to take Su Jing with him today.

Soon Su Jing came downstairs. She had finished washing upstairs. After a few mouthfuls of breakfast, she went out with Lin Feng.

Su Jing and Lin Feng went to the garage. She said in advance, "Lin Feng, don't ride your bike this time. It's painful to go there."

"Well, let's drive today." Lin Feng said.

"You can choose which one to drive. After all, you are my driver today!" Su Jing walked out of the door and opened the garage.

"The price of this Maserati is the highest and the most luxurious, but the performance of that Cadillac is also very good. Oh, the black Audi seems to be more official and more powerful. You can choose it at will." Su Jing pointed to three beautiful luxury cars in the garage.

"Good!" Lin Feng said, but he pointed to the corner with a smile: "just drive that old used Santana!"

"Ah? This... "

" don't worship brother, I like to keep a low profile! " Lin Feng Road.

"Adoring your sister is... Too low key, isn't it?" Su Jing looked at the dusty Santana. She hadn't opened it for a long time.

"Oh, this car is very suitable for car shock!" Lin Feng looked at Su Jing and said, "it's a big space. It's not a pity if it's damaged."

"Shut up, wretched!" Su Jing said, "who was in a car crash with you?"

"One day you and I will be shocked, but I'm not in a hurry!" Lin Feng laughed obstinately, and then said, "didn't you let me choose a car? Why, you don't mean what you say

"Of course I mean what I say!" Su Jing immediately regretted that he had to choose the old-fashioned second-hand Santana instead of three luxury cars. It was a wonderful flower!

"OK, get in the car then." Lin Feng opened the door, blew the dust on the seat, and made a gesture to Su Jing: "I have a beautiful president, please!"

"Alas Su Jing sighed and got into the car! , the fastest update of the webnovel!