The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 399

Songjiang City, Tiancheng entertainment club.

Tiancheng entertainment club is a well-known club in Songjiang city. It is luxurious and full of money.

At this time, in a large box, Zhu Wenhao was wearing plaster all over his body and was begging for another person.

The man was wearing a white shirt and black trousers. His face was full of flesh. He looked very fierce. Moreover, he wore a black eye mask on his left eye to cover a blind eye, which made his fierce appearance add a touch of the atmosphere of the river and lake.

This person is not other people, it is Zhu Wenhao's cousin, Zhu Tiancheng, known as a big man!

At this time, the big man was sitting on the broad sofa with a brown Cuban cigar in his mouth. The aroma of tobacco was around him. He was enjoying the aroma all over his face without looking at Zhu Wenhao, who was kneeling on the ground.

"Please forgive me, cousin. I didn't mean to betray you! I won't be any more! " Zhu Wenhao said.

The big guy still ignored Zhu Wenhao, but said to a younger brother like person on the side: "this cigar tastes good. Let ah kunduo go to the black market to get some for me. I'm used to smoking it!"

"Yes, big brother!" The little brother nodded respectfully.

"Uncle, don't ignore me! I beg you to forgive me this time Zhu Wenhao pleaded.

The old man frowned and said to the younger brother, "who is garrulous by the side? Blow me out!"

As soon as he heard that he was going to throw himself out, Zhu Wenhao was in a hurry and yelled: "uncle, don't drive me away. You and my father are brothers. He's in the prison now. Isn't it for your Tiancheng Group? You're driving me now. Are you... Worthy of him? "

"Don't you talk about your father?" The big man finally couldn't help but get angry: "you this unfilial son of a son, get out of here. If it wasn't for your father's face, I would kill you today!"

"Uncle, I really didn't mean to. I promise I won't do stupid things again. Uncle, in the face of my father, give me this chance!" Zhu Wenhao said on the cheek.

"Hum!" The old man snorted coldly, but his face softened a bit. Obviously, Zhu Wenhao's father had a certain weight in his heart.

"Uncle, please give me one last chance. It depends on my father's face. Please, I'm at a loss now!" Zhu Wenhao begged.

"No way!" The big man said.

Zhu Wenhao shook his head helplessly, went to the big man and picked up the huge ashtray on the table.

The younger brother next to the big man came forward one after another and said, "what do you want to do?"

Zhu Wenhao did not make a sound, but waved to the plaster on his arm and leg.

"Pa --"

all the gypsum has been broken!

Zhu Wenhao's legs softened, and he knelt down directly and said, "uncle, I sincerely repent. Please accept me!"

The old man gave Zhu Wenhao a cold glance, but his heart was shaken. After all, breaking the plaster may cause his broken bones to shift or even deform.

This shows that the boy is really determined to apologize!

Instead of responding to Zhu Wenhao, he frowned and said, "you're such a disgrace to your father! Say, who beat you like this

As soon as Zhu Wenhao heard this, his cousin unexpectedly asked, that is, there was a play. He quickly said with a sad face: "it may be that you don't know him. It's a guy younger than me in Jincheng, called Linfeng!"

"Lin Feng?"

The big man's eyes suddenly shot out a killing intention, and his teeth clenched: "how can I not know Lin Feng? Don't say it's you. Even I hate him to the bone!"

"Ah? Uncle, you have a problem with him, too? " Zhu Wenhao was very surprised.

"It's not a festival!" The big man clenched his teeth and squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "it's a deep hatred!"

He has long hated Lin Feng as deeply as he hates Tang Dongsheng!

He repeatedly started with Tang Dongsheng. He employed people from all walks of life, from Xie Sanjia at the beginning, Lei Hong from the wild wolf society, and Shen Yunhai, the Shen family group. They attacked Tang Dongsheng from various angles, but they were all dissolved by Lin Feng.

Even the killer he hired and a foreign mercenary organization went to assassinate Su Jing twice, but they were killed by Lin Feng.

Up and down, before and after, spent a large amount of money, but all failed, it is simply angry he crazy!

Without Lin Feng, the enemy of Tang Dongsheng, he would have been ruined.

However, because of this stumbling block, he failed again and again.

Tang Dongsheng is his mortal enemy, so Lin Feng is his thorn in the flesh, he would like to break Lin Feng into pieces.

So, when Zhu Wenhao talked about Lin Feng, the big guy's teeth were almost broken!

Even if Zhu Wenhao didn't say anything about it, he would take the initiative to find Lin Feng to settle accounts. Although he didn't make any moves during this period, it was not that he gave up dealing with Tang Dongsheng and Lin Feng, but that he was choosing a more suitable person.Coincidentally, just a week ago, he finally found a master!

This man is a Chinese assassin! It is said that he learned from one of the nine major sects in China. However, it is not known which sect it is.

The reason why the big guy thinks this person is powerful is that this person is the new man that the death alliance is advocating recently!

This man, nicknamed "Wu Chi", is just like his name. He is obsessed with martial arts practice and is bent on challenging world-class experts.

He found that he couldn't find a master around him, so he went to the death league's death list to challenge him. Within a week, he challenged three players on the death list in a row. All of them won completely and had brilliant achievements!

Even chacai, the eightieth Muay Thai master nicknamed "iron elbow Buddha", was defeated by him in a few moves. Within a week, he was on the 80th place in the death list.

In the near future, his ranking is likely to rise rapidly!

The reason why this man is famous in the death alliance is that he has a quirk. He likes to take on combat and assassination missions, especially those against masters. Strangely, he does not charge any commission. He only wants to experience the pleasure of fighting and the sense of honor of defeating masters.

The boss picked him at a glance, and felt that he was the best candidate to assassinate Lin Feng.

The reason why the big guy pays attention to the death alliance is that he once hired killers in the alliance, but they are all small roles at the bottom of the death list. There is an unwritten rule of the alliance of death. Before the task starts, the full commission is paid. If the task fails, the alliance will not refund a cent.

And those killers at the bottom of the death list have lower commission. If the task fails, the big guy can accept it.

The higher the rank is, the higher the Commission will be. Even some killers' Commission is too high. The big guy is afraid that he will spend so much money, but he can't fix the enemy. He will not hire high-level killers because he lost his wife and lost his army.

This time, however, the opportunity came.

This Chinese, nicknamed Wu Chi, doesn't want money!

Moreover, the task is so in line with him, assassinate an expert!

In the eyes of the big man, Lin Feng is definitely a master. What's more shocking is that there is a man in the list of the gods of death who has the same name as Lin Feng. He is nicknamed "hell hell hell", also known as Lin Feng, ranking 73.

Of course, the boss knows that the man is definitely not Lin Feng. The alliance of the gods of death is a top international organization. All the people who can enter the list of the gods of death are elites among the elite. Although Lin Feng is powerful, he still can't reach that level.

The big guy even felt that if Lin Feng was the "hell hell hell" in the death list, and "Wu Chi" could easily defeat him.

Because the ability of "Wu Chi" has not been fully developed, he is still challenging the high ranking. In a week, he has reached the 80th place, and the 73rd place "hell hell hell" is in danger.

Therefore, the big man feels that this is an excellent opportunity, "Wu Chi" will return to China tomorrow, and tomorrow is Lin Feng's death.

The big man said to Zhu Wenhao, "don't play hard meat with me. Go back to have a rest. By the way, tomorrow's mobile phone must be kept on."

"Why?" Zhu Wenhao asked.

Big man confidently smile: "because tomorrow, I will send someone to send the photo of Lin Feng's corpse to your mobile phone!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!