The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 398

"Boss, what is blood jade?" At this time, Wei Yichen asked.

"You'd better not know some things. Don't mention the three words blood jade, or you may encounter unimaginable danger!" Lin Feng said to Wei Yichen.

"Wow! Is it so exciting? " Wei Yichen said, "OK, boss, I'll listen to you."

"Well!" Lin Feng nodded and said to the mouse, "get ready. Tomorrow, I'll take you to the order of the Phoenix and fire our first shot."

"OK!" Said the mouse.

After that, both sides chatted a few more words, and Lin Feng and Wei Yichen went out of the door.

After getting on Wei Yichen's car, Wei Yichen said, "boss, do you want to go back to the drag racing party? Don't forget that you are also the peace Ambassador of the drag racing party

"A little busy recently!" Lin Feng did not directly refuse, but asked: "by the way, is the drag racing party peaceful recently?"

"Peace is peace, but it seems that peace will not be so soon!" Wei Yi Chen worried said.

"Why do you say that?" Lin Feng asked.

Wei Yichen frowned and said very seriously, "boss, have you heard of Japanese generals?"

"Yes Lin Feng Road.

He said in his heart that he had just finished with Lao Hu last time. How could he not know that he was in Chu Yuqi's house and killed a leader under the general's seat, called an actor.

Wei Yichen said: "general is the leader of an organization in Japan. He sent a man to Jincheng. The name of the man is very strange. Others call him a driver! The driver has a great reputation. It is said that he is one of the seven leaders under the Japanese general! "

"Oh? What does he have to do with the drag racing party? " Lin Feng asked.

"Boss, listen to me slowly!" Wei Yichen said: "the reason why the driver came to Jincheng this time is that a leader died under the Japanese general's seat. The dead leader's name is Xizi. The driver's coming here is mainly to avenge the actor!"

"Oh, that's it Lin Feng said.

Wei Yichen said with a sullen look on his face: "it is said that this Japanese organization is arrogant and domineering. He often comes to our China to make trouble. He doesn't pay any attention to the Chinese people. Moreover, they are always clamoring for the incompetence of China. We are very angry. It's really gratifying that someone in China came to kill the actors this time! The whole drag racing party wants to worship the murderer! "

"Oh? Isn't that exaggerated? " Lin Feng pondered with a smile.

"It's no exaggeration. You haven't heard how arrogant the general's people are. They come to China to kill people and steal goods, and then they laugh at the incompetence of the Chinese people. This time, when the actor dies, they are even more blatant, saying that the Chinese people have angered them. In this revenge action, they will find the murderer and break the murderer into pieces!" Wei Yichen said.

"Well, it's very loud!" Lin Feng nodded!

"Who said it was not! So now I'm worried about the safety of the Chinese who killed the actors! " Wei Yichen said.

"Where did you hear the news?" Lin Feng asked.

"Black market!" Wei Yichen said: "someone saw the driver in the black market to buy auto parts! In the black market, the driver threatened to unload the Huaxia people's eight yuan, skin pinching and cramping! "

"Oh, I didn't expect that his name was so common. He was very cruel." Lin Feng said with a smile: "the names of the leaders under the general's seat are all very interesting. What actors, what drivers, are there cooks? Security? "

"I don't know that, but their names seem to be very grounded! And their names have a lot to do with what they like Wei Yichen said: "this driver was once a professional racing driver. He was very famous in Japan. Later, he entered the underground racing circle. It's a myth. Because of his fierce style of racing, his opponent's cars were destroyed and many competitors were afraid to step forward. Recently, he was more confident and gave himself a name called" Shura "!"

"Shura! I wipe it Raymond Lam frowned as like as two peas of the underground racing car.

Is this a coincidence? Or do you have ulterior motives?

But Lin Feng is also a smile on this matter, let it ups and downs, I stand still, let them make it!

"By the way, what does the arrival of this driver have to do with you? Do you want to race for you Lin Feng sees Wei Yi Chen tardy not to talk about the subject, then asks a way.

"Yes Wei Yichen said: "the driver came to Jincheng and learned about our drag racing party in advance. Our drag racing party in Jincheng is quite famous in the drag racing industry in China. Therefore, his arrogance is reflected here. The man has not appeared yet. The war book has come to us first!"

It's a real thing! If you want to revenge, why do you have a fight first? " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Who knows, I feel that he is challenging our racing industry in China!" Wei Yichen said, suddenly worried: "but he has a characteristic, racing like a fight, not completely fast racing, he likes other cars, car crash, grab the road and so on, so he left a very terrible impression on many of his competitors!""This man is so dangerous, don't compare with him!" Lin Feng said.

"But as soon as sister V heard that the man's nickname was" Shura, "she would have to compare with that man Wei Yichen said.

"Big V is beautiful, but how can you be so brainless at the critical moment?" Lin Feng said: "do you have to do anything you want? Cut

"Boss, are you afraid?" Wei Yichen looks at Lin Feng with a smile.

Lin Feng deliberately said, "you're all playing with your life. Who's not afraid? Let your big sister V stop playing! "

Lin Fengxin said, come to revenge if you want to revenge, return him? Biao what car, you are a vengeful person, I have no respect for this enemy!

"Yichen, when will the race start?" Lin Feng asked again.

"Tomorrow afternoon!" Wei Yichen said.

Lin Feng thinks that tomorrow is his day to dig treasure. I'm afraid there is no time to go to see it. But the driver is running to meet him. It's not interesting enough to meet him!

So Lin Feng plans to squeeze out some time tomorrow and have to go and have a look!

But he didn't want to reveal his whereabouts. He said, "Oh, tomorrow, unfortunately, I guess I can't go there."

"Oh, disappointment!" Wei Yichen said.

In fact, Wei Yichen is more disappointed that she thinks Lin Feng is really stage fright! Just find an excuse not to go!

"Don't be disappointed, you let V big protect his own life, lose not lose face, don't lose life ha!" Lin Feng said.

Wei Yichen can't help feeling a little sad!

Honor is the lifeblood of a driver. Does the boss care so little about honor?

Oh! Boss, you've fallen!

However, Lin Feng saw through Wei Yichen's careful thinking. He did not expose it. Instead, he gave Wei Yichen a smile and said: "if you go to the scene tomorrow, you must remember to take me to your mobile phone!"

Wei Yichen doesn't understand what the boss means, but he thinks that maybe the boss wants to watch the live broadcast and connect the video? He nodded and said, "OK!"

"Now, take me home!" Lin Feng Road.


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